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*giggles*  TIg I love the bubbles!!!


GOod Job Danya!! *hugs*  and annoyed at school..well that'll end eventually..when you are out of school probably... :P  Still...the losing weight is good to hear!!


*twaps Kell*  well at least he did have the thought...


*whistles at Tig*  woohoo!  my imagination is seeing great things there....*waggles eyebrows*  can't wait to see a pic of the real thing!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's see...


I'm about as caught up as I can get ay school, so... yeah. I still haven't managed to get to my PR's, but hopefully I won't have many conferences on Friday & I can get 'em done. :)


I started going back to dance last week, though I couldn't go this week because of company. We're performing in Springfield on Saturday, so I gotta go this week! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did get my baby weaned in early March... about a month before her second birthday! But it's finally done and she's happy!


My weight is finally going down. I'm back to my beginning of the year mark! I started eating better and I will be exercising more... we bought my husband a Wii for his birthday this week and we pre-ordered Wii Fit for me. But even without that I'm finding that the Wii can be a decent amount of exercise.


My saving is going well, too. I'm starting to think about watching for a good sale.


I haven't started any new projects since the bag I made for myself a month and a half ago, but I haven't finished any old ones, either.



But I think things are going well!

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Guest nephitess

well one of my goals for the years is coming to an end! I'm about to finish school and I believe if all goes well with my final exams...with amazing marks as well!!


*snuggles everyone* your all doing great work guys! :D

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*enjoys mine a lot*

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  • 3 months later...

Ok folks..we've let our Resolutions get alittle lost and forgotten!!  Kind of like happens in real life..so I'm bumping it back to the top!!!  LOL!


How are y'all doing?  Hmmm?  Lor you dancing?  Tay taking time for you?  FInishing projects anyone?  How's the working out going Tig and Sam?  Kell and Danya..still smoking or did we finaly get that to a stop?  Hmmmm?  How about all you folks that wanted to do some sewing..how is that going?


As for me...hmm nope havn't quit smoking still trying instead of doing!  Bah!  but I have finished several of my crafty projects!  And trying acouple of new ones!  I had my epideral done in my spine....and still losing weight!!


CHECK IN EVERYONE!!    You might remind us what your resolution was or is..or what things to get done you had on your list!

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I went back to dance three weeks ago and have been going faithfully ever since. Peanut goes with me and the grandma's take turns holding the baby while I dance. *laughs* I'm usually sweaty within 5 minutes of walking in the door, but that may be more the humidity around here than my actual workout level... ;)

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I am pretty much stalled out on the workouts.  Considering I have been on either 50 or 60 hour work weeks since the end of January, this is to be expected.  And at this time it is crunch time.  The next test time will be coming up sooner than expected. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

*nods* quite understandable Sam dear..but now we'll just be doing the cheerleading for the test!!  GO SAM!!!  *grins8


TIme for a celebration!!!  LOL  I completed 7 aprons that i have had cut out for two years!! WOOHOO!!  Now I can work on some new sewing project!!!

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ewww!  those sound awful!  lol anything that is a "Core" workout sounds intense!!  BUT....we are very proud of you cause you are doing them, even though they suck...especially when I know an hour off early would be a welcome break to see the family or just relax!!  WelL DONE SAM!!!  *grins and gives sam some special massaging energizing work out socks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey how is everyone? My comp is determined to keep me off here. But I beat it for now. I moved to college so its been kind of crazy lately. We have a gas stove which I have no idea how to use so im living off anything i can microwave. This wasn't on my list but i was making a family tree and while researching on line I found a tree about my moms side of the family. Apparently someone on that side has similar interests. So not only did I finish half my tree I met a new family member.

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Hey Sienna!  That is very cool!!!  LOL  as I was reading your post..I saw that commercial about researching family trees...you found a leaf then?!?!  *grins*


*hugs*  this is your first year of college right?  I know you're going to be busy..but i hope you get to check in with us!!  Good luck darlin!!  and really ..a gas stove is easy to use...just burns hotter than electric..don't need to turn it on high usually and it will cook faster!  Biggest thing...remeber to ALWAYS turn off the gas all the way!!  Hey do we need a new address for you?  did you move into a dorm?  lol so many questions!


*pokes everyone*  SOUND OFF!!!!  What happened to Tig and his sixpack?  Kell and danya and smoking?  Neph...are you back in school?  anyone sewing?  Where the heck are y'all?

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Ya im a first year. Im living in a basement, i dont know the area code for it but i visit home frquently so the old address works. Its nice, the furniture is comfy, and I get my own room. I was really bad for burning things before  but now they are just twice as burned. Grilled cheese tastes the same burned or not if you put enough ketchup on it. I mostly just use the microwave anyway.  I found a leaf Twinnie ;D

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