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Attn All Novices and Accepted (VERY IMPORTANT)


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Hi ladies and gents,

I am pregnant as many of you know and I really need all of your help. In the past in order to keep track of your arches and oaths, and reqs etc, I have been just reading through all the threads that pop up on my email and figuring out what reqs they fufill. However I am tired and can't sit in front of the comp for long period, the baby does not dig this. So what I need you to do is this, please go start a thread in the report board above this with your name in it. This is the link to the report board:http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/board,188.0.html

Post this inside if your a novice:


1) Arrival/Meet Mentor - Rp where the Novice first meets Mentor/MoN/Roomates or all three. (May be seperate threads)

2) One OP Related RP - Min. 4 Posts. (This can be either Touching the Source or Intro To Saidar. Of which either Mentor, MoN or a designated Teacher may be contacted.)*

3) Choice: Pick two of several choices.

- Homesickness - Min 4 posts - Adjusting to life in the Tower, your character reflects on missing home. (How does she deal with the loss of her family?)

- Chore RP - Min 4 posts. - A chore given by either an Accepted or Aes Sedai and must be completed.

- Lesson - Min 4 posts - Where your character learns something new. (Can be a class or something personal)

- Recovery - Min 4 posts - Your character must deal with a minor/major set-back or loss and must find a way to deal with it. (Will she approach a fellow N&A, Mentor or anouther Aes Sedai?)

- Prankage! - Min 4 posts - You character has been involved in a prank of some kind! (How will you deal with it. Are you the prank-er or the prank-ee? Will you report this to the MoN?)

- Week in the Life - Min 4 Posts - Through reflection a PC will tell another PC about their average work week. (How do they cope with the grueling schedule? What sort of people do you meet? Chores or classes?)

- Open RP - Min 4 Posts - One RP with an Accepted Or Aes Sedai

- Three Arches

*(If you are a returning member, this may be replaced by an Rp of your choice from option 3.)


Ok now if you are an Accepted, please post this in the thread:

To be raised from Accepted to Aes Sedai:

Accepted Requirements




In order to gain to be Tested for the rights to the Shawl, as an Accepted you must complete the following:


1) Ajah RP: RP with sisters from another Ajah in a class, while traveling, in an intrigue or anything else of substance. Does not have to be the Ajah you are aspiring to.

2) Create your own Character Centered RP - Min 6 posts. 2 Threads - Must be approved by Staff. **I also thought of making Research mandatory.. **

3) Choice: Pick two of several choices.

- Transition - Min 6 post. - is similar to Homesickness, except adjusting to wearing the banded hem, the new rights and responsibilities that go with it.

- Punishment - Min 6 posts. - Your character catches a NPC/PC Novice or Accepted doing something that is strictly forbidden which requires them to be punished. (Do you go to the MoN, or give out your own punishment? Makes sure to explain why or why not. )

- Turning of the Wheel - Min 6 posts. - A character specific roleplay where your character may change in some manner due to an event.

- Aid - Min 6 posts. - An RP where you give assistance to another character.

- Discovery - Min 6 posts. - You character must discover something of great importance, be it something about your character or anouther. (How do you deal with this discovery? Do you hide it, or come face to face with it?)

- Research - Min 6 posts. - Research a topic of some sort, may be Ajah related or simply a matter of interest to your character.

-Testing and the Three Oaths


I know that reqs are dropped until January 1st, but I like to keep track of everything you guys do for rps. All you need do is post the link under the req it fufills and you will save me a huge amount of time and effort and also help Shan out who is my nifty new helper. Thanks so much for taking a look at this everyone.



edit by Elgee: I've changed the Min amount posts as follows:

Novices: each novice must post Min 4 times

Accepted: each accepted must post Min 6 times







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