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The TG Dance - Part Two (Open)


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It was done.  The cloak was on, the ceremony over, and Sana needed a drink.  Not that he'd really missed out on the drinking during his trainee days.  He thought back to the days of Mad Maldrin and his roommates who were never far from a fight.  And somehow dragged Sana into them as well.  He thought about all the roommates who had come and gone, the mentors as well.  There were a fair few people that might not think Aran was the best Tower Guard, but they'd not likely crossed blades with him when he was serious.  Or been forced to deal with one of his 'life lessons'. 


All in all, he'd had a good life since joining the ranks of the Tower Guard trainees.  It had been bumpy in the beginning, trying to get closer to his sister and to overcome the anger and distance that he had been so willing to leave up the previous years.  Being with his roommates had helped a lot.  The harsh training regiment had kept him too busy and too sore to think about home or the open road too much.  It was hard to remember when he had been so insecure about the path that had been before him.


He was a Tower Guard now.  He didn't know the path that was before him now any more than he had known it when he had joined as a trainee, but he knew that this was where he was meant to be.  And as for tonight... his friends knew where to find him. 


Sitting back in the table at one of his favorite inns, the Arrows Mark, he took a long drink from his mug.  He had no other plans than to sit back and drink himself blind tonight.


Ursana Tahn Sakhr... fresh from his oath   

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Today was an incredibly great day.


Humming to himself as he made his way to Arrows Mark, Aran had to say that he was overjoyed.  Today was a special day, one where Aran had a good reason to celebrate.  It was a day that Ginae hadn't tried to assault him.  It was a day where he'd managed to outrun Vasya so he wasn't assaulted.  It was a day that he going to go have a drink.  It was even a day that his student, Ursana Tahn Sakhr had graduated to the rank of Tower Guard and taken his oaths like he had eventually realised he aspired to.


More importantly, it was a day that he was a student less and had more time for himself again.


Entering the common room of the Arrows Mark, Aran had to say that he wasn't impressed with what he saw.  It was all well and good to see Ursana sitting and having a drink, Aran had been fine with that long before the lad had earned the crimson cloak.  But, he would deal with that after he got a drink which he did so quite promptly and making an effort to not be noticed by the newest Tower Guard of the day.


Walking up behind the said Tower Guard, Aran cuffed him across the back of the head.  The angry look on Ursana's face quickly turned to surprise as he realised who it was, even as Aran's finger stabbed the air in his direction.  "Never ever drink alone.  Next time I catch you at it I won't remedy the problem."


Claiming the nearest seat as he sank into it, Aran's frown disappeared as it was replaced by a slight smile.  "Congratulations on your crimson cloak, and surviving long enough to earn it.  To the survivour."  Aran lifted his mug for Ursana to match.




Tower Guard

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Ursana's surprise turned quickly to a laugh as he realized that Aran had made it to the tavern.  And with drink in hand already.  Of course, it showed that Aran had no intention of treating him any differently now that he had reached the status of Tower Guard than he had before that.  He wasn't really upset by that idea either.  While there had definitely moments when Sana had wished he had another mentor, he had learned well under Aran and Aran gave respect where it was deserved, from a Tower Guard or a trainee.  He'd seen more than one trainee treated as less than what they deserved just for being a trainee.  He'd been treated like that at one point, before Aran had been saddled with him as a trainee.


He raised his mug with Aran, a smile on his lips as he did so.  "To surviving."  He took a long drink before setting the mug down.  "And i'll get the sappy stuff out of the way now before I embarrass us both.  Thank you for teaching me.  I might not always have liked the lesson, or especially the manner it was taught, but you taught me more than just a sword and you deserve my thanks for that."


The comment was an obvious remark about the trip to Cairhein that Aran had set up.  Sana had been held by a prison guard that had no care that he wasn't the right person.  He'd had to escape with the help of a fellow cellmate and later help her break the law to pay her back for her help and care.  It had gotten ugly between himself and Aran when he had realized Aran had set the whole thing up.  Especially as he had bedded the woman before realizing she had been paid to help him.  It had been a hard learned lesson, but in the end he'd learned that while he disagreed with Aran's method, he had needed the lesson.  In particular, that lesson was probably why he'd been able to take the oaths he had without hesitation.




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OOC: Hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd dust Petra off and get her semi-active again. ;D


Petra was amused. She’d been cajoled; nope that wasn’t really the right word. Guilted? Nope, still not quite right. Coerced? Yes, that was the word that best described her talk with the Mistress of Trainees. If you do not get off your spreading arse and do something I’m going to kick it so soundly that my boot will be wedged between the cheeks for a week.  It wasn’t the threat of Thera’s boot that had gotten her to moving, but the insinuation that her pretty backside was spreading. Even now as she glided along the street, she made an effort to see if it was indeed spreading. Stopping in front of a shop window, she turned, cocking her head over her shoulder and studied the shapely inverted heart. Nope, still as lovely and firm as ever.


Anyways, she’d been coerced into lending her well earned knowledge out with some new recruits and while she’d expected boredom it had quickly turned into a good deal of fun, but only because they were more juvenile than she and had earned themselves punishment. With the last dousing of liquefied manure in their new room, she’d realized just how good she was at meting out punishment. Long after the room was clean the smell would endure causing them many moments of yuck.  After her triumphant exit, Petra had decided a celebratory drink was in order and after a quick bath and change that’s what she was about to do as she opened the door to the Arrow’s Mark.


Dirty blonde hair fell about her face as she entered, pulling her hair back away from her face; she found a drink and a table in the corner. Propping up leather-clad legs on the opposite chair, she took a hearty drink and wondered how obnoxious it would appear for her to pat her own back.  Deciding against it, she took another drink and over the rim her cup, she noted two familiar faces. Aran she only knew in passing and by sordid reputation, actually she was amazed they’d never met, but the younger man was only vaguely familiar although she knew he was from the yards.  Lifting her drink in salute to her fellow Tower Guards, she took another drink.  It was good to be queen with a perfectly fine arse, thank you very much.


Petra Mirabal

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(Yeah for joining!  The more the merrier!)



Ursana was just putting his cup to his lips when he saw another Tower Guard raise her glass in salute from a few tables over.  "And how the lessons keep coming and coming.  Let us see how well I learn from your valuable lessons."  He wondered a few times about the value, as Aran had a tendency to make lessons difficult and your work ethic had to come from yourself because he certainly wasn't going to help in that area.  Aran extolling the virtues of a good days work must mean he was talking to a serving girl about how she should be his own personal wench.  But Aran knew what he was doing with his weapons, knew what he was doing in just about any kind of fight and it was that mentality that had made him a good mentor for Ursana.  Sana who disliked being in one place for too long and who had spent most of his life schmoozing his way out of honest work and instead spent most of his time traveling with the family caravan.


He got up and walked over to the other Tower Guard.  He didn't know her name, but he recognized her from the Yards.  He smiled warmly as he stood before her table.  "Funny enough, I was just warned about the dangers of drinking alone.  When I saw you, I thought I had better share the advice and save you from the untold horrors that come from it.  Would you like to join Aran and I for a round at least?" He asked.  "I'm Sana by the way.  Sana Tahn Sakhr.  I don't think we've every been formally introduced."


Sana :P 

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A highly arched brow greeted the young tower guard as he approached the table. Near to a decade younger than her, she would assume, and probably just out of training. His red cloak would be unblemished, unsoiled and without tear.  A handsome cup of milk with an easy smile and casual walk Petra thought as he relayed the warnings of drinking alone.


I'm Sana by the way.  Sana Tahn Sakhr.  I don't think we've ever been formally introduced.


Petra stood, rubbing her hands roughly down her thighs and extended her right in greeting, “No, I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure. I’m Petra Mirabal and company is always welcome except, of course, when it is not.”  Grinning Petra winked at the young man and followed him to his table making sure to casually peruse what needed to be perused on any young man that crossed her line of sight.


Slipping in behind the table, she placed her glass down and nodded her head in greeting. “Aran,” she said,  slinking down into the chair putting her back as to near to the wall as possible. Pulling a swallow from her wine, she smiled and looked at him mischievously.  “I could be wrong since I truly only know you by reputation, but should not there be a gaggle of lovers nesting about your feet?  Do they have the night off or is your reputation all bark and no bite?”




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Watching as Ursana made his way over to Petra, Aran couldn't help but smile slightly.  Ursana's attempt at being smooth, which seemed to work rather well, was definitely not his influence.  That was something that had been all the lad's before they'd even met.  Such a sharp contrast between Rosheen, with her mohawk and her blunt manner that was as much a pose as it was real, then Ursana with his lackadaisical way that Aran was repeatedly blamed for with a paradoxical naivety that came from believing too much in the goodness of people in the oddest circumstances.  Strange, but it worked for him and that was what mattered.


Still watching as Petra decided to take Ursana up on the offer to join them, it was interesting to note where the woman decided to place herself.  Back to the wall, a common sense place to put oneself in order to not expose their back, but it was also the easiest place to end up pinned.  Aran preferred to chance his back if it came to a bar fight than being hemmed in with no escape save through a dozen people.  Well, unless they were Andoran, in which case it would be his regrettable duty to 'uphold order' and 'subdue dissidents'.


Acknowledging the greeting with a nod, he merely smiled back at her questions before responding wryly.  "I'm much maligned by my misplaced reputation.  I'm actually a rather shy man, given only to training and doing the job, no women or drinking or such, just utterly boring.  But Ursana here, my fine student who has just become a Tower Guard on this day, he has a thousand stories to tell."


"In fact."  Taking a sip from his mug, Aran grinned as he gestured to his student.  "Why don't you grace us with a story?  So long as a trainee, surely you must have a story to grace our Lady Mirabal with?"




Tower Guard

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Guest Arie Ronshor



"There once was a Tower Guard, who was an obnoxious sod."


Cairma smiled as she entered the room, followed by a few others behind her. Some even bearing acquaintances on their arms. Cairma supported a shorter Cairhien Aes Sedai who had dressed down -or up, depending how well they knew her- for the occasion.


"No, I believe that one had been over done." The Aes Sedai laughed.


"No no, they all start out like that!"


"No they don't. Sometimes they start out as 'That damn obnoxious sod!'" Cairma grinned.


"True, so very true." Releasing the Aes Sedai, "Congrats are in order. Way to go, Ursana. Good to know that one of you survived Aran."




Cairma & Maegan

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Saved by the bell.  Or toast.  Whichever worked for him.  Ursana smiled as he stood and looked over to Cairma and Meagan Sedai.  He was surprised to see the Aes Sedai in the Tavern, but he knew there were a fair few who frequented such places.  Just not one he knew.  Not that he knew many.  However, it was a nice gesture even if she was a regular fall on the floor drunk. At least she chose to fall on the floor with his company tonight. 


Ursana laughed at her comment then looked at Aran.  "Survived him?  Survived yes.  I'm not sure how much of the original Sana is still intact, but I did manage to crawl through the training under his tutelage and still be able to speak about it without tears."  He frowned for a moment.  "Most of it anyway."  He winked again, unable to really pull off the fake frown.  He was in too good a mood.  "And I wanted to thank you, Aes Sedai, for standing for me in the ceremony.  You honored me."  He said with the same smile that graced his face so easily.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

Maegan smiled at the young man. There was something of age that showed in the boys eyes. Although far too young for her -much much too young!!- there was a level of maturity that showed, and consideration on behalf of his mentor. Aran for all the pain that he caused, he taught well. Rarely a day that went by could have been called a bore or un-fulfilling. For a woman of 150 years of age, creativity and humor went a long way. She fought down a blush. Among other things...


"You honor us tonight, Ursana. I am simply Maegan for the night. Formality tends to make spirits curdle." She smiled. Wondering how many ales would take to match her nights of drinking brandy, she inclined her head with a glance at Aran. "He seldom leaves those within his vicinity unchanged." Maegan chuckled, "For better or worse."



Meagan Ryanne

Aes Sedai

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lyssa slide her long legs into a pair of black fitted pants with silver thread work up the side. She normally didn't dress up, but today she had watched someone become a Tower Guard and for the first time had taken part in a ceremony, other than her own. So he was not a Tower Guard and that gave him the rights to a night of celebration. She was going to be there to support him and maybe even have some fun while she was at it. She tucked the silver shirt into her pants and then slide her arms into the fitting jacket with the same design up the sleeves and lapel. Her long black hair was loose for once and fell to her lower back. She wasn't wearing anything to accent her face and just the necklace her Mother had given her so long ago. Lys picked up the boots that matched the outfit and pushed her feet into them, it gave her about two more inches to her already impressive height. With a grin she put her sword into the sheath around her waist and added a couple of daggers to her person. Well trained and armed she wasn't someone to mess with and it wouldn't be the first time some man had decided she was good enough to eat. With a roll of her eyes she picked up Ursana's gift and walked from the room.


She walked through the gates and nodded up at the Guards on duty, making her way to the Arrow's Mark, of course she wouldn't be the first to arrive, but hopefully she wasn't the last. Lys hated absolutly despised being late. With her long legs she quickly reached the meeting place and walked inside. Already there were several people there and she could see Cairma and Aran there as well. She steeled herself to deal with the sudden pain that sometimes assulated her when she saw the two, but it joyfully didn't come this time. Walking forward she clapped Ursana on the back and spoke, "Well how do you feel Tower Guard?" She set the silver wrapped package in front of him and waited for him to answer...


Lyssa Simeone

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Ursana looked up as Lyssa came to the table.  He had been about to answer the Aes Sedai when the Tower Guard's appearance saved him.  Again.  He was far more likely to make a fool of himself if he managed to get into a long conversation with people so he was more than happy to let himself be distracted with newcomers.  Especially one who had stood for him today.  He hadn't known Lyssa through Aran before, but not well as he spent most of his time on training or trying to catch up with his estranged sister.  Not so estranged now, but at one time and he had never gotten over the feeling that he had wronged her all those years.  Not now that he had come to aspire to be what she had chosen as well.  He smiled at Lyssa as she joined them, unsure about the package she had put on the table before them. 


"A few more ales and i'll feel just fine.  And when I wake up in the morning i'll realize this all really happened and then you can ask me how I feel."  He said with a laugh. 



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It was as Lyssa approached Ursana that Aran took the opportunity to slip away from the gathering group as the attention was focused on her.  Not that he was leaving, he just had something in mind to arrange and it only took a brief moment.  After all, the musicians were already preparing themselves, performers rarely needed encouragement to perform.  Performing meant that people noticed them, and a performer craved attention first and foremost.  That and a silver mark could go a long way.


Rejoining the group with an innocent smile on his face as the music began, a simple melody to let those within know that they were about to begin the dances, people answered in pairs as they took to the cleared area within the common room.  A perfect opportunity to cut in and propose an idea.  "There's this quaint tradition I've heard of in some places.  When a boy becomes a man and he has a party such as this, all the ladies owe him at least a twirl on the dance floor, no?"


"I don't suppose any of you ladies would care to honour such a tradition with the Tower Guard's newest and finest?"




Tower Guard

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor


Setting down her drink, Maegan could not help but chuckle at Aran's announcement. A dance was perfect, and she would be delighted to sneak in a few turns on the floor. Already standing beside the newly raised Tower Guard, Maegan held out a hand as if one noble lady to a lord.


"Will you do me the honour of being my partner for the first dance, Tower Guard Ursana?" Maegan's voice was warm and free and a smile of welcoming on her face. She may be a sister of the Red Ajah, but she was not one to pass up dancing with a delightful crowd. stereo-types were very much over rated.



Maegan Ryanne

Red Sitter

(Sorry so short.. :P)

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  • 1 month later...

"A few more ales and I'll feel just fine.  And when I wake up in the morning I'll realize this all really happened and then you can ask me how I feel." Lyssa laughed along with him and smiled, she wasn't a drinker herself as her discipline called for perfection in mind and body but she remember the episode where she had strayed from her dictates and puked in Aran's mouth. She laughed under her breath as she remembered how she had felt on that occasion. Grinning at him she talked about the ceremony and his new duties as Tower Guard. Aran had wandered off and at that point he walked back up to them and spoke, "There's this quaint tradition I've heard of in some places.  When a boy becomes a man and he has a party such as this, all the ladies owe him at least a twirl on the dance floor, no? I don't suppose any of you ladies would care to honour such a tradition with the Tower Guard's newest and finest?" She smiled at Aran, she wasn't much of a dancer herself, though she had been told she danced quite nicely on more than one occasion. Just as she was about to volunteer however, the Red Sister from the ceremony spoke, "Will you do me the honour of being my partner for the first dance, Tower Guard Ursana?" Lys watched as he stood up and then took his spot at the table.


Lyssa Simeone


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