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Wot Series-other good ones....


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I've come to a standstill concerning new books to read and I was hoping I could get some suggestions on other good series to read.

Preferably series though, and not single books, mainly because continuing storylines seem so much more interesting than short ones. thanks much. :)


Oh yeah, i have read Tolkein, Goodkind, and Tamora Pierce already.


Me, for one! I found Goodkind's stuff to be not only of mediocre quality (you could play drinking games with his word repetitions) but gleefully plagiarised from Star Wars and the Wheel of Time into the bargain.


Let's see - read but hated ...


Terry Brooks - Shannara Series. Repetitive, cliched and tedious.

Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth. Plagarised, poor writing.

Robert Newcomb - Fifth Sorceress. Appallingly dreadful, mind-scarring, misogynistic pile of rubbish.

Steven Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen. Objectively I can see that this is a high-quality series, but I couldn't stand it.


Books and series I liked ...


Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials

Terry Pratchett - Discworld

Tamora Pierce - Circle of Magic, Song of the Lioness & various

David Gemmell - Waylander & various

John Wyndham - Chrysalids, The Day of the Triffids, The Midwich Cuckoos & various sci-fi/fantasy/horror

William Horwood - Duncton Series, anthropomorphic

Brian Jacques - Redwall, anthropomorphic

Raymond Feist - Riftwar Series, the far better five-star Empire Trilogy

David Eddings - Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium & various

JV Jones - Baker's Boy, standalone Barbed Coil, the much better Sword of Shadows which is her best work I think


And my own favourites ...


Guy Gavriel Kay - Tigana, A Song for Arbonne, The Lions of Al-Rassan

Kate Elliott - Crown of Stars

Stephen King - The Dark Tower & various fantasy/horror standalones, most linked with the Dark Tower

Robin Hobb - Farseer Trilogy, Liveship Traders Trilogy, Tawny Man Trilogy (all the same series) & various, some under the name Megan Lindholm

JRR Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings

George RR Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire

R Scott Bakker - Prince of Nothing


Those should keep you busy for a while. ;)


as a very quick rundown of a few addictive ones


david eddings, raymond e feist, steven erikson (if you can manage to get your head around his style of writing, its great), george r. martin. Plenty more, they're the first few that come to mind but there are plenty more that are equally as good (in some cases, better).


Raymond Feist - Riftwar Series, the far better five-star Empire Trilogy

hmm maybe i should get around to reading the empire sub-series then. I've gone through the rest (and still following his latest works).

Terry Goodkinds 'Sword of Truth' are good. Though many here will disagree with that statment.


Yes they are - Richard and Kahlan, bit of romance, lots of action and Mord Sith - a character written for me!


Also try the Dragonbone Chair, the Shannarah books (Terry Brooks), the the Belgariad / Malloreon books - I believe also Terry Brooks. All excellent.


thanks, but don't worry about influencing me on Goodkind, :) i already read his SoT series. personally i don't think it's a bad series, but i do think WoT is better, but that's just me. to Sirayn, thanks, and i already know i'll probably like your suggestions cuz i've also read Circle of Magic by TP. I heard G.R.R. Martin from most of you so i suppose i'll start of trying out his books.


the black magican series -truidi cavana

and i just started reading book 1 of fools gold by jude fisher and its quite good up to now lots of humor and cool characters


The three Robin Hobb series are absoloutely fantastic. Also try some of the Terry Pratchett series. Stick to the Guard and Witch novels though. Some of the stand alones and Rincewinds are ok, but the guard ones were my favorites. Oh yeah and the Michelle West novels. Start with the Hunter duo, and then the sunsword series. It gets a little hard to understand about half way through, but all in all it's a pretty good read.


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