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The Last Battle

Tuon Rocks 123

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Moiraine would not be using Compulsion. She'd probably be using something much more mild, such as simple persuasion or that weave Verin used.
That weave Verin used? Oh, you mean her version of compulsion.
Which is why Rand was able to resist it - Dragon Reborn or not, before they even reached the Eye I severely doubt Rand could muster anything near the amount of willpower needed to resist Moiraine's Compulsion,
I wasn't aware we had such detailed knowledge of Moiraine's abilities with compulsion, and the strength of will necessary to fight it off.
and if he was touching the Source he would have known.
Also, being able to channel or even holding the Power does not guarantee protection from Compulsion - Graendal proves that.
Sorry, Graendal proves what? That women holding the power can be compelled? True. This relates to Rand and the inability to compel [glow=red,3,900]men[/glow] holding the power how, exactly? (I tried to make the relevant part of the sentence stand out). This is something we learn from Sammael. I will, of course, retract this if you show me where she compels a man holding the Power. Also, Moiraine herself notes that stubbornness could have been what caused Rand to throw off her bond, although it does give her suspicions.


bRANDan, I agree. While she obviously didn't use the Warder bond, she herself uses the term bond so a bond of some sort was used, and there appear to be certain similarities (the ability to find Rand, for example).

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I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. Men can not be directed with the warder bond. Lan and Rand prove this because Lan can be and Rand can't, and I'd say they both have really strong wills, this is why I assumed that even while not holding the power, Men who can chanell have a degree to which they cannot be compelled. Just simple fact.

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Men who can chanell have a degree to which they cannot be compelled. Just simple fact.

Simple speculation actually.  Unless that degree is specifically tied to them holding the power.


The only fact we have is that when a man is holding the power, the compulsion of the warder bond is ineffective.  As to when they aren't holding the power, we have no proof that being able to touch Saidin effects your resistance to compulsion positively or negatively.

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Men who can chanell have a degree to which they cannot be compelled. Just simple fact.

Simple speculation actually.  Unless that degree is specifically tied to them holding the power.


The only fact we have is that when a man is holding the power, the compulsion of the warder bond is ineffective.  As to when they aren't holding the power, we have no proof that being able to touch Saidin effects your resistance to compulsion positively or negatively.

Actually, it's all compulsion.
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