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I've added 3 inches to my knitting project (it's a scarf lol) and cleaned up my sewing room so I'm not quite so afraid to go in there! lol and I took out all my sewing books so I can start getting back to those. Still haven't found a dime to make into a necklace, though.

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My baby-weaning is progressing slowly, but getting there. And I've managed to save a decent amount of money toward my serger. However, my weight has gone in the wrong direction despite a fair amount of exercising, and I've lost patience with my son on a regular basis. How is it that these little people are SO DANG GOOD at pushing all your buttons at once?


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*hugs Esp*  I don't know..think they are born with it!!  but good job on the money and weaning!!!  *grins*  and the weight..now isn't it a fact that when you start excercising weight goes up a bit..because you are building muscle?  I think so..so that IS a step in the right direction!!!  YIPPEE!!!  well done and its only the 25 of January!!!


and on that note...*grins at Neph*  it is early yet to be getting freindly with your machine or even getting one....school takes precedence on your time!!! 


*high fives Sor*  WOOHOO!  thats a fair amount to get done knitting!!  Well done..*giggles*  and as for the cleaning...thats GREAT!!!  I know keeping my craft stuff organized is a headache and a half...partly cause of ongoing projects and just having so much crafty junk!!! Hmm..sorry can't remember the kind of dime you wanted....is it hard to find?  take it not a regular dime....


*laughs*  well pol..getting the job will definitly help towards saving the money to go to england!!  Good luck on your book!  That is a huge undertaking!!  Keep it up!


Everyone else?  Ursuala, Lor, Meesh, Seinna, Tay...hmmm? How ya doing?

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oww..that is rough!!  *hugs*  BUT!!  you made the effort by switching to the weaker brand..now just don't smoke more to make up for it!!!  *grins and pokes*  easy trap to fall into i know!!


So..it's a step!!  Better than standing still!!!  *grins*  Good Job!

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Guest nephitess

You guys sounds like your doing great so far. remember it is only the beginning of the year...small steps make big ones. *nods*

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I'm going to go down and see my aunt on the 22 of Feb! Can't wait. I think shes kinda bored cuz she was emailing me alot about visiting. Glad shes so excited cuz when we get there she wont be able to wait till we leave lol. Sounds like everyone is doing good with their resolutions/goals ;D Good luck to all of you quiting smoking I heard its really hard. My grandpa smoked like two packs everyday for like 40 years and he just stopped one day because he got a cold. We were so proud of him.






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  Well, I'm working on getting healthier, and I think it's a work in progress, albeit a slow one.

  My room has gotten worse b/c I haven't seen to it yet, but, surprisingly, it's actually starting to get on my nerves--a good sign, as far as I can tell.  If I can't stand a messy room, it'll get cleaned, eventually!  ;)

  I'm finishing up the application for my college; just have to turn in the essay.... >:(  It's soooooooo hard.....I don't know what to say!!  The prompt is basically this: "What sets you apart and makes you special?  This could deal with academics, family circumstances, religion, or anything else."  Obviously, that's not exact, but that's the gist of the thing.  I don't know what to say!!!!!!

  Hmm, I still get up late, but my dad lost his job so he's around to give all the kids a ride to school in the morning....it doesn't help that I finally got my hands on a copy of Twilight and I was hooked...I can't put those books down once I've picked them up--late nights, I can tell you!

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Ok, I never make new year's resolutions and this one is not a resolution, but a decision finally.


All who know me am aware that I am a massive chronic smoker.  Well, In one week, I will be giving it up for good.  I start next wednesday...I'm giving it up for Lent...I figure that will get me through the hardest month.  I've quit for Lent once before.  So everyone cross your fingers and give me encouragement.  I'm giving up my second favorite bad habit before it really starts to conflict with my favorite bad habit.

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Woo! You rock Kellen! We're behind you all the way!


Not really looking for a special dime, really just trying to think of how I would manage to put a small hole through a dime; a hole big enough for like a chain, or maybe somehow glue a loop hole to the top of the dime in order to make it into a necklace. That sentence was kind of confusing even to me so I understand if no one gets what I'm trying to say lol  ???


It's simply something I want to make because one of my teachers kept telling me that I would only be one of those "Dime a dozen animators" and this is to help remind me that he is wrong.

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LOL  I understood what you said Sor....now that may not be could since i am chronically confused....let me talk to my hubby.  He does a lot of metal work and may have an idea how to do what you want!!


Kell my dearling...leave it to you to give me my direction. *grins and hugs*  I've been waffling about a quitting date..and you have gave me the most natural one in the world.  *smiels*  I always walk a Lenton journey, and do one thing during that time either forming a good habit or stopping a bad one...so that's it.  My quitting date is also the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, February 6.  Thanks hon!

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Guest nephitess

Wow...good job Twinnie! You can do it!! *cheers*


Soran....you'l will rock the socks of so many people you will NOT be a dome a dozen. *nods firmly*

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Meeshal i know what yoou're saying about the books. WHen i get a good one i read until i cant see the words on the page anymore. ;D


Sor im so glad you didnt listen to your teacher. Their opinion isnt always the best one despite what they think. I had an art teacher like that(and again starting Mon :P) He basically told me my painting sucked in front of the class and they all freaked on him it was really funny. ;D

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I'm glad there are people who understand the addiction to books that one can have..... :) ;D


It's good to do your best and not listen to what other people say, no matter how influential they might be in your life.  Sor, keep the faith in yourself!  Sienna, that's a harsh thing for a teacher to do.  That's not the kind of person that people want to be around...but at least he got freaked out on!  YAAAAAY!!!!  ;D  Sometimes, we students are so hard on teachers...I feel bad for them sometimes... ;) ;D


I'm proud of all the strong people I'm associating with!!....... :D


Good job, everybody!  Keep up the good work!!!!!

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It was a black and white picture of my sis playing the guitar with a swirly checkerboard backgound and I did three sillouttes(sp?) on either side of her in the colors of the rainbow. He said the color ruined the picture, and that the idea wasnt very creative. However my class was filled with very opiniated people that semester and boy did they let him have it. They basicly told him that his opinion wasnt important and that my painting was amazing and that if he couldnt see that he souldn't be teaching. wish i had it on video to share with the world. He was also pretty nasty to my sis. SHe did a pic of the beatles head shaped like eggs. Inspired from their song Iam the eggman. He said she would have to be on drugs to think that up.

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It sickens me that these teachers (especially art teachers) think that they can say things like that to their students. Each and every semester one of my teachers turns out to be a big *coughs* something that I'll refrain from saying and last semester I had a huge realization: I am paying too much for these so called "teachers" to be stomping all over my dreams and making me feel bad for having the courage to strive for them. These guys are all so bitter because they didn't make it in the industry so they want to make it so that I won't make it either. *coughs* end rant.


Glad your class told him what's what. I love the sound of your composition and your sisters and I wish I could see them.

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I got a good digital camera but i cant figure out how to post pics on here :P. OH and i just finished applying to college. I had to stay up late to do it because the server was so busy and right now Im running on 3 cups of coffee loaded with sugar and a can of coke.

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On the subject of art teachers... I took a jewelry making class in high school, and the teacher never liked any of my designs. I wasted class after class trying to get a design he'd approve. The problem? What he approved, I hated. I wound up making a bunch of stuff I didn't like and I'd never wear. I always thought he should have just graded based on the technical work and not the design. Or, at least made design a much smaller portion of the grade and let students make whatever they wanted. That's bugged me for the last thirteen years! Oh, and I STILL prefer things that have symmetry...

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