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(Moved from Tinker DG) What happens when two Tuatha'an groups meet?


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I don't remember this happening in the series. ::)


Two groups of Travelling People following the Way of the Leaf and flowing upon the wind...the Pattern wills that their paths should cross.  What a glorious event that would be to witness.


I have some images in my mind of what it would be like.  I'll share some of them with you.  Please feel free to add your own ideas.




I imagine that the Mahdi of each group would be informed that the other group had been spotted.  He would likely proceed toward the other group expecting to eventually make contact with that group's Mahdi.  When the two leaders finally met, greetings would be exchanged.  Ceremonious words would be spoken, perhaps similar to what Elyas and Raen said when they met in The Eye of The World?  Maybe more elaborate since it is Mahdi-to-Mahdi?  The spot where this ceremony took place would become the center of the combined camp site.  The Mahdi of one group would take the lead forming a huge circle around the ceremonial center.  Alternating wagons would follow him.  One from one group...then one from the other...one from one group...one from the other...until finally the other Mahdi brought up the tail of the chain and closed the circle with his wagon in front of the other Mahdi's wagon.  I can almost feel the excitement amongst all of the People as the circle is formed!  Mastiffs barking.  Children darting in and out of the forming circle, laughing.  Music from all directions.  Pimple faced boys trying to avoid being caught catching a glimpse of the lovely young maidens of the other group.  Young ladies pretending that they don't notice.  Mothers and Grandmothers pretending to attempt to maintain some resemblence of order while all the while smiling from ear to ear.  When the circle is complete and the Madhi wagons are truly neighbors, both Mahdi move to the center of the circle.  Dead silence other than the wind and the animals.  Even the children are quiet.  Another ceremony.  Solemn remembrance.  Together, as it has been done for centuries, the Mahdi recite the reason that the People live as they do.  They describe the virtues and the necessity of the Way of The Leaf.  Not so much as a sneeze or a cough from any of the listeners.  The People do not hear these words spoken in this manner often...only when the Pattern choses.  These are special, precious memories being formed.  Everyone present will remember this time...always...always...always.


As the ceremony ends, both Mahdi together light the central fire that will be maintained for as long as the camp exists.  Wood for this fire will be gathered in teams of two...one young boy from one group and one young girl from the other group.  Where they gather the wood from and how long it takes them doesn't matter as long as the fire is burning day and night.  Music and dance are only interrupted for meals and sleep.  Chores are kept to the absolute minimum.  Stories are swapped.  Goods and services are traded.  Weddings take place.  The Way of The Leaf is enjoyed.  Until the sad time when it must end.  A ceremonial departure is endured by all.  Each group loses some members and gains other members as a result of the weddings.  Everyone is happy that the meeting happened and sad that it had to end.  The memories will exist...always.



Did I leave out any details?  Please add your visions of what this event would be like.  Thanks.  Love, Gramps.


oooh, loverly! had chills running down my spine, just thinking aobut it! ;D


I would think that being in search of the Song, they woudl swap rumors of where to find it's existence, share tales of miracles that had happened when fragments of it had been sung on the other end of the Land. About the friendships made, romances created, and lives saved that would bring the listener to join the Tuatha'an.


There would be endless song, food, and dance. The whole stay would seem like a birghtly colored festival! New dances would be shard that they learned along their ways, as well as food and songs.


*nods* if I left anything out, feel free to elaborate


which is our trademark dance... why didn't I know that? possibly because I lost my EotW a cople years ago and won't reread the series without it? yeah... that has to be it. I just immediately assumed the worse of the two dances


In the first book, it would've been the Tizanga when he and Egwene ran into the Tinkers.



Yes, this sounds right.  All I remember vividly is that the more that Perrin blushed and looked away, the harder the women tried to make him blush. :)


I'm assuming that Tuatha'an would not want to marry outside of their beliefs.  They also should realize the dangers of inbreeding.  So, a chance to meet non-related people with the same beliefs should be a valuable opportunity.  The Tizanga should help with this process, I imagine. ::)


    Grandpa G,


  You are a natural born storyteller. You remind me of my Grandpa G and his brother. They used to gather the kids around a Willow tree and tell stories and sing songs until every kid had a freshly made whistle that we ran around with the rest of the day bothering everybody we could with our off pitch tooting!!

    Keep up the good work. Your story was great!


I enjoy reading his stories, too ^^ I'd post the book I am working on, but DM wouldn't much like it >.>


that's why we have Grandpa G as our Official Unofficial Gleeman! ;D

  • 2 months later...

In the first book, it would've been the Tizanga when he and Egwene ran into the Tinkers.



Yes, this sounds right.  All I remember vividly is that the more that Perrin blushed and looked away, the harder the women tried to make him blush. :)


I'm assuming that Tuatha'an would not want to marry outside of their beliefs.  They also should realize the dangers of inbreeding.  So, a chance to meet non-related people with the same beliefs should be a valuable opportunity.  The Tizanga should help with this process, I imagine. ::)




What if the leader of one of the groups was male and the other leader was female and they decided to get together...would the two groups "merge" by marriage into one large group?


Hmm, I dunno if that would be the best idea.  The more individual groups searching for the song, the more likely hood one of them will find it.


I'm sure a merger may be the case after they find the song.


Good point.


Maybe one or the other of the leaders would have to abdicate and join the other's group?  A long distance marriage probably wouldn't work very good...pigeons would get too tired (no cell phones in Randland).  :)


[iThe People do not hear these words spoken in this manner often...only when the Pattern choses.  These are special, precious memories being formed.  Everyone present will remember this time...always...always...always.



Just a thought, if this meeting were to be held anywhere near a populated area the feelings might be quite different.  One of the reasons the Tinkers travel continuously in small groups is for safety from attacks from outsiders.  A gathering of two groups would double the chances of drawing unwanted attention. Unless they were in the Caralain Grass country the two groups might decide to seperate immediately for safeties sake.


For a chance to party hardy with another band I can almost see them risking it.


But, your point is well taken.  For safety sake, and privacy, they might move the location to a remote area.


Regardless of where it took place, that's one party I would LOVE to attend!!!



Only, I'd probably eat too much, drink too much wine, pass out and miss most of the fun by having to sleep it off...just my luck!!!  >:(


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