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Saidar & Saiden: Sex?


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Hey gang,


Myndrunner the Newb here!  I wanted to not only introduce myself but also start things off with an interesting discussion topic (in High Chant). Here is my question:


Was it Robert Jordan's intention to have saidar and saiden reflect how women and men have sex?

Now, before you go boxing my ears and screaming Darkfriend, hear me out.  While reading the WOT series, I started to notice something interesting about the One Power.  Women embrace saidar by opening themselves up to it and allowing it to fill them.  Men, on the other hand, have to take saiden by force.  One could argue that these parallel the respective positions men and women take in the sexual act.  It feels good to embrace it, but too much begins to hurt.  So, you all tell me....Is the newb way off here?


So, in that regards, I wonder if the Reds should be wearing flannel shirts and Birkenstocks. 


I have to admit, I have become a huge WOT phreak since finishing Knife of Dreams last night.  If you haven't listened to the Audio Books, give them a spin.  The readers do a great job with the voices, especially with Loial.  It's good to know that it's not just me who finds Jordan's work brilliant. 


Anyways, find water, shade, and all that....or a good dice game, for that matter. 



  • Community Administrator

Well since your a newbie, I'll be easy on you.

D&D (Debates and Discussions) aren't about debating & discussing WoT related subjects, but more along the lines of political threads.

I'll be moving this to general wot discussions.


Thanks, I plead newb ignorance.


I posted one but I am sure you will have moved it by the time you read this.  I will make sure I post in the right place from now on.


Water, Shade, and full figured companionship.




Please, this is not a personal add nor a plea for whatever bloody "sourceplay" is either.  I just want to know if anyone agrees that the male and female approaches to touching the source are similar to that of a man and woman's approach to sex. 


Thank you. 




I usually just lurk around the boards but i had to say something on this one... personally i think you're on the right track but u need to think more than just sex. if you look at how everytime a man thinks about how to get a woman to do what he wants or how a woman says to get men to do what they want them to its pretty much exactly the same as how they control the OP. i beleive i remember this being the subject of a thread a long time ago actually. about the male half is a like a woman and the female half is like a man. so ya. ur close imo just think a little broader ya know...


Dracos, that's actually really good.


Saidin - an ocean of fire whipped by a storm of ice; treacherous tidea and shifting ground.  Yep, sure sounds an awful lot like my first wife.


Saidar - a tranquil river flowing smoothly.  Sounds an awful lot like me.




Good, but I often feel like I am the one submitting in most relationships and most of the women I have dated likened our relationships to a struggle for dominance.


Anyways, men always get the last word in all arguments....and its usually "Whatever you say, baby."



(bringing a knife to a gun fight)


I think i agree with Dracos, it is very like how women and men deal with power. The difference I think, is that Men see a struggle, and they fight to get to where they need to be, they fight to gain control, whereas women are more... subtle about it. They may submit to begin with, allow themselves to be controlled until that time that they can take control themselves. A little like Moghedien really, she is probably the quintessential 'woman' when it comes to how she allows herself to be (seemingly) manipulated. I dont think she is cowed by Moridin at all.


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