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Ellinielle Arrival (Attn Vera)


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As she was handed the folded parchment, Ellinielle could scarcely keep her excitement down, now. She was having trouble storing all the Aes Sedai was instructing her to do in her head, word for word. To think, by the end of the day she would be a White Tower novice!


“…May the Light keep you and bless you.â€


When the woman finished speaking, Ellinielle watched her walk out of the shop without another word. Well that was awfully abrupt. No matter, though. She would follow her instructions and get to the White Tower as soon as possible. No time to lose! She quickly turned around and walked through a wooden door leading to her room. She didn’t feel like wasting time packing everything, so she threw on a thin cloak and tucked away the letter in a bag. She ran out the door, and headed towards the main shop. There she saw Miss Potter, who immediately said that Shaneevae Sedai had already explained things to her and that it was wonderful and how she must hurry to the White Tower. Ellinielle offered a quick goodbye and a hug, and then she was out the door.


She walked out onto the street, where a soft breeze blew. She wasted no time admiring the nice weather, and started down the street at a quick pace. She knew where she was going…it was very hard not to be able to find the White Tower when it loomed above everything else. Elli kept staring up at it as she made her way forward. All the splendor and power that tall building contained just exhilarated her more. She turned a few corners, and in a few minutes she arrived.


Standing at the entrance was a guard, who as predicted by the Aes Sedai, asked Ellinielle what her business was. Following her instructions, she said “I have been sent to the Mistress of Novices by Shaneevae Sedai.†She was so excited that she was completely forgetting all caution. That could be bad, but for the first time in a long time, she made herself forget about being careful for a little while. The guard let her pass, and as she entered the Tower, her mouth fell open.


The entrance hall was completely stunning. It seemed to be all white marble everywhere she looked. It was the most impressive building she had ever laid eyes on. People were scattered about the room, in small clusters or by themselves. She decided she should ask someone where the Mistress of Novices’ office was. An Aes Sedai walked by her, and Ellinielle was about to ask for directions, then decided not to, when the Aes Sedai looked at her with a cold stare that said “I am too busy to talkâ€. She stood for a minute, surveying the room, before she spotted a young woman garbed all in white. She walked up to the girl and asked meekly for directions. The girl stared at her for minute, before muttering “follow me†and started down a hallway.


The young woman led Ellinielle down a few hallways, and then stopped after a short while in front of an old wooden door. The girl quickly informed her that this was the Mistress of Novices’ office, and scurried off without another word. Ellinielle gulped as the young woman rounded a corner and vanished out of site. Turning to face the door, she suppressed her nervousness and softly knocked on the door.

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Countless times Faerzyne Grigory had glanced at the sun already, and before the day had ended, countless more times would be added to that. She sighed softly, and inclined her head a little, causing the little bells attached to her braids to tingle softly. Yet even the bells sounded a bit weary, as if they too suffered from a lack of sleep. The Mistress of Novices stifled a yawn, and turned her attention on the book of Novices again. Everything was recorded in there, after all. Everything that mattered at least. Last night another Accepted had ventured into the rings, and passed through them free of everything she had been before she became who she was now. In her fine handwriting Faerzyne made a note of the raising in the book of Novices. Today the girl would choose her Ajah, and her fate would become truly entwined with that of the Tower. Her choice was no secret to Faerzyne, the way very little that happened among the novices and accepted of the White Tower was a secret to her.


She closed the big book after she was done. The book looked a little old, but the preservation wards that were set on it worked well. It seemed as though it would never get full. Faerzyne had once paged through it, and found her own name, as well as that of the Mistress of Novices before her. It was interesting to learn how long some of her sisters had been here, and how long they had taken to get themselves raised. Wistfully Faerzyne peered at the sun again, only to find that it hadn’t moved a bit. The day was still young, and she would be tired and aching by the time it was done. Not that the work of the Mistress of Novices ever truly ended. There were wards on the door to the office that told her people were waiting in front of it. The wards would wake her, even if someone tried to sneak in when the night was at it’s darkest.


Just as she thought of the wards, a tingling sensation crept over her skin, telling her that someone was about to knock on her door. Soon enough the sound of knocking followed. The sound of a knock often told her a lot about who wished to enter. This was the hesitant knock of someome who came to her with a request. Faerzyne took a moment to school her expression into something a little less depressing than the look of fatigue she had had. “Enter.†She said, her voice calm and low as usual. The door opened as she channelled a thread of air to it. To whomever entered it might seem as magic. The young woman was dressed in clothing that suggested she was not of the Tower. Yet. Things might change soon. “My name is Faerzyne Sedai. I am the Mistress of Novices at the White Tower. How may I help you?â€


~Faerzyne Grigory

Mistress of Novices

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Almost as soon as Ellinielle knocked, a voice answered back.




At the sound of the soft voice, Ellinielle reached to open the door, but was cut short before she could get to it. The door opened, though it did so on its own. Elli stared as the door opened itself, pure wonder and amazement on her face. It took her a minute to realize what had just happened. She realized that the door must have been opened with the One Power. That’s twice today that she had seen it being used. What a day!


Ellinielle tried to regain the very little composure she had had, and walked into the room with a smile on her lips. It was a meek one, but a smile nonetheless. Her expression did not change as she entered the office, but inside Elli was holding back an overwhelming feeling of excitement. Her stomach was fluttering with nervousness, too. She could guess that the Mistress of Novices was an important person, and she was about to meet her. Ellinielle quickly surveyed the room, trying to take in everything at once. The room itself did not interest her much, but the woman…the Mistress of Novices, she assumed…is who she was concentrating on. The woman was clearly Aes Sedai, with her ageless face. She had small bells attached to her braids, and she looked a little tired. Before Ellinielle could say anything, the Aes Sedai spoke.


“My name is Faerzyne Sedai. I am the Mistress of Novices at the White Tower. How may I help you?â€


When the Aes Sedai finished, Ellinielle studdered a bit as she spoke. “I…am Ellinielle Iridin…Faerzyne Sedai,†she began slowly. The other woman stared, waiting for her to finish. “I…have a note from…Shaneevae Sedai. I am here…to become a…a…a novice.†The Aes Sedai stared at her, as if she was waiting for something. Suddenly, after what seemed like forever, though it was only a few seconds, she remembered the note. Reaching into her bag, she pulled it out, all the while feeling like a wool-headed fool. ‘I even mentioned it already!’ she thought to herself. When she found it, she quickly strode over to the Mistress of Novices with as much grace she could manage at the moment. When she reached the woman, she handed over the letter.



OOC: I will be away for the next 4 days, until Friday, so don’t expect anything until Saturday, though I might be able to get on Friday :D.

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“I…have a note from…Shaneevae Sedai. I am here…to become a…a…a novice.†Faerzyne's unblinking gaze stayed on the girl as she waited for the note. Finally seeming to remember herself, the girl moved, fishing out the note and handing it tentatively towards Faerzyne. A slight curve which could have been a smile touched her lips, as she waved Ellinielle to a chair. "Sit child." She invited as she opened the brief missive.


Scanning the page quickly, she refolded it an placed it on her desk. "So you have already been tested, I see." She raised a brow as Ellinielle nodded. "Well then, we should see about making your stay more permanent then." She smiled then, before opening the large book on her desk once more, the book of novices.


"Could you please tell me your name once more, your age and your place of raising." Holding a pen poised overthe paper, she copied down the information as the girl recited, each curve and flourish tying the girl more securely to the tower. When she was done, she lowered the pen, and wove air briefly to dry the ink, before closing the book with a thump. Another note was penned, and Faerzyne rose to deliver it to a passing novice, before turning to the cupboard against the wall.


Two dresses in white were withdrawn, and she handed them to Ellinielle. "These are yours now child, you are to keep them clean and well mended at all times." She toned, before seating herself once more. "I have asked for someone to join us, another whom shall mentor you, teach you." Faerzyne proceeded to inform Ellinielle of the rules, curfew, classes, chores, and the Warder's Yards, as they waited for her mentor to arrive.

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A very grey morning had greeted Vera. Unexciting and without any sort of direction, it had left her dull and withdrawn. Although she was unable to move from where she sat in her little room, she loathed the way she was: spending her time, staring into space. It was a waste of time. And time, she knew all too well was one thing she would always run behind desperately. Anything should be done to gain control over time, she had learnt. A little lifelessly, Vera embraced Saidar, weaving threads together with a sense of dogma that she had always promised she would not reduce herself to. Thunder crackled somewhere in the distance, singing a soft lullaby that urged her to remain where she was and yet move around or even more ambitiously, paint. She wished suddenly she could go seek out a friend and just sit and laugh, but those, she remembered darkly, she didn’t have many of any more. Aeveryn, Gaiya, Aoife, Elyith….where had these people gone? Retrospect was that fine position which you are lost in only when you can fine nowhere else to be. Her Novice days had not crossed her mind for several days now and perhaps, it was just right that she did so now, while having nothing else to do. She got up, if only to lie down on her bed. Staring at the dreary white of the ceiling, she found herself at peace.


She had done this so many times and yet, every time was different. Every past time like this was coloured differently in her mind. Vera remembered herself quite clearly as a Novice. In fact, a lot of others knew ‘about’ Vera during the days of her plain-whites. Most conversations-between both the gossips and sadly, those who weren’t either-began with with one saying very gravely, “Yes, I’ve heard about Vera’s condition…â€. Saidar angrily slashed through the crumpled piece of paper that lay a little away from her, burning it into a wholesome nothing. It had been the same reaction every time her mind was subjected to the past; thoughts on the Yellows, the whispers, the friends, the betrayals- they were never too welcome. Day after day they had kept her in the infirmary, treating her like an experiment, watching the way she ate and talked and grew bad tempered. How she hated Elyith sometimes for having taken her there. And other times still, she was so grateful. For although it was not the Yellows themselves who’d healed her, it was because she was taken there that she healed. It was there after all that she met Telcia Alianin Dyfelle. Telcia had changed her world. Telcia had made Vera’s world. Consciously she touched the key that hung around her, her thoughts wandering towards the memories of a secret garden, locked away not so far from where she now lay. Yes, she did love Telcia. Perhaps she would give her that painting she’d made so long ago.


A soft rap at her door made her get straight up and out of the ordinariness of things, she smoothed her dress as she hurriedly went for the door.



Get here immediately child. Your mentee is waiting for you.


A brief note, urging her with every word to hurry. And so she was. Corridor after corrioder went by in a quickly fading blur, no seconds thought entering her mind while doing so. Raising her skirts slightly, Vera glided on without even bothering to look the way of the various passerbys. Truth was, she was thrilled. She had seen other Accepted with their mentees, acting so responsible and motherly as they took the newly inscribed Novices around the Tower, speaking in a manner so impressive and yet, so very practical. Vera had debated often on how she would treat her own mentee, considering ideas and then dismissing them as quickly as they’d come. And in the end, she’d decided that she would do exactly what she felt when the time finally came.


With a last swift swish, Vera was outside Faerzyne’s study. Rapping politely, she entered with impeccable timing; the door creaking open a second after the words of welcome came. Sinking into a very polite and yet considering her relationship with Faerzyne, almost mocking curtsey, she rose a few seconds later to look questioningly at the Mistress of Novices.


“You sent a note, Faerzyne Sedai…?â€


OOC: Kristen- If I’ve informalized their relationship too greatly, just say the word. Thing is though, that I’ve always imagined that Vera would be very close to the MoN, considering all her problems with split personas and dyslexia. I just assumed that the first person she would’ve been sent to during her Novitiate as a troubled ‘child’ would be Nynaeve/Faerzyne. Infact, if you’d like to rp things out between them, that would be awesome. :)



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A million thoughts raced through Ellinielle’s head as she sat on the rather uncomfortable chair in Faerzyne Sedai’s office. Her heart pounded as the Mistress of Novices quickly read the note from Shaneevae Sedai. When she finished, she said "So you have already been tested, I see." Ellinielle gave a slight nod, thinking about the events that had led up to the present moment. Being tested, and finding out she could learn to channel. "Well then, we should see about making your stay more permanent then." The Aes Sedai took the large book on her desk and opened it. It was then that Ellinielle realized it was the Book of Novices. She had been wondering in the back of her mind what could be so large as to have to contain it in a book that size.


"Could you please tell me your name once more, your age and your place of raising." Ellinielle recited the information when the woman asked. She had to spell out her name. She knew it was a bit…tricky…to guess the spelling. When it came to saying her place of raising, though, every good thought in her mind vanished instantly. They were replaced by memories of the Rahad, a time when she had been hungry and poor. She shuddered. When she realized she had, she forced the memories of her childhood out of her head. She usually had better control over keeping those thoughts out, as well as the other misfortunate events in her life, but today she had let them run wild more than once. It was the excitement and apprehension of becoming a novice.


As the Aes Sedai finished recording the information and closed the book, it hit Elli. She was officially a novice. Sealed to the tower, now, unless she proved to be not good enough. Up until now she had spent her whole life free, going where she wanted to go, doing what she wanted. Now, she knew, she had a long way to go before she could have that freedom again. A long way until she was Aes Sedai. ‘It’s worth the wait, though’ she told herself. She knew it was.


Ellinielle watched as Faerzyne Sedai scribbled a quick note on a piece of paper and handed it to a passing novice in the hall, to deliver to someone. The Mistress of Novices then turned to a cupboard and took out two white dresses, which she then handed to Ellinielle, instructing her to keep them clean and well-mended. She then sat back down behind the desk. "I have asked for someone to join us, another whom shall mentor you, teach you." Ellinielle wondered who that would be. She hoped it was someone nice. It would just ruin the wonderful day she was having if it was someone mean or rude.


Ellinielle listened as the Aes Sedai instructed her on the rules. As she listened, she tried to store away all the information in her head. It would be terrible if she forgot something. Curfew was nine, she was not allowed off Tower grounds, and no interaction at all with Tower guards, trainees, or warders. ‘I think I know everything’ she told herself. As soon as Faerzyne Sedai finished explaining, there was a soft knock on the door. It opened by itself, and for the first time, Ellinielle laid eyes on her mentor.



OOC: Was that alright? I wasn’t exactly sure what I had to write.

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“You sent a note, Faerzyne Sedai…?â€Faerzyne inclined her head slightly in aknowledgment of the curtsey, awarding Vera with a small smile. "Indeed." Turning her gaze towards Ellinielle, she waved a hand towards the Accepted, who still stood. "Ellinielle, this is Vera, an Accepted of the Tower, who will be your mentor and guide during your time here."


Flicking her eyes back to Vera, she continued. "I have explained the rules, but I trust you shall inform her of anything I have forgotten." Faerzyne raised a brow, knowing full well Vera was a responsible girl who would take good care of the newest initiate.


With a final nod, she smiled at the newest initiate. "May the light favour you, novice." Said Faerzyne, nodding at the two in a clear dismissal. The work she had been neglecting since the child's arrival had indeed not completed itself, so sadly she must turn her attention to it, pen in hand and eyes down as the girls took their leave, a weary sigh escaping her after the soft click of the door closing. The day was still young, with much yet to be achieved.


~Faerzyne, MoN

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OOC: Not sure where the hell all this came from..


A quick glance, and nothing more was all she saw of her first mentee. A flash of red locks, the possibility of the keenest blue eyes- she would wait until they were out of the study. For now, she would be attentive to the Mistress of Novices’ words and nothing else. Impressions-even if this may well be the fiftieth one-were always important. Faerzyne Grigory for one was quite unchanged since Vera had last seen her. Busy as ever and irritable too. Oh, but what authority the woman possessed.


The second, deepened curtsey and they were out. Or rather, for Ellinielle, they were in. Again the uncomfortably familiar knot tightened in her stomach as she turned to face the girl, a dozen questions attacking her. She was nervous, lost, unsure and most of all anxious. But then, she realized as she found herself face to face with her, so was she. Narrow eyes were looking her up and down with anticipation and suddenly, Vera felt calm. Smiling waves of warmth with true, genuine feeling she spoke up. “You probably don’t have any idea how happy I am right now. How happy,†she continued as she gently took the other’s hand as she began to turn the other way, “And how very nervous.†True, Accepted were supposed to exude sense and responsibility with every word and step, if they could manage it, but she had decided that she would ensure her mentee saw the world for what it was. And her, Vera, especially. She for one was sick of acting like something she was not. Authority, calm, power, knowledge- these may well make an Aes Sedai, but at the same time, they may break her. For if she lost herself while becoming so, she would lose everything. Looking into the distant corridors, she pulled at Ellinielle’s hand slightly to motion that they should move ahead. A few seconds passed and discreetly Vera took a fleeting look at her, wondering what she must be thinking. Awe? Surprise? Shock? Dislike? Oh how she wished she knew.


The silence they had settled into was not, admittedly a very comfortable one. She was an introvert and…unfortunately, so was Ellinielle. And yet, Vera did not feel the urge to speak. She wanted to leave everything for the first and quite possibly, last surprise. It was something she had planned a long time ago- during one of those nights of contemplation and wonder about her then faceless mentee.


Smoothly, Vera nudged the Novice to a stop as they came to a two-path junction, one turn leaning sharply into the left while the other carried on straight. Motioning to the turn, she said, “That is the way to the Novice quarters or…your home for the next couple of years. I will be taking you there soon, but first, there is somewhere else I would like to show you.†Looking toward Ellinielle, she found a face deep in trenches of utter confusion, as if unsure about how to respond. With a sudden, spontaneous laugh, Vera gave Ellinielle’s a slight squeeze and began to rush towards the first path, which was actually, a straight road to the gardens. Soon, they were sprinting as the wind tickled their faces and coiled in playful bands around their red and brown locks. Increasing her pace, she carried on, but refused to let go of her hand, until finally, she brought them to a stop. Laughing amidst her pants as she smiled at Ellinielle, she spoke after a brief pause.


“I know my reputation at the moment is….entirely…questionable. But before you judge me…look.†Gently taking Ellinielle by the shoulder, she turned her to a site Vera had been saving for this moment for the past three months now.


A small, quaint cherry tree was the first thing that came to one’s eye as you would turn to inspect the little garden corner. Thin vines rose and coiled on the wall behind, as if tangling one in a web of thought and at the same time…safety. An elegent wooden bench was settled into the black-green shade of the oak tree that had first caused Vera to find the site. What she liked the most though, were the roses. Red roses, yellow roses, white roses- they were everywhere. And roses were not a very common find in the gardens of the White Tower. Not roses borne of the power at any rate. A small poorly made iron gate stood around this site, a request Vera had made long before to her mentor Elyssa and while the garden was still Ely’s in name, it was Vera’s in every other. And now, it would be Ellinielle’s.


Unlocking the little door to the getaway she motioned for her to enter.


“I had said earlier that I was nervous. And the truth is, I am and when you get to me a little better, you’ll realize that I have a tendency to always be so,†she said with a slight smile. “My name, as Faerzyne Sedai said, is Vera. I’ve been here for the past…seven years now.â€


“I am as she said also, your mentor and guide. And while I am all that certainly, I want you to know, that I am also your friend. Your confidant.â€


Looking up at her earnestly, she continued a little faster than before.


“I’ve been here for the past eight years and before that lived in Cairhien. But enough of me- what about you Ellinielle? Tell me about yourself?â€



Proud mentor to Elli

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Ellinielle did not know what to think. She did not know what to do or say, either, as she stared into the eyes of her new mentor. The past few minutes had been some of the oddest she had experienced. One minute she had been in Faerzyne Sedai’s study, and the next, Vera was leading her down a hallway, sprinting. She was still panting, after that run. It had been a while since she had had to run like that. However, Elli though that it was worth it.


Vera had led her down the hallway to a small garden. It was breathtakingly beautiful. There was a small cherry tree, which had been the first thing Ellinielle had noticed. Then, she had actually stopped to look, and she had seen the roses. There were roses everywhere, of all the colours roses came in. She had always loved roses, and right now she realized that it was hard not to love their beautiful scent and elegant shape.


Elli took in the rest of the garden, too. There was a vine-covered wall, behind the cherry tree, and a bench, too. The small area was surrounded by an iron gate, which Vera had led her through a moment earlier. As she looked around, her mentor began telling a bit about herself, like how long she had been in the Tower, and where she had been before that. Then she said something that wiped every doubt Ellinielle had of her mentor out of existence. Vera said that she was a fiend and a confidant. All uncertainty had vanished; Elli new she could trust her new mentor. Her new friend.


Now it was Elli’s turn to talk. What should she say? She was nervous again, now. Then, she realized something. She was being terrible pathetic. Vera, who claimed to be nervous all the time, had just spontaneously led her sprinting down a hall and into a garden. She could at least answer a simple question. So, she decided to start by making things slightly less formal. “Please, call me Elliâ€. She went on.


“I was born in the Rahad, in Ebou Dar. Basically, it just goes downhill from there.†She shuddered at the memories. “Until today, that is.†She tried to smile, but the remembrance of all her bad luck would not go away. Best to be rid of some of it, she decided. “My family was very poor, and my mother died when I was young. My father and brother were…let’s just say they fell victim to the law.†She wanted to cry, but stopped herself. “I was put into the care of some rotten merchants, and ran away to Caemlyn. From there I went to Cairhien.†She was about to say something about her previous husband, but couldn’t. She didn’t know why. “Well, some things happened there, and I came to Tar Valon.†The memory of Aralor still haunted her dreams. She thought that if she tried to talk about her deceased husband, she would cry till no end. She did feel better, though, now that some was out in the open. She hadn’t talked about it with anyone in a very long time.



OOC: YAY! (sorry, that was just some spontanious excitement);)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ellinielle would likely think of her as an idiot.


The girl was panting, her eyes a little wider than they should be and her cheeks red spots against a stark face. And yet, Vera hoped. She had caught the look on the child’s face when she had turned to see the brilliant panorama Vera had pointed towards. It-the face- had been enchanted and thus, the Novice looked enchanting herself. She had so much anxiety pressed inside her that she was afraid she would ruin it for herself. And for the Novice girl beside her as well. But still she would hope. If there was any bond the two of them were to share, it would be between real people. Real people and real faces. As the girl in question began to speak, Vera noticed a certain sweetness in her words and her actions that she instantly took to. It was there in the slight hesitancy that she had let out before speaking. It was there in the fearful, anxious look Ellinielle made her way occasionally, as if asking for acceptance. It was there most of all in Ellinielle’s very first words.


“Please, call me Elli.â€


Déjà vu came like a strong scented flower, the power of the realization causing her to sit up. Wasn’t she, Vera, doing the exactly same thing as her new mentee? Was she not trying to charm her way into Elli’s heart and at the same time, afraid that trying too hard would spoil everything? Instantly hiding her surprise, Vera focused on Ellinielle’s words. Words, that she noticed, were taking a lot of effort while being said. It caused her worry, Elli’s nervousness. Admittedly, there are less forthcoming people in this world and Ellinielle was bound to feel shy, but there was something else. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on as yet. So instead, Vera would listen.


“I was born in the Rahad, in Ebou Dar. Basically, it just goes downhill from there.â€


Instantly Vera took her hand, her face still smooth, telling nothing. For now, she would listen, for that was what Ellinielle needed. Ellinielle, Vera found herself thinking, and a lot of others. As she continued on, opening up bit by bit, Vera felt herself go cold as the story dug deeper into roots of sorrow. Squeezing Elli’s hand as she felt her shudder beside her, she was dismayed. Dismayed, sorrowful and pained that out of all the people these horrors could’ve happened to, it was this sweet sweet girl, with her nervous air and beautiful face. She wanted to protect her, keep her safe. No more pain. No more hurt. There were so many things she wanted to tell Ellinielle to comfort her.


“Well, some things happened there, and I came to Tar Valon.â€


Spontaneously ambiguous as those words were, they said just as much as any explanation dark and terrible, saying obviously enough that whatever had happened, had been unpleasant. Possibly even horribly so. And yet, at the same time, Elli seemed…relieved. Free. She, Vera knew the feeling well.


Had she not been bottled up inside herself for years?


Locked up in a Tower, both physically and mentally?


She would not let the same happen to the girl beside her.


“I will not,†she started in a voice much calmer than the one she had begun in, “ask you about what happened before Tar Valon, because it is obvious that whatever happened, was terrible. All I can say is, I’m truly very sorry it did. And also, that you’ll get past it.â€


Shifting slightly, she continued. “Sometimes, things happen because they’re trying to show you the way you’re meant to go. Other times they may happen to mislead you.†Looking straight into her mentee’s eyes, she paused, and then continued.


“It is up to you to make it either of the two. You make your fate. Remember that Elli.†she finished with a smile.

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After she had finished speaking, Elli began to doubt. Her relief was still there, and she was still glad she had told her mentor that condensed version of her dark past, yet the doubt was there now too. It was such a relief to get it out in the open, but what would Vera think of her? They had only just met, and she had already told her about things she had said to no one in years. Well, it had all been said, and there was nothing she could do about now, except hope.


As Ellinielle finished her story, she could see a slight realization slide across her mentor’s face. Had she said something? Foolish to worry about that, for realization wasn’t a bad thing, after all. This might turn out to be a very good thing, actually. Elli knew she was right when Vera spoke, in response to Elli’s history.


“I will not ask you about what happened before Tar Valon, because it is obvious that whatever happened, was terrible. All I can say is, I’m truly very sorry it did. And also, that you’ll get past it.â€


Ellinielle knew she had been right in deciding to tell Vera about her past. If anything, it was bringing them closer, ever so slightly. For the first time, Elli began to think that maybe, just maybe, she would find a friend in her mentor. A true friend, not like the few she had had before coming to Tar Valon. And, she realized, that was exactly what she had been longing for. And so she kept on hoping. Hoping that Vera and her would get along. Hoping she had finally found someone she could trust. After all, spending just a few minutes with her had somehow made her decide to some of her deepest miseries come out into the open.


Ellinielle listened as her new mentor continued. Vera was calmer now, and more…affectionate. She was trying to comfort her, and Elli knew that it was exactly what she needed. So, she listened.


“Sometimes, things happen because they’re trying to show you the way you’re meant to go. Other times they may happen to mislead you.â€


A word of advice from someone older and wiser, or a friend comforting a friend. Elli thought it was closer to the latter. Either way, it was good advice, a lesson she was beginning to understand, as she thought about it. All the misfortunes in her life, all the poverty and losses. Had they all been for a better cause? Elli hoped that that is what it meant. She did not like the other alternative very much. She shuddered at the thought that her dark past had all been to lead her to something worse. She didn’t think it was possible, though. The White Tower was everything she had dreamed of as a child. How could that possible be something bad?


“It is up to you to make it either of the two. You make your fate. Remember that Elli.â€


As Elli saw the smile that spread across her mentor’s face at the words, she knew. She knew that all her misfortunes had not led her to something terrible or worse. They had not misled her. Instead, she realized, they had guided her to something better. To something she had always wanted. Something she had needed desperately, throughout her years of loneliness and despair and grieving. All that bad luck, had led her to a friend.


"Thank you. I...I think I know where it has led me." That was all that she could get out right then.


Elli smiled back.




Proud mentee to Vera

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Thank you. I...I think I know where it has led me."

Vera was relieved. Ellinielle, was simply lovely.


She had been watching Elli carefully all this while, trying to sum up the girl’s character with every movement and reaction. Thankfully, she seemed quite intelligent. A good listener who was already capable of caution and thought out plans. With training…oh with training, she was quite the catch, Vera realized. And suddenly, she felt protective. The idea of this innocent before her being taught by some Aes Sedai scared her a little. It would happen soon, she knew, but there was always a matter of things happening too soon. She would hate for Ellinielle to change. If things went wrong…maybe it was time to give Elli her gift.


“Good. I really am glad you do. You should know though, Elli, that if the place it has led you to…changes, it is alright. It’s okay. You shouldn’t get disencouraged and think yourself to be indecisive. You will always get a lot of chances.â€


Suddenly, she hesitated, finding herself unsure about what to say next. Or rather, how to put it across in words. She had never been very articulate, she thought dryly.


“Oh Ellinielle, I am scared.†Her confession slipped out finally, but not entirely by mistake. Be clear, be clear, be clear, be clear… “I am afraid for you. You seem so lovely, so quaint, so innocent. I… don’t want that taken away from you. We will all change, yes, but sometimes, change can go so unpleasantly. I don’t want that happening to you,†she stated earnestly. “I went through changes a while back….six years ago to be exact. It was quite honestly, horrible.â€


“However,†she said with a simple smile, “This is not about me. You will change in the course of the next few years. Perhaps remarkably so. Perhaps when you walk down the staircase as an Accepted in a banded dress, Novices- just like you now -shall whisper in little cliques about you with respect. Perhaps you and I shall distance completely, and you shall find new mentors to follow.â€


She stopped for the second time. This time however, she was not hesitant.


“Should this all come to be, or even something completely come true- I think you should have something to remind you of what you were or what things were like. A place of respite. An Aes Sedai I was once very close to, who was more like my mentor than anything else had once given me a key to her garden, a gift she had given few others. And it helped me a lot, actually.â€


Gently she put a thin silver chain around Ellinielle’s neck, her smile now of an understanding that she had not felt before. The chain was strong, well made and had a heartshaped locket on it.


“I have been tending this garden for the past six months, in the hope that some day soon, I shall have someone to give this to. I would like for you to have this garden Ellinielle. Tend it, treasure it if you wish. Or even neglect it and forget about it. Understand- I am not pushing you into anything, I am not trying to drive you to guilt that shall ensure you take care of this little corner. I am simply saying that you should do with it, what you want. And someday, when you remember it and come to it, what you will see is what you’ve become. It will show you who you are and at the same time, who you were. Open your locket Ellinielle.â€


A Heart-Shaped Box.

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  • 1 month later...

“Open your Locket, Ellinielle.â€


Those few words seemed to carry the meaning and significance of everything her mentor had just said. It made Elli shiver. It scared her that the White Tower could change someone so much, so fast, and it seemed to scare Vera, too. Elli itched to know what she meant when she said she had gone through some horrible changes six years ago. Could I really change so much that I would distance from Vera completely, she thought to herself. She did not think it was possible.


Elli turned her attention to the chain Vera had placed around her neck, forgetting all about change. A heart-shaped locket was attached to it…that was Vera’s gift to her, and what a gift it was. Without a word, she took it in her hand and opened it, smiling as she did so. Her heart was racing, and she didn’t know why. Inside was a small key, passed on to Vera from her mentor, and now Vera was passing it on to her. The key to this garden. The beauty of it still took her back when she looked around. She had no intention of neglecting her gift at all. She would treasure it.


It will show you who you are and at the same time, who you were…Vera’s words echoed in Elinielle’s mind. Powerful words, and Elli knew that she would never forget them, no matter what changes she goes through at the Tower. How could she ever forget not only her first friend in the Tower, but her first friend in years. It just couldn’t happen.


Ellinielle closed the locket and looked up into her mentor’s eyes. Smiling, she said “Thank you, Vera. I will care for this garden and treasure it.†Elli just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Dropping the locket to let it hang around her neck, she embraced Vera in a hug, friend-to-friend. She hadn’t done that in a very long time.




OOC: Kinda short, sorry, couldn’t think of what to write.

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