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[PS3]Time Crisis 4


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  • Community Administrator

If you've ever been to an Arcade, or a movie theater, you should have seen games like Evil Dead, and Time Crisis, The newest Time Crisis game (Time Crisis 4 duh!) Has been remade and Improved for the ps3! (Like Time Crisis 1 or 2? for the Ps1)

The game runs around $79.99, but you recieve not only the Arcade/Campign versions of the game, but the Guncon 3, Newly Improved, and makes FPS style combat in Time Crisis 4, possible.

No longer do you go through the same old hide behind a wall, stand up to shoot, rinse and repeat action. You now, can run around, jump, move wherever the hell you want on the screen, and shoot your Enemies on the screen!

How you ask? It has 2 analogs on it, one on the left for movement, and one on the back (where you'd cock your gun at) to change your view. All the while, using the Guncon to point and shoot at your enemies, At first this seems akward, but it gets really fun once you get used to it!


Of course, Time Crisis 4, isn't Time Crisis, with out the classic Shoot Outs where you hide behind obstacles and shoot yer enemies in the head!

The Camiegn mode jumps between 2 or 3 characters, one generally in tradtional FPS style combat, the other 2, as Tradtional Time Crysis Shooting fun, both are fun, and awesome!

And no Time Crisis experience isn't complete with out that dorky, arcadey style of voice acting that goes on in the game, the over the top, action, and over the top plot that really, makes no sense. ;)



Now, It would be interesting if this game had 8v8 online multiplayer, that would be killer! ;)

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  • Community Administrator

I couldn't stand the controller when I demoed it.  Is it still side by side or have they switched it to front and back like the zapper?


Thats really my only complaint, although I do pine for rail shooters.


The controller still has the 'movement' analog on the front left side of the controller, and the 'view movement' analog on the rear of the gun....

the american version looks like

Time Crisis 4: Creating the New Guncon #1

Sucks, that these have to be that gay orange color due to that whole, 'law' about 'toy guns' that look like real ones...

Personally though,

Time Crisis 4: Creating the New Guncon #1

Isn't half bad. Of course, you'd lack on the 2nd analog to actually 'see' where your going, and using your 'gun' to move your perspective can be iritating... Though, they could have, for instance, have had a button that would switch the gun from 'gun mode' to 'view mode'....

But that unfortunately would just cause more problems...


The controls take a bit to get used to,

analog fps's, You move with the left, and shoot with the right analogs. This, your moveing normally with your left analog, aiming on the screen with cross hairs at your enemies, all the while using the 'upper' or 'right' analog to move the screen one direction or the other... once you get the hang of it, theres a few things you just can't do in other fps's, while obviously mainaining your 'wide view' of the room to 'watch' for enemeis on coming, that in other FPS's where you aim, is where you look.

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  • Community Administrator

I just found out, or rather, found it in the options, but you can use the left analog for moveing, (think Metroid Prime 2 for the Wii or is it 3?) and you use the gun, to move your view perspective, I thought this was going to be as crappy as the 'standard arcade' version of this, but it actually works pretty damned spiffy!

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It's Metroid Prime 3. But i think the traditional Time Crisis fans shall weep over the loss of their 'Let's hide behind a box and shoot' game. In my opinion, good development. Old Time Crisis games were just... Too repetitive. Hopefully this'll make it more fast-paced and in general more involving.

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  • Community Administrator

It's Metroid Prime 3. But i think the traditional Time Crisis fans shall weep over the loss of their 'Let's hide behind a box and shoot' game. In my opinion, good development. Old Time Crisis games were just... Too repetitive. Hopefully this'll make it more fast-paced and in general more involving.


Well, actually.

Like  I said before, In the Campiegn mode, it switches between the FPS mode, and the Old Fashioned Arcade mode. The arcade mode is still fun, and the fps is also jusst as fun.

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  • Community Administrator

This is true. I read it a few days ago so my memory of it was vague. Could be interesting. Chilli shall purchase. The gun, however, sounds disgustingly awkward to adjust to at first. I'm sure that once you get used to it it's fine though.


Aye, though, I did notice that the 'right' analog stick, on the rear end of gun, due to its position, After an hour or three, my 'thumb' started to hurt... But this might have to do with me going bowling the other day, and not the actual gun... ;)

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  • Community Administrator

I wrote this with a PSP. Cool, huh Sin? ;D


I knew thats possible, But something even more fun is usinng the ps3 remote play feature, to turn on a ps3, connect to the ps3 browser, within the psp, and surf the internet with your ps3, through your psp, and playing some flash games, or watching a you-tube video. ;)


Of course, you could just load up Lair and play the game via the psp through the ps3. ;)

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