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Guest Stefania Sedai

*slaps forehead* I should buy apples INSTEAD of the honey buns! That's what I've been doing wrong!


Yeah, it was with my sister and two friends as part of the Scale Back Alabama initiative. If we each lose 10 lbs in a 10 week period then we are entered into a drawing for $1000 each! I think only one other teammate has done it yet, and I have probably un-done it at this point!

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Surely not!!!  Go get those apples kiddo!!


And if you have any goals or resolutions for the year...just tell us about them!!  *grins*  we'll support, nudge, nag,commiserate and CELEBRATE with you!


I wonder how Mmeesh is doing on her room cleaning.....*skips off to check*

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:P You could have just asked, Sam. I'm already knitting myself an Orange scarf XD it is my favorite color, after all! I'm thinking that should I ever knit myself a WoT style shawl, I might sneak in some orange yarn, just for the edge  ;D Sorry twinnie, I was hoping my choice wouldn't disappoint too many people  :(


*huggles twinnie* and we still love you, but that doesn't mean that I won't poke er  prod ack cheer! you on to quit  ;)

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Hm....  The room cleaning is...coming.... :-\


It's not done, but then again you should see it--it's a disaster area.  I'm not exaggerating.  It looks like I took every possession in my reach and threw it on the floor (which actually isn't far from the truth... ;) ).


Still, it annoys the heck out of me.  I actually get angry when I have to walk through the mess, which is so different from what I'm used to.  ???  How odd.  So I'm sure that it'll gradually happen, with some major advances here and there.  I think that's about all I have time for.  It's that bad.  :-\


Well, keep trying to quit, gals!  It's not gonna be easy, but it'll be worth it, I'll guarantee it!

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another orange manic?  oh dear..light help us!!  LOL!


*hugs Sor*  thanks kiddo...i need that!!!  And congrats on your ajah!!  *grins*  just wishful thinking!!! 


Mmeesh just keep at it..one thing at a time and one day you'll find the floor!!!


*sighs with Danya*  we are a pair!!  BUT..that ten a day is still better than a pack a day!!  I'm proud of you!!  GOOD JOB!!!


Ok..who havn't we check on latley?  Hmmm?  Lor, Ursuala?  Sienna...Tay...Jhea...how are you guys doing on your goals/resolutions/ list for the year?

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Okay...even though I usually avoid resolutions like the plague, I guess I am on an unofficial one that started last year.  From Sept-Nov I lost 30 lbs.  I ran 1.5 miles in 14.5 minutes.  Then it got too cold to run outside and from Thanksgiving to Christmas I gained 10 lbs back.  Since New Years my wife and I joined the YMCA and I am back to 30 lost and 13.5 on the 1.5 mile run.  I haven't been to the Gym in 2 weeks thanks to both extended shifts at work (5, 12 hour days a week) and a traveling sickness that has been lingering around our house for the last three weeks. 


Hopefully I can get rid of this cough enough to get back to the gym.  Oh and to all the dieter's.....I know men metabolise differently than women, but I have not changed my diet very much at all(and it's pretty bad).  That 1.5 mile run does a lot to manage bad dietary choices....lol.  ;D

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WhenI started this whole thing I was just shy of 270.  I really felt like that might be slightly unattainable.  Then I started to realize that with my frame I am actually not that far overweight, even though the charts say I should weigh 170-180.  YIKES, I don't think that is even possible.  The biggest risk I face is that all of my fat is belly fat (Very dangerous for men) and given my family history, it was time to do something about it.  So, I cut meal portions down by about 1/4, and started running.  Basically, I don't finish off whatever is left after the family is served....lol.


Plus I have no problems with the running (Leg pain, shin splints, joint pain)which also indicates to me that my body is built bigger... :D

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Sam that is GREAT!!!  And you are absolutly right though..the excercise is the key.  when I am swimming the weight just goes away..even when I am eating to much!!


*pokes Sor*  how are you doing kiddo?  *grins*  I sent you a little happy mail today!!  *bounces*  for the trivia prize...a little later than I intended...but it's on the way!!  To Zarine and Fae too!!!!


Actually that goal is going pretty well so far this year...of getting cards and stuff mailed when it should be..and finishing up projects I have started....

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Thanks Twinnie, I'll be sure to keep an eye open for the happy mail  ;D I'm doing ok. My knitting has slowed a little because school is in full swing now *groans* so much homework, by the time I finish it all, it's Monday and the whole thing starts over again  :-\ sewing is still not happening lol that resolution is slipping really bad

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For the smokers. My cousin was buying any employee of his a case of beer for every week or month(can't remember) they didn't smoke. So find something you like and treat yourself to it when you go for a reasonable amount of time without smoking. Start with something small don't kill yourselves ;D


Oh Meesh. I read somewhere that if you spray some type of cleaning product(Febreeze or something) on your mess you will be more tempted to clean it. Don't know if it works but worth a try.

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*hugs Sienna*  good job on the application getting in!!! :)


Good to see you to hon!!  And thats a great idea about the Febreze!!  Never thought of it..but it would motivate me!!


And as for the rewards thing...it is a great motivator for some people...sadly I am not one of them..LOL!  Although..when I do quit..the money from the cigarettes goes into a savings account...and I get to buy new furniture and flooring!

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*hugs Sor and grins*  You are most welcome honey!!  LOL  I loved helping you keep such a good resolution!!  And I mean it...you keep on believing in yourself and knowing you ARE worth more and not just "dime a dozen" member!!  We believe in you too!  If you ever start to doubt..you just ask any one of your Kin family here!!!


I am really happy, because I finished two more projects this weekend!!  WOOHOO!  Two shawls I was crocheting!  Now I only have one unfinished crochet project..an afaghan..and I think I can finish it by the end of the week!!  *groans*  the next area of projects to start finishing..sewing.  *shakes head*  I swear to God..I will not cut out ANYTHING ever again, until I have finished making whatever is already in progress!!!

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Guest nephitess

;) you as well...i've never seen a picture of you! *g*


I was hopeing to see a picture of your shawls..but you posted some in the crafters so... *bounces*

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