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Alright... So Deacon made me come back (attn those who know Mandi)


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As it said my dear Warder from long long ago has said He wants to come back and he wants to come back with his Aes Sedai... sooooo I suppose I should come back... what do I need to do or can I just show up back at the tower after being retired for so long kinda like Cadsuane

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Woah.. a Green... One that I've actually RPd with.. as a Green.






Welcome Back Mandi! This is Arie Tarou (Yes, that old Greenie) and your Division Leader (sounds ominous, doesn't it?). You are more than welcome to return with your old character or start up a new one. I'll have to double check the Database for your Bio but I will still need an updated one. Jaydena should be along to add you into the Green Ajah Usergroup (if you wish) and I'll add you to the WT Usergroup.


It's great to see you! How have you been? :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Doing really well. Slowly taking over the world one division at a time. Arie is *gasp* going to be healed eventually but for now I'm the Head of the Red Ajah with my character Maegan Ryanne.


Still searching.. I have an old RP but I think that is about it.. :P

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I cannot recall if we ever RP'd together, Mandi (to my dismay).  Have you given any thought about what sort of age you'd want your Sister to be scribbled in as?  I fear that those of us that were children ICly when you were here last are erm.. well, the super-oldbies now :)

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Yeah!  A returning Green!  I knew you from way back in my days as an Accepted :P  I went LOA for about 5 years then, but I remember you anyway!  I play Aramina sur Dulciena, A greenie of course.. well..now Keeper of the Chronicles.  I'd love to RP with you sometime once you get into the swing of things! 

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Guest Arie Ronshor

well when she went away last time she was 150... sooo, I'm going to say she'll 200 to 210? Just enough to get gray in her hair ;) Still hot of course but more distinguished :P


I think you can get away with having her at 300 and still be hot. :P (Arie is over 250 Years)


Here is the Aging System just so you have an Idea where people are. The Greens have a timeline somewhere too which would probably help you out as well. (It should be fairly straight forward. Took me a few days to fix up. :)) : http://dmwhitetower.arie-designs.net/?page_id=33 

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