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the end is near


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I'm commin back soon people.  My two year hiatus ends on 26 May, I get home that evening, so I hope all has been gpomg well.  Anyone that remembers me, feel free to update me on anything new I need to know about.



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Well, since he already made an appearance I guess I will go ahead and make my announcement. *eyes Corwin*


Over the next few weeks I will be showing Corwin the ropes and getting him used to how I run things *cackles then coughs* Sorry I mean how things are running here at DM ;) So that upon his full return he can step up as ADL for the Warders Div.


He has been around a long time, and while he has been absent of late I think he is going to make a great addition to the team. So please everyone welcome him with open arms.


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*pins down* i call the dibs on geting on that RP list daddy poo :P


Lii as i think you know goten bonded, and i think we got a rp laying around somewhere where she was suposed to tell him about it...i think...if not we should do one

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Ata, we've had so many RPs laying around that I don't know if we could pick even half of them back up again.


Devon, thanks.


Eq, you think I'll work?...yeah right.


Raeyn, it will be good to see you too, I'm glad some people I'm familiar with stayed around from all the mass exoduses that have happened.


Slyvirci, well you better give her the slack then...


Jehaine, welcome to DM and the Div.

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Actually hon, your time away was only slightly off from *MY* time away - I left after that whole WT Drama back in 2005, and ended up coming back because I saw one of those people picking on someone still here... that didn't go so well in the end, though *chuckles*


It is good being back though; DM somehow reminds me how to speak out and say the things that need saying, even if it is normally things no one wants to hear.  And y'know.. this IS home, and I'm glad to be back to treat it nicely and make it a happy place for EVERYONE, not just a handful that think they're better than everyone else.




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Happens a surprising amount of time there Raeyn. There's another forum i love being on, posting quality so high i actually felt almost intimidated reading random threads back when i joined it a few years ago.


But yeah... Eventually there was a falling out among the Admins about elitism creeping in, because new applications were held to the same high standards as those of the others.


I worked my way up to Admin there now as well, and it's recovering, though things are still a little slow there. It'll live though.


Anyway, now that i've completely derailed the topic, i'm going to do the uncommon thing and try and fix it by thanking Corwin for welcoming me to DM and the Div ;)

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Actually, i've found a workaround to that. By setting my 'home country' in Hotmail to Korea (but keeping 'preferred language' set to 'English', of course), all my MSN ads now show up in Korean to me.


Which i can't read.


Which is exactly why i intend to keep my settings that way :P

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*steps on Corwin* Oh you will work or I will be forced to harm you in all sorts of gruesome and disgusting ways!!


*wiggles eyebrows and blows kisses*

We have another few RP's to get going on as well :p

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