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[TV] Dancing with the Stars ABC


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I missed the season opener last night so I'm catching up at lunch now and I may miss tonight episode so I'll catch up tomorrow at lunch I guess.


However, in just seeing the opening Pros number...




As with ANTM, I'm going to TRY to keep up this season.  I've got a lot of catching up to do with ANTM right now as well.

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Well, Adam Corolla was horrible.  But Len liked his Footwork, so that's HOPE.  Because you Know Len's not gonna sugar coat a bad performance.


Most of the guys did well in the first week.  I was surprised by Penn doing so well, actually.  This season there are Three heartthrob potentials.  Christian, Jason, Mario.  They all did well also, it's gonna be a great competition!  Steve Guttenberg was just Adorable!  His vignette before his performance was funny.  He is one Happy Guy!  I just adore him!  I had a Huge crush on him when I was little.  I'm loyal.  I'll be pulling for him that he does well the whole season.  I doubt he'll win, but I'll be pulling for him to go far.  I may even Vote for him a couple of itmes. *gasp*


Did Monica Seles have work done on her face?  Or is it the glamorous long hair?  I Totally didn't recognize her!  In fact, I actually mistook her for Heather Mills until I realized that the camera was showing the ladies for This season.  Can't wait to see the ladies!  Kristi Yamaguchi is going to be a favorite for me since I grew up watching her win gold medals.  AND, she skated to the Bjork song "It's Oh so Quiet" once.  I've Always wanted to choreograph a Tap dance number to that song.  Gotta love a girl who performs to Bjork!!!!

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The men were pretty bad last night.  Though I thought that Jason Terry did a bit better than his score indicated.  Of all the guys he did the best job, but he along with all the rest have a lot of work to do.


I'm anxious to see the girls dance tonight.  I especially wanna see Marleen and Kristi.  I will say though that it is nice to have people I actually know and recognize this season.  There is only three in the group that I never heard of before which is far better than the over half last season.  Plus I actually have fond memories of many of them.

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Well, I guess I thought it was ok for their first time out.  I mean, no, they weren't fantastic, but they never are the first couple of weeks.


abc.com airs the entire episodes the day after the original airing.  That's where I watched it yesterday.  I won't get to see the ladies until tomorrow at lunch since I have to be out of the office for lunch today.

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I thought the women as a group were far superior to the men.  Though as Mendorah said this was only their first week and it will be interesting to see who improves and who falls flat.  The ones I hope shows great improvement and will stick around for a while are Steve, Jason, and Mario for the men and Kristi, Marissa, Presilla and Marleen for the women.


I was blown away by the Kristi's Foxtrot and Marleen's Cha-Cha.  Since I always skip all the practice sections I didn't what if any signals they may have worked out.  Did they do any of that?  I saw some unusual looking moves by her partner on occasion that I took to be signals for her on when to move, but wasn't sure if that was the case or not.  Did anyone who watched see if they talked about anything like that?  Any guesses on who get's the axe tonight?  I'm thinking the spanish guy that I don't even know the name of.

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I thought that no one was getting the axe this week and they were doing double elimination on Next week's results show.  But I could have misheard that.


I'm thinking Adam on the guys side will be the first to go.  But unfortunately, Penn and Steve are both pretty low on the popularity wagon, so they may be first.  Ooooh, NOOOOO, not Christian (the chilean guy)!  He's so pretty!  And he wasn't that bad, he just hunched his shoulders and that can be fixed.


I still haven't seen the women yet.  I'm gonna try to catch it tonight when I get home from my seminar.

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Oh is that's what's going on.  I thought they were gonna have a results show this week.  Didn't catch the part where they talked about the double eliminations.  I just watched the dancing.  I'm only guessing Christian because he was in the middle of the pack and I think he will have the smallest fan base in america.  I actually think he was better than most of the guys and would like to see how he progresses over the weeks.  Unfortunately though, the early eliminations usually have more to do with how big a fan base you have as opposed to how well you do. 

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Finally watching the ladies.


I didn't realize how awkward and silly Shannon Elizabeth is.  After seeing her vignette, I thought it was going to be a Disaster!  But it wasn't that bad.  She's cute as a Button!  But she needs to work on her grace and she didn't shake her butt Near as much as she should have, I mean, that's what the fringe on the outfit is for!


Monica Seles looks Beautiful!  I Never would have recognized her!  Unfortunately, her dance was a Disaster!  Stiff, stiff stiff and her feet just flew out there with no thought, no pointing, no nothing.  She needs LOTS of work!


I LOVE Marisa!  She cracks me up.  She's like the girlfriend you want to go out and have a Girls Night with and get drunk and have a Rediculous time.  I loved Every Second of that dance!  She's awesome and she's now on my list of people I want to win.  However, the judges are right.  There wasn't a whole lot of Cha Cha in there.  I'm a little worried about how she'll do with the girly ballroom stuff, but I'm hoping she'll nail it All.


Priscilla Presley is a graceful woman and she has such potential to be Fantastic at the ballroom dances.  I'm very proud of her and I can't wait to see how she improves.


Kristi Yamaguchi is still just a darling as ever.  I adore her!  She did Really well.  She needs to watch her shoulders, though, there was a few times she pulled them up.  I'm surprised they didn't nail them on the "lift".  Maybe they've come to a decision that the (I have no idea what they call it) thing they did where both of her feet were off the ground for a second isn't really a lift.  It's the same move they argued over last year quite a lot.


I'm fascinated with Marlee Matlin this season.  I mean, her disability is not something that people are just watching to see if her leg will fall off.  She is perfectly able to dance, she just can't hear the music or her instructor.  She wasn't near as good as Kristi, but I didn't expect that.  I mean, in the beginning their challenge is the music and the performance.  Now they can work on her technique, which isn't horrible by any means.  I am Really excited to see how she improves.

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Last nights dancing was great!  After a few rocky performances to start the evening from Steve, Christian, Monica, and Penn most of the rest of the night was a surprising treat. 


On the men's side Jason and Mario wowed me and on the womens' side they all did very well.  Even Shannon managed to pull off a great dance to my even greater surpise.  My favorite dances of the night though were by Kristy and Marleen.  They both continue to impress me.

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Awwwww!  Steve isn't much for moving his hips, but he's just so adorable I could scream!  His performance is really fun to watch, but the judges are right, it wasn't really that great technically.


Christian fixed his posture for Sure!  His posture looked great.  And it wasn't a Great Quickstep, I mean, you could tell that he was Really concentrating on that posture and I thought that lost out on some of his performance, maybe.  But honestly, in So You Think You Can Dance, the Quickstep is nearly Always the Kiss of Death.  So I think he did Phenominally for it being his second dance and for him not being a dancer in the first place.


Oh dear.  Monica's dance was just wretched.  I couldn't even watch the whole thing.  Bruno hit the nail on the head with saying she was out of touch with the music.  I mean, there was No connectivity with the music at all.  I feel for her though, I mean, there are some people who just Don't Get the dance thing.  Unfortunately, she finds this out on National TV.  She looked Super cute, though!


Poor Penn.  He's just so Big and Kym's not very tall.  The first of that dance it looked like he just would rather pick Kym up and fling her around while he lumbered around the dance floor.  This is a common problem for tall men who have meat on their bones.  It's just so much harder for them to learn to reign in the movement, or shall I say dance in a smaller box.  I think he has potential, but it will take him longer to get it.


Pricilla Presley is just Too Cute!  I enjoyed her dance.  But she's GOT to relax her shoulders!  I'm surprised the judges havne't said anything about it!  I think I saw her bobble a mistake here and there, but over all, I just really enjoyed it.


Shannon's quickstep was Lots of fun!  Her improvement over last week was phenominal.  I mean, the Quickstep may not be the Fox Trot or the Waltz in terms of grace, but it's a good start in getting her away from her Awkwardness.  I mean, who would have thought that she would have done This Well after last week???  Which wasn't Awful, but was just awkward.


FINALLY!!!!  Edyta has a partner that's Good!!!  Even his Hands were good!  And that's the hardest part for a lot of men is getting the hands to look relaxed.  Well, I'm pulling for Kristi to win, but I want Edyta to win more, so Jason is on the Top of my list of favorites.


I enjoyed Marisa's dance.  It wasn't a Wow dance, but it was solid.  I felt bad for her breaking down about not doing so well the week before.  I think that this week was a first step in a direction of lots of improvement.  The Quickstep is HARD, so if she did so well on this dance, she can handle everything else.


Well, Adam was an improvement on last week perfomrance wise, but it was better than Monica.  I tell ya though, I'm Shocked that Lenn didn't let him have it.  I'm even more shocked that Lenn gave him a friggin' 7!


I was worried about Marlee on this one as well, but she did just fine.  I think to really up the Wow, she needs to relax her s houlders and the posture will get better, I think.  Because her posture isn't Bad, it's just a little stiff.


Aaaaand, Kristi just kicked Major Butt on that one!  She and Jason for me are the best of the pack, with Shannon creeping on up behind them.



Oh, Whoops!!!  I forgot Mario.  And that's a shame because his quickstep was delightful.  I'm seriously surprised.  His posture was good and he was Smooth!  I agree with Carrie Ann.  The whole dance was very charming.  I think that's a perfect way to sum that dance up.





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