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Would you get off the floor?! (Attn Ata and MoT)


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“No Ramiele! I don’t want to go with you to get tested. I don’t think they would let me if I tried. I’ll just hang around the city until Karson is through training. I have the money.”


“Fine. Just be careful out there. It may be Tar Valon, but you can get mugged here just as easy as any other city.”


“Of course. I know that. Now get going or you’ll make those Aes Sedai mad.”


Ramiele scurried up the broad steps of the White Tower and shot Saeric a quick glance. She really did act more like an older sister than a younger. She smiled and disappeared into the large wooden doors. Saeric turned around and disappeared into the crowd. He passed all sorts of shops along the street trying to hawk their wares to anyone who would listen. Many sold food, like apples, meat pies, and any kind of veggie you could want. Some sold household essentials like pots, pins, saws, and that sort of stuff. Then there were those who had the expensive and fine wares. Sea Folk porcelain, rugs from all corners of the globe, silk and ivory wares from the magical land of Shara, and jewelerys of all styles. Yes, Tar Valon could indeed be the capital of the Westlands.


Saeric just ignored the hawkers and kept to himself. What he wanted was an inn and a mug of ale. His mother wasn’t here to peer over his shoulder to stop him. So he was 16. He had often been told he looked older than what he actually was.


He spied a sign on the side of a three-story building on a street corner. It showed a girl with long gleaming hair sitting on a crescent moon. It read “The Sky’s Maiden”. An interesting name, if anything. It seemed clean, but not outrageously posh. He stepped into the common room to be filled with the wonderful smells of ale mixed with roast beef. The aroma threatened to soak his shirt with saliva. He snapped out of his food stimulated trance and located the innkeeper. Innkeepers, actually. A husband and wife ran it together. He was a jolly man in his late thirties and she was quite a beautiful woman who hadn’t aged much, but was likely of similar age. A nice couple. They gave him a nice room on the second floor, and three square meals a day for a reasonable price. Saeric told them that he should only be a few days, and they seemed alright with it. A very nice couple.


He decided on a table beside the wall furthest from the door. Only a few minutes passed before the Mrs. brought him a plate heaped with food. Three thick slices of roast beef covered in gravy, mashed potatoes with more of the rich gravy, sliced green beans with some kind of sauce on them, likely cheese, and fresh, crusty bread with butter. This was the best he had eaten in a while. He dug in merrily.


He ordered seconds and also asked for a mug of ale. The second plate wasn’t as full, but equally delicious. The ale was perfectly aged, as well, but he wasn’t an expert, so he may be completely off. He noticed someone coming towards him, and however it as seemed like he was familiar with brandy. He started to pull out a chair to sit down with him. The evening could be interesting.


Saeric Talvus


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Cyrain shruged out of the sweaty clothes from the training, it had been hard geting back in form the last few months, but she was geting there, and had the afternoon and evening off, as well tomorow morning, which suited her perfectly. Sliping some of her dagers into folds in her clothes she left all visible signs of who she was behind in the room, dinner in the city tonigth. She unbraided her hair and shook out a couple broken leaves, then let it setle down her back with a smile, she grabed a whisky bottle under her pillow and took a sip flushing it around her mouth before puting on her boots.


Strolling out of the room, she let her feet lead the way as she looked up on the sky untill she was into the city. She bougth a bun from a woman to chew on while looking for an inn. Her nose picked up on the smell of geese, following it she saw a sign to an inn called the sky's maiden. She entered taking a table in the midle of the room and ordered dinner and a bottle of wine. As she ate the inn was filling up, she looked bemused at a traveler setling in a corner, he seemed young. Licking her fingers for greace, she reached for the bottle to fill up her glass, the bottle was empty. Cy looked around, saw the maid and signalised, she ordered a new bottle and a glass of whisky, she should find someone to play with. Looking around she saw that the new guy as she had labeled him had been joined by a hat guy. She paid as her drinking wares arived, then siped the whisky before picking up the bottle in one hand, and glass in the other. She kicked back the chair as she rose, and walked over to the guys, "Either of you gentlemen have a deck of cards?" she smiled with a glimpt in her eyes, she was so up for some trill tonight, only training was becoming dull.

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The man hadn’t made much sense. A lot of his speech was slurred, so Saeric missed a lot of what he said, but the man just seemed content to talk on. He just sipped his ale and nodded whenever it sounded like he had been asked a question. He pondered retiring for the night, but he was soon joined by a young girl, with whiskey. She, too, look as if she were familiar with the drink.


"Either of you gentlemen have a deck of cards?"


Saeric shook his head ‘no’, but the other man slurred some enthusiastic words together and pulled a deck out of his coat pocket. He dealt out the cards and they were soon engrossed in a game. Saeric didn’t really know what they were playing, but he picked up on the rules soon enough.


It was getting late, and Saeric was having trouble keeping his eyes open. The man was dealing out yet another round of cards, when he suddenly passed out, his face on the table. He looked at the girl with a confused glance. She looked as if she was in the same condition. But Saeric, ever the chivalrous gent,  decided to see if she needed help to her room. “May I help you to your room?”

Saeric Talvus


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The whisky was soon at end, and Cyrain started on her second bottle of wine as they played, midways through she ordered another glass of whisky and beer. Hours passed as they played the cards, untill the owner of the dec topled over the board. Cy giggled and scooped up the cards, sliping them into his pockets so they wouldnt be gone once he woke.


Her eyes passed to the newcommer as he talked to her, "nonsence, lets dance, the evening is still young" she could hear that her voice was somewhat slured, but she could sleep in the morning. She went to raise and stoped dead in her track as the alchol went to her head, she tried to shake her head, and though it helped a little things was stil blury, she realised that she was out of practise and in over her head. "I am just go get some air first" she took some wobly steps towards the door before she felt someone grab her arm, trying to turn  to defend herself, she realised it was the boy, and she was really in no state to refuse the help at the moment. So she continued her path towards the door, as soon as she got some air she was sure she would be fine.


She ended up having to give direactions to where she belonged, though through a backgate, the last she wanted was to stumble in the front gate and happen upon one of those Aes Sedai, they always where at the least convinent places to the least convinient times, and while walking she asked the boy out about his background story and his reason for being in Tar Valon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Nonsence, lets dance, the evening is still young" she girl slurred. She wanted to dance? She was in no condition to do any such thing. She stood up, and nearly feel over, but she grabbed hold of her chair. She got up to help her. "I am just go get some air first." Air? The girl needed either a bed to sleep in or a bucket of cold water to dunk her head into. She wobbled over to the door and Saeric put her arm over his shoulder to support her. He convinced her to give him instructions to where she lived and to his surprise, her directions took them to a back gate by the Warders' Yard. This girl was training to be a Warder? He had never heard of such things. Oh, if Ramiele found out, she wouldn't ever leave Tar Valon.


The girl, Cyrain he discovered her name to be, started to ask questions that he could barely interpret. The jist of it was that she wanted to know what he was doing in Tar Valon. "Well, I'll be training with the Warders in a few days. I'm just waiting until my brother Karson goes and takes my sister with him. I suppose I'll see you around then."


They got to the back gate and quietly slipped in. He helped her into the barracks and lowered her into her bed. He turned to leave, but she called to him.


Saeric Talvus

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Cyrain looked at the boy, her roomate of the time was out of town, least she could do was thank the boy and save him some money. She pointed at the bed, "migth as wel get used to the bunks, you'll be spending lots of time in them for the years to come.." She winked and turned over in her bed to find sleep.


The nigth passed eventless and sunshine woke her to early the next day, memories came flutering back slowly and she yawned turning over, and just knowing she wouldnt fall asleep again. Shaking her head she picked up her pillow and tossed it over on her guest. "Hey sleepy head, get up and I'll show you around.." she stumbled out of bed and looked for clean clothes, after laying out her new change she tore of her old one and washed down, then sliped into her new shirt and pants. "But breakfast first, if your ready that is?" she turned to look and check.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stay the night? He had a room booked already, but he wasn't sure if he could find his way back in the dark. Maybe it was better to stay the night. He could get his things later. he crawled into the other bed and drifted into sleep.


The thump of a pilow over the back of his head disturbed his peaceful rest. He looked up groggily to see her bright eyed and bushy tailed and completely sober. "Hey sleepy head, get up and I'll show you around.." Saeric sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. When he opened them again, it looked as if she was in a different shirt. Had she changed that quickly, or was she seeing things? It didn't matter. She was offering breakfast and he was hungry. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." He stood up and followed her out.


Saeric Talvus

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Cy lead the way down to the messhall, she grabed a plate and put on some bread, scrambled eggs and a couple sausages. "You best get used to this food" she handed him a plate and grabed a pitcher of water and two glasses while he picked his food. "Lets get a table and you can ask anything you migth be curious about" She picked a corner table and balanced her way over, then gently put everything down on the table, spilling a litle water over her wrist. She sucked it off before picking up the pitcher again and filling water into the glasses, sitting she scoped egg upon the breadslice with the fork and looked across the table.


"As said yesterday, I'll show you to the mistress of trainees today, but maybe I can help answer some things myself if you got questions" she smiled and stuffed a piece of sausage into her mouth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saeric followed Cy into the Mess hall, which already looked full. He took his fill of eggs, bread and sausage, then followed her to a table. "As said yesterday, I'll show you to the mistress of trainees today, but maybe I can help answer some things myself if you got questions"


"Umm, not that I can think of. My family has sent all its males to train with the Warders since the Hundred Years' War, maybe longer, so we're drilled on this stuff from a young age. But I'm really looking forward to meeting the Mistress of Recruits and gettign settled in." He gobbled up his breakfast and Cy did as well. "I'm ready. Are you?"


Saeric Talvus

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Cyrain nodded and downed the last piece of breakfast with some water, "lets go get you enrolled" she smiled and rose. It was a quick walk to the offices, and she entered the waiting room and quickly explained to the secretary what was up, then nodded to some benches. "got to wait till they ready for us, so you pretty much knew you would be here then? any chanse I would know of any of your relatives?"

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Saeric nodded. "My brother Karson is here. he looks like me, but he's taller and not nearly so good looking as I." He have off a chuckle. "I've known I was going to be here for as long as I remember. But unlike my brother, I plan to stay here. Oh, look! I think the Mistress of Trainees is coming." He stood up and saluted the woman approaching him.


OOC: Ready, Eqwina! ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thera set down her pen and reached her arms above her head, stretching with a loud groan. She had never been cut out to sit at a desk for hours a day. Eyeing the stack of papers still needing her approval Thera turned away from her desk, her eyes scanning the wall of weapons. They gleamed like the noon day sun even in the pale flickering light of her office. Sometimes she wondered just how many trainee’s had spent their hours honing and polishing those weapon until they sparkled.


Unable to face the stack of papers in front of her, Thera left her office and began a tour of the yards. She paused now and then to correct a form or even offer praise; anything that kept her from having to remain indoors.


As she came around a corner near the kitchen she saw a young man snap to attention. Thera paused and eyed the young man up and down, he was no trainee she remembered every face.


“It is good that you know how to show the proper respect, but who are you and what are you doing in the yards consorting with a Tower Guard that I am sure has work to do” Thera arched her brow and Cy bowed herself away. “Well? I am waiting.”


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I am Saeric Talvus, brother to Karson Talvus, who is leaving soon. I am here to enlist with the Warders. Cyrain happened to be at my inn last night and brought me here, for I am not due to be here for 3 more days." He saluted once more and tried to figure out her reaction.

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Thera’s foot tapped as she studied the boy and listened to his meager explanation. Her eyebrows rose a little more at hearing that the boy had arrived last night. “Last evening you say? So you spent the night…bunking..with Cyrain?” Thera’s voice dripped with incredulity. She did not need the boy’s nod, the set of his face said it all.


“If you want to train in the yards then you had best learn to follow the rules” Turning on her heel she stalked away, motioning the boy to follow. Since he had not been enrolled in the books yesterday there was very little she could do about him spending the night with a Tower Guard, but innocent or not she was going make sure he towed the line. Throwing open the door to her office she pointed to the chair in front of her desk. “Saeric..sit down. Now!”


Wasting no time Thera opened the book and jotted down the boys name, leaving the rest of the information blank for the moment. Leaning her elbow on her desk Thera steepled her fingers and peered at the young man over them. “Since your name is now in the book you are my responsibility, which means you will follows our rules exactly or be punished. Do you understand each other?” Saeric nodded slightly.


“Good, now tell me. Why do you wish to train in the Tower?”


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Saeric could tell that Thera wasn't impressed with him bunking with Cyrain. He wasn't either, but it was better than trying to find his way back to the inn in the middle of the night.


"The Talvus family has sent all it's men to train with the Warders. It's a tradition as old as Saldea itself. I am here to fulfill tradition and bring honor to my family through service to the Tower." He squirmed a bit as Thera examined him. He hated people doing that.


Saeric Talvus

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Tradition…A sound enough reason, and it mattered little now since she’d all ready jotted his name in the books.


“Since I know you don’t need a tour of the yards, lets see what your made of shall we?” The smile that spread on her face was far from kind.


“Take 100 laps around the yards then find yourself some room in the barracks with the other trainee’s. And don’t think for a minute that you can shirk even a lap, I’ll be watching. “ The young man stood to go, but Thera’s eyes held him locked in place. “Oh and one more thing, once you find someone in the barracks to take you in… she said as if there were some question of it. “ Remain in your room until first light tomorrow, then the report to my office to begin your laps again.”


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saeric shriveled as Thera smiled at him. It was incredibly uncomfortable and he had never been good with women. 100 laps? Around the whole yard? That would be quite a feat for him. It was a big yard and he really had no choice in the matter. He nodded to the Mistress of Trainees and took off around the perimeter. 20 laps in, he was breathing rather heavily and had sore ribs. 40 laps, he had dropped his shirt off and had picked up a second wind now that he was cooler. 60 laps, his run had gone down to a ackward trot and he wasn't farring too well.


He finally made his 100 laps and collected his shirt. He staggered over to the barracks and effortfully opened the door. He asked around the rooms and finally did find a bed. It was in the less crowded section. He wasn't sure if there was anyone else in the room or not. Time would tell. His fell asleep shortly after and didn't wake until the light of dawn greeted him. He rose and went straight to Thera's office.


Saeric Talvus

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