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American Idol Sucks!


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It's all good....I'm just afraid that Clifford the Muppet might win the whole dang thing.


Aren't you the one who told me you thought Paula Abdul was hot for a 50 year old?? Dang, I certainly don't think so!  Now, Michelle Pfiffer, on the other hand.....woooooo!

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I only catch bits and pieces of this show, but... has anyone else noticed that David Archuleta is still forgetting his lyrics in practically every single song? He's just learned how to cover it when it happens by stretching and floating an earlier lyric or the main chorus line.

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I'm sorry, Jason but you Shot the Tambourine Man!


Well, tonight we said goodbye to Jason Castro!  Clifford the Muppet got his strings cut!  But our boy Jason certainly didn't let us down with some of his best doober moments of all time packed into one show.


When asked if he had to overcome any challenges during his time on Idol, he replied "Uhhhh....like, when my brain don't werk too guuuud. huh huh!"


His farewell montage was perhaps the best of all time....complete with UHHHHs and DOH! and the classic "I didn't know this song was sung by a cat...huh huh."


So, goodbye Jason!  Enjoy your magic carpet ride back to your ganja room with your blacklight. Justice is served and the three who deserved to stay, did in fact stay!!!



And Blackjack? You are nuts...I wouldn't touch Paula with a 10ft pole!!

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Hahah....You are so funny Mynd! (for a cynic, that is! :P )


I'm glad that Castro is gone... I think he has some talent but no experience with this type of thing...I dunno.  I wanted him to go before Brooke White, but life sucks so he hung on by the tips of his fingers until Wednesday.  Stupid Jason.


But as for what you said about Syesha, instead of her channeling Brooke, do you think maybe she's just...uh...going through her time of the month, if you know what I mean? *nudge nudge*  ;)


I think it will come between the Davids, and as much as I love Archuleta's voice and how little-boy cute he is, I kinda want Cook to win...

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Actually, I would like to see any one of the final three win.....Sye is clearly the underdog and unless they pull another Michael Johns shocker, she will go next week.  Battle of the Davids for the finale.


I think that Archie needs it more than Cook though....both of them have a long career ahead of them.  20 years from now, cook will be more in the background helping other bands and singers behind the scenes, while archie will be selling out the Bellagio in Vegas.

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At the same time, think about this:  Archie is so young, and he needs to grow up a little; you know, mature a bit and come into himself the way adults usually do.  Doing that in magazines, with the press all over you, isn't healthy or easy.  He will be famous no matter what, but it'd be easier if there wasn't so much pressure.


Also, you prolly know this, but he won star search....at the age of 12.



And Cook is just so flexible; he's all-around good and I'd like to get his music more because I bet it would be more versatile than Archie's.....



just some thoughts.

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Yeah, Archie looked like a little Wayne Newton...and still goshed and gollied to the judges.  I think that he's already a Tiger Beat poster boy....he can't help that...but he is also more of a N'Sync based performer than Cook's Chris Cornell image. 


The thing is, all three of the remaining contestants will be very successful.  At this point, I think Archie would benefit the most from a contract.  It may hurt DC to be bound to a recording contract and Sye may be heading to Broadway. 

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The second place finishers sometimes get the same contract as the winner, as it turns out.

See Bo Bice & Clay Aiken. I know Bo ended up being frustrated by it cause they wouldn't let him make the album he wanted...instead they tried to mold him into something he wasn't.


And nobody can imitate a voice and persona like that of Mr. Cornell.  ;D

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Totally late to this thread but I'm glad he's gone!


I think Syesha will end up going. I think she will make a great career in Broadway, but I think if she won Idol, she'd make money, but end up like Ruben Studdard, or perhaps Fantasia. Their albums did alright, but they aren't meant to be pop singers. Idol wants a pop singer, methinks.


I actually think they would let Cook do his rock album. If he covered the Mariah Carey song, and did some of his arrangements to the other songs he did, not only would he make them tons of money, but he would also be able to get away from the whole pop scene when his contract was up. Either way, Cook will go far, and I look forward to it. Though I still want him to win, just to see Archie cry and his Dadager go into convulsions when he doesn't get picked. ;)


David Archuleta is another Clay Aiken--only good looking, less awkward, and yeah.... I think he'll make a better career for himself on the Vegas Strip--once he can legally drink there...and I also think he needs to grow up a little bit more. I see Archie heading a boy band, guest starring on some TV sitcoms, pretty much anything that involves exposure and money. The kid is clearly being led around on his rhinestone leash by his parents. If he wins, he certainly deserves it...he could sing a phone book and make girls cry...but I feel like there is a huge immaturity factor there, and perhaps it's just me, but I always get the feeling like he is just doing it for someone else, not because he lives and breathes it.


Bah, there is my rant. We'll see how tonight goes. :D

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Though I still want him to win, just to see Archie cry and his Dadager go into convulsions when he doesn't get picked. ;)



Did you hear that they banned Archie's Dad-ager from the Idol Studio? Check this interesting article out....http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_David_Archuleta_to_Perform_Sans_Overbearing_Dad_17502.html


Now, I am always suspicious of Idol contrived shenanigans, and this reeks of stirring the pot to increase viewership, there may be some merit to it. 

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Hmmm, I'm glad they did it. None of the other participants had parents meddling in the competition like this guy has rumored to be. And the problems with the Father have been speculated since he made the Top 12 I guess.


And as for tonight, I thought the judges were interestingly harsh on some of their critiques. It was nice to see them comment in the negative for Archie too. I liked Cook's performances, though his second performance was a little weak to me.

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Yeah, I thought they were pretty harsh on Syesha.  The slight on Archie was interesting, like you said.  Cook is the only one that I can say is completely safe this week.


You know, I wonder if the judges role this week was simply to set the stage of why Syesha will be let go this week.  I mean, she could have had the best performance ever and I think they still would have thought it was a bit pitchy in some places.  I believe that the producers have already decided on the two Davids going head to head in the Finale, votes be damned. 


Even Paula was throwing down some negativity, most likely for relevance.  I think what Simon was trying to say to Sye was that she did great but she didn't pick a POP song and they are looking for a POP IDOL not a CABARET IDOL. 


Sye is going Bye....but thats ok though.  Andrew Lloyd Webber will pick her up and put her in a cat suit.

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I don't think Archie will ever drink....  Because he's a strong member of my church and we don't believe in drinking, smoking, or anything like that.  As for him being led around by his parents, I can see that...I didn't really ever get that impression, but I think that if it were up to him, he would either have waited a few years for something like this or he would never have done it at all.  He's so shy, I think he'd prefer just singing locally or just for friends and family.  He never seems to really enjoy anything except the singing itself.


I think Syesha is really really good, but after last night, I'll almost be happy to see her go.  First of all, her version of "Hit Me Up" just wasn't that good, and not nearly as good as Gia Farrell's version anyway.  I don't think Sye's meant to do that type of music.  Broadway is good for her, and even a little bit of Alicia Keys-style music wouldn't hurt her any.  Secondly, only her first song was really any good.  I think she just got a little overconfident and either tried too hard or tried too little to be good, cuz she didn't succeed at all.


I think that Cook definitely stole the show last night.  He's so smart, and he is great musically.  I mean, he knows what he's doing, whereas Archie's dad did pretty much all the arrangements for him.  Cook was amazing, and though he wasn't perfect, he did well enough to be the best one.  I called and called all of Cook's numbers, but for 15 minutes or so I couldn't get through.  No lie.  He did amazing, and I want him to win.


Archie....well, he has an amazing voice, but a lot of the time his songs all sound, well, the same.  I mean, they're obviously different themselves, but when he sings them they just kind of blend together.  I personally believe that a concert of his would be kind of boring.  If he grows up a bit and trains himself more, he could do so much, but until then, he's getting really old (not literally).


I was gonna say something else.........Oh yeah.  I remember.  The only song Archie has sung that I really really like all together is the full recorded version of "Smoky Mountain Memories."  He does excellently there, but otherwise he's just bland.

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I don't think Archie will ever drink....  Because he's a strong member of my church and we don't believe in drinking, smoking, or anything like that.  As for him being led around by his parents, I can see that...I didn't really ever get that impression, but I think that if it were up to him, he would either have waited a few years for something like this or he would never have done it at all.  He's so shy, I think he'd prefer just singing locally or just for friends and family.  He never seems to really enjoy anything except the singing itself.


So you are a Sith LDS Squirrel, eh?  I wonder what the elders think of this.... ;)  I think you are right about Archuleta maybe wanting to hold off and mature a bit, but it seems like his dada-ger gave him the big push.  I think the guy has a great career ahead of him, and I see him selling out Vegas in 20-30 years.  No worries on Archuleta - Behind the Music Tragedy.


I think Syesha is really really good, but after last night, I'll almost be happy to see her go.  First of all, her version of "Hit Me Up" just wasn't that good, and not nearly as good as Gia Farrell's version anyway.  I don't think Sye's meant to do that type of music.  Broadway is good for her, and even a little bit of Alicia Keys-style music wouldn't hurt her any.  Secondly, only her first song was really any good.  I think she just got a little overconfident and either tried too hard or tried too little to be good, cuz she didn't succeed at all.


Funny, I enjoyed both her first and second performances emmencely.  Aside from the bickering between Simon and Randy, I think the point they were making was that "Fever" was a more Cabaret song and less a Pop Idol song.....but then again, I think they were just setting the show up for her to go home.


I think that Cook definitely stole the show last night.  He's so smart, and he is great musically.  I mean, he knows what he's doing, whereas Archie's dad did pretty much all the arrangements for him.  Cook was amazing, and though he wasn't perfect, he did well enough to be the best one.  I called and called all of Cook's numbers, but for 15 minutes or so I couldn't get through.  No lie.  He did amazing, and I want him to win.


Although I don't think he had his best performances last night, he was the best of the three overall.  Funny how Simon praises him for singing his last song like Aerosmith did while he bashed Michael Johns for doing the same thing with Dream On.  If I could only buy one CD from the three finalists, it would be Cooks.  I think what some people mistake arrogance is really his genius.  He's far beyond most performers today and Idol is just his first stop on the Rock n Roll Express.  I have my ticket in hand. 


Archie....well, he has an amazing voice, but a lot of the time his songs all sound, well, the same.  I mean, they're obviously different themselves, but when he sings them they just kind of blend together.  I personally believe that a concert of his would be kind of boring.  If he grows up a bit and trains himself more, he could do so much, but until then, he's getting really old (not literally).


Archie is a crooner that was born 80 years too late for the Rat Pack.  An Archuleta concert now would be kinda bland....unless he threw in some duets.....like with, say NATASHA BETTINGFIELD??  Look for this late bloomer to.....well, bloom late; but even if his first couple of CD's are blah, he will sell and continue making them.


I was gonna say something else.........Oh yeah.  I remember.  The only song Archie has sung that I really really like all together is the full recorded version of "Smoky Mountain Memories."  He does excellently there, but otherwise he's just bland.


Yeah, they all do kinda sound the same.  My favorite, however, is his take on Angels.  SMM is also very good, too.  We saw the problem last night though.  Singing about his "boo" may kinda pass on Justin Timberlake, but not on the schlocky teen.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I agree, I see Archie taking the place of Barry Manilow, Neil Diamond, Michael Bolton, etc. If you take a look at the songs he likes to pick, he actually picks real gooey songs, all inspirational and such. While I personally think it's hokey and too old for him, he seems to enjoy it.


Cook does have fabulous arrangements, which are even better because many of them are actually his. Even if his singing career doesn't take off, I can see him being a great producer or sound engineer; though I do think he has a good singing career ahead of him.


I agree with Mynd on "Fever". I think that it was a poor choice for her to make, but I think what she was trying to do, was sex herself up a bit, and show that she can do the Britney Spear's pop dance sexy sing stuff. Unfortunately it backfired. She's got too much R&B in her voice for that sort of thing, and she hasn't presented herself in that respect from the start. First impressions are everything, after all. :P She'll have a career though, so I feel mostly meh about it. I do think she performed her songs well though, there is no doubting her big voice.

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