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New Spring...


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Okay I've just read New Spring for the first time.


I haven't seen a thread on here about it so I thought I'd start one.n (Sorry if there have been)


I really enjoyed this book. I felt it was differnt from the other books....not so many things going on but it did give me an insight into the tower and how Moraine first got into searching for the Dragon Reborn.


I was left really wanting to find out what happened next so I really do hope RJ writes the next 2 prequels.


From the point at which the story ends I find it hard to see how she will get to the point where she knows to go to The Two Rivers to find the DR. Would Tam's wife have gone to get the bounty pretending the child was hers?


Anyone any thoughts about it?

Guest Winespring Brother

No, I doubt very much that Kari al'Thor went to get the bounty. Its been a while since I read New Spring, but I remember that as well as collecting the names of people who came forward, the Accepted also collected stories or rumours of mothers who had already gone home, or wouldn't come forward. I imagine Moiraine continued to do this, and heard a small rumour of a soldier going back to the Two Rivers with a wife and child.



I'm SO with you. Loved New Spring. It was a happy little flashback from the main series, that I enjoyed reading very much, but also left me wanting to finish it. I too hope that RJ finishes the other 2 prequels, but he's stated that he is not sure if he will or not because he was disappointed with the reaction to it when it came out.


Maybe you and I are in the minority on this.



I REALLY want the other two prequals because I'm REALLY interested in how Tam found Rand and got the heron sword. None of that was ever made clear in the actual books (well the sword part, finding Rand was). I think it would be a wonderful read. I'm not sure about reading Moriane and Lan coming to the Two Rivers. That doesn't much interest me unless something really cool happened there that I'm missing.


But any extintion to the series is wonderful, and I look forward to reading them both.


He says he'll get to them when he's either halfway through, or finished with Infinity of Heaven. So it'll be a while.


I would give just about anything to get the other 2 prequals ASAP, seriously I can't wait until mid-way or after infinity of heaven. I have always wanted more insight on Tam finding Rand ever since I read EOTW


Thanks all for replying.


Winespring Brother, I didn't realise that Moraine took notes of the rumours but it makes sense rather than just taken down names of those that came forward.


Almearafan, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it but it sounds like a long wait till the next two are likely to come out.


Kadere, I forgot about the sword it would be good to know how Tam got it and a bit more of his story.

I hope there is more along the way before they get to the two rivers...not just it was last on the list so had to be them type ending.....that would be a disappointment!

Only another 10 years to wait.......*sighs* (maybe more... :shock: )

Guest Winespring Brother

I did really enjoy New Spring, but I am not sure the next ones will be as good. The main reason I think I liked it was that we got to see more of the internal workings of the tower, like the test for the shawl and the ajah secret weaves.


The thing i wasn't too sure about with NS was that when I read the main books, Moiraine to me is always the coolest character. She seems like dignity, wisdom and true Aes Sedai spirit incarnate, so I didn't really like seeing her as an adolescent. Kind of took away the sheen a bit.


Winespring I agree with you about Moraine. You would have thought after going through the test for the shawl she would be able to keep her composure better afterwards but she didn't. Maybe it was bacause she was out of the tower, if she had stayed there she may have learnt quicker to keep the serenity and calmness up.


You wouldn't have thought that her and Siuan where tricksters neither going by the other books.

Guest cwestervelt

The way she was acting, especially towards Lan before bonding him, shouldn't have been too much of a surprise. Some of it was mentioned in one of the earlier main sequence books. I think it was in The Great Hunt but it might have been The Dragon Reborn. It was when Moiraine was asking Lan if his bond was beginning th chafe. I think it was that same time that she dropped the bomb on him by telling him his bond was going to get passed to Myrelle at the time of Moiraine's death.


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