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Brandon Sanderson - Warbreaker

Aemon raHal

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Hey, just wondering if anybody has read any Brandon Sanderson stuff yet?


I spoiled myself with WOT being the first fantasy series I read (apart from the obligitory LoTR) so everything else after that has disappointed me - Sword of Shanara (didn't continue after book 1), Song of Fire and Ice (didn't continue after book 1) and Sword of Truth (read most of them up until the one where he makes statues for some reason... I know, a bad one to read past book 1 ;) )


Anyways, I always end up rereading WOT cos nothing compares as far as I'm concerbed!


So since Brandon Sanderson was announced as the man to finish WOT, I've been visiting his site to see what he has to say about it every week or so.


Then I noticed that he has versions of one of the books he's working (Warbreaker) on available for download.


Was pretty ok... not at all like WOT, not as detailed (yeah, I know its not the final version), but I was addicted.



Just want to know if anybody has read any of his stuff and what they think about him being chosen for WOT.





I picked up a copy of "Elantris" a few weeks ago.  It hasn't grabbed me yet but I only started it a few days ago.  Ineresting premis. We'll see how it develops.


You didn't like A Song of Ice and Fire? Sheesh, that one IMO is better than WoT.


Also, you might try Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, very good book.


I agree with Kath. I was a bit concerned with Elantris--i mean don't get me wrong its a great read, but it has some problems with development prior to climax's--he rushed in alot of information right at the end and it jarred you from the story--it wasn't really anything that I would even have paid attention to except i was looking to be critical with our book 12 writer.


But Mistborn is spectacular. The development of plot and revelation is perfect. The characters are believable and sustained, the political intrigue is perect, and his action moments are described with a clarity that few writers ever manage.


Trust me... I was expecting to have to be kind to the poor man whose talent simply couldn't match RJ's--it seemed almost inevitable--but Brandon Sanderson's writing is solid, and perhaps more importantly for this discussion its compatable with RJ's.




You didn't like A Song of Ice and Fire? Sheesh, that one IMO is better than WoT.


Also, you might try Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, very good book.


A Game of Thrones was ok, but it just didn't hook me enough to read on.


Actually, maybe somebody can clear this up for me - at the end of AGoT, it says that there'll be more stories in the same land.... and then it gives the prologue of Book2.

Does the series continue on just from different PoV's or what happens (without spoilers)??



Must give Mistborn a try. Living in France now so they don't stock all these books. So either I buy off the net or wait till I go back home in March to buy a copy.


As I said, i know Warbreaker is only a draft, but what Luckers said rings tru. Alot of what is revealed at the end should be tied in a bit more, and not just landed in.


Glad to hear that he's written some excellent stuff though, and not just 'ok' stuff.




(Modified cos one sentence said the same thing in 3 different ways ;) )



You'll get more and more POV's as you go along in ASoIaF, but there is a definate story to it, it just takes a while to reveal itself.


I'm only on chapter 6 of Elantris.  Not the same as Jordan's books 6 through 11, but similar to book 1 when Jordan was just getting warmed up.  Chapter 6 was better than chapter 1.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the book.  Hope I don't share Luckers' disappointment at the end.  Sounds like I'd better find a copy of Mistborn.  With Elantris being his first book, maybe he was just getting warmed up?



Mistborn is really good, and but The Well of Ascension is better so far, imo. I have not read Elantris yet, but it sounds like Brandon is evolving as a writer and becoming more skilled with each step. WoA is definitely more complex and "full" as far as setting/characters/plot details go. I get the feeling that this one might have clinched the deal to finish AMoL.


Also, Aemon, check out Scott Lynch's "The Lies of Locke Lamora." I read it after reading good reviews of it here at DM, and it's very good. The follow up is not quite as strong, but still entertaining. 


I'm just finishing up Elantris. I find it is pretty good but is a little preachy, something I strongly dislike. I like the story of Raoden and what he goes through in Elantris. I would elaborate but I don't want to give out any spoilers. I also like the character Hrathen, very interesting.

I think Brandon Sanderson will do a fine job with WOT book twelve. I found his characters were real and I quickly had an emotional attachment to them. I'm looking forward to the last book.


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