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Guest Cadsuane

It's funny; I had a Transformers lunch box as a small child, but I don't remember watching the show at all. I'm guessing my dad maybe saw it a couple times and thought it was cool, and got his daughters some stuff. ^_^

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He must be kicking himself now... I am sure that toy is worth something these days.


I think it was made out of metal to? (Not sure, its been awhile)

Is he kicking him self now?


If it were mine, I would be. :P

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Guest Emperor

So far it is the only review out there, so yes I will trust it until I hear different. I am sure there will be things we will hate in the movie but I still think this movie is going to great nonetheless.

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Guest Emperor

sorry, if I reduced the files any then it would take away on how HUGE this movie is going to be.

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  • Community Administrator

Starcreams weakness is his knees!

Such a tiny lil fragile thing!

Megatron on the otherhand, looks so bulked and armored up, its like he has no weakness. :P


Next character vs character?

Megatron vs She-Terminator in T3?


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Guest Emperor

A test screening of the final cut of Michael Bay's Transformers tested incredibly high according to one of the producers.


Tom DeSanto, one of the few people you'll find at a comic convention with the muscles to pull off a Superman outfit, told Rotten Tomatoes that "[it tested] higher than any other of Michael [bay]'s movies. It's good, everybody's excited. It's a great time right now because in a summer of sequels, we're going to be bringing something new to the table."


Talk emerged recently that they might have had to change the ending of the film, a claim DeSanto denies - "It's one ending. It's one story. It's a beginning, middle and end. The ending works. It's great too because yeah, there's going to be giant robots but there's romance in there and Shia has a real emotional storyline that at the end, you're really rooting for him."


Finally comes the other big question, the runtime? Surprisingly "just about two [hours]."

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I don't have to be excited about anything. I wanted Transformers and got Independence Day. Once you get past the incredible ILM cgi, you realise that those designs suck and they suck hard. Realise that I've been keeping an eye on this for the last year; I've seen those designs and their evolution. You should see the designs they threw away. I've also read the John Waters script that Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman built up from. Given that it's an outdated script it's certainly subject to revision, but they've said that's mostly dialogue. It's still built upon a foundation of lame. Michael Bay was given a high-concept story in The Island, and he made a car chase out of it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

Studio bosses have given early approval for two sequels to the Transformers remake due out in July.


Director Michael Bay has also told how his version of the 1980s cartoon classic is heavy on the special effects and has cost some £50 million.


A trailer of the movie, to be released next month after several delays, is said to demonstrate impressive CGI as the Autobots go head-to-head in battle with the Decepticons.


Bay said he thought the combination of human actors and heavy effects had paid off. "It's got a lot of action, but at the same time it's very funny and it's got heart," he explained. "I only wanted to do Transformers if I could do it realistically."


Meanwhile, the DreamWorks studio has given the provisional go-ahead for two more movies.

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Godzilla got the same thing.


Oh, since I've not seen it mentioned yet, they bumped the release date forward by one whole day. Now it comes out 7.3.07 in the States. Not like all the advertising has already said it'll be out on the fourth.

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Guest Emperor

So did Pirates.


Anytime you use the Godzilla big budget movie, I am going to throw Pirates at you. *g*

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The primary difference, besides the fact that Pirates didn't get two more movies approved until AFTER the first one blew up the box office, is that one was theoretically based on a theme park ride with no particular plot or characters or really even a central idea, while the other was surreptitiously based on some forty years of movies (some of which actually had a point) which people were familiar with and which were consequently ignored.

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Guest Emperor

Most everyone has ridden the pirate ride and everyone thought that would be a disaster... especially when Bruckheimer got his hands on it (another Bay). It is hard for me to prejudge a movie before I see it.

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Guest Emperor

Talking with Back Row Chatter, the "Transformers" talked about what he would like to see in a Transformers sequel if it happens.


He says "As a huge Grimlock lover myself there was just no room in the first movie for the Dinobots, we had to focus on the original Transformers with Optimus Prime and Megatron. But if the box office allows us to make a sequel, the door is open to a lot of the Transformers universe."


His plans? "A very cool idea on how to intro the Dinobots and Constructicons. How cool would that movie be?"

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I'd like to bring something to everyone's attention. It's this:




Seriously. I will never watch this movie. Ever. To all those who wish to see it, this is not a judgment of you in any shape, fashion or form, but this movie looks worse all the time. I am beginning to physically hate it.

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The movie was in trouble when they ditched most of the original designs (okay, Prime is still recognisable, but not really any of the others) and didn't bother consulting Simon Furman (the definitive Transformers writer) on the project beyond a single, "Hey, you're cool!" meeting.


The special effects will be mindblowing, but beyond that, meh.

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