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Training Questions


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Is there someone specific that teaches Pointy End Bad RP? Or can I just address it for any CoS with WS over 5?


Also do I need to do an intro post since I already put my Dainin outside the Fortress? Is there any Dreadlords/Dreadladies who will do an intro RP? Say my being handed over to them for training and to be told what the dos and don'ts are, etc.? You get to boss Dainin around! ;D


A side note is that soon as I finish one or both of the above, Jehaine and I have a Rivalry RP planned. ;)



Dainin Raskowa, Acolyte to the Great Lord

Syl ;)

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My thoughts, just because i can (;D):


Pointy End: Pretty much anyone over WS 5, or a NPC that exists solely for training purposes will do i reckon.


Intro post: Yup, even though you're already at the Fortress and know you can channel, the CotS doesn't know this yet ICly and would still need to test you. Not to mention assign you to a room, a Mentor (i think) etc. etc. etc.


Rivalry RP: Working on a good IC reason for it, trust me :P

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actualy no he been picked up in his bio due to having channeled already (got the spark), so he dont need to be tested


if you dont have the spark and thus havent channeled you need to be tested to find out if you can learn, if you got a char that go that route to the OP


3rdly we dont have a intro req ;) (however you are allowed to do more RPs then your req's its all up to yourself)


we got a intro to saidin/saidar which is someting tig can teach you since he seems willing


and yeah any PC with high enough ws to be plausible to be a teacher, or a NSW *s* could train in ws


and speaking of witch just mailed you jehaine ;)

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lol you dont need it, but as said you all are free to do more RPs to explore your chars history and whatnot, i think its good you do *s*


i think its great that you all have indeas and enjoy things *goes to read mail*

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Ok, thanks all!


Tig I can do a post presenting myself to the Fortress and put Attn you on it. :D Been in a lot of pain lately so it might take a couple of days before I can get it up, k?


Jehaine let me know if you need help with ideas as our dreadies our close in age. One idea is rivalry getting a Dreadlords/ladys attention privately instead of sharing it.  ;) That could bring someone else in like Tig or Ata. ;) Anyways you know my MSN ID.


Dainin Raskowa


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Kinda like opening it up in a courtyard and my Dainin declares for, lets say a Forsaken that he believes in and others came in for or against?


Or something like that. Any other ideas from the rest of the Dreadie Initiates or Acolytes?

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it can be something like just not liking opinions on other things, missudnerstandings or whatnot


maybe a rivalry between the learners and the ones with the spark inborn? or boys vs girls, having friends who dont get along


say a couple intiates that dated and broke up and the rest can form wings around which side is the one who has it rigth

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Mmm, rivalries... I think we have a least one noble floating in our batch, right?  'Cause my Rendra is a street rat with an anti-authoritarian attitude, and wouldn't mind ripping some rich chick's face off ^__^

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Hee, we can possibly tweak an intense hatred.  I have some ideas that I could use either Jeh or Syl for, if they were interested.. or both.  I need to re-read your character bios though before I get it formulated ;)

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*chuckles softly* Down boy ;)


As I used to tell my troops (and still tell the occasional listener) - respect me for my knowledge base.  Respect me for working for you, but watch that worshippy stuff; it's unnerving! ;)

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