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I'm just so happy I had to share this with all of you!  The University of Hawai`i Rainbow Warriors (don't care what they're called they will always be the Rainbows to me) just won their final game of the regular season to finish a perfect 12-0!  The only undefeated team in the country!  Hopefully they have a BCS game and an invitation to the Heisman award ceremony for Colt Brennan in their future.



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Well I don't actually think Colt will get the Heismann, he was hurt to often this season and it affected his numbers, however if you look at the last couple of games and what he can do when he's 100% it's really scary.  What he's done this year and also with his snub last year he deserves at the very least an invitation to go to the ceremony as one of the final 5.  I hope it happens because he truly deserves that. 


I'm also extremely happy to see them go to the Sugar Bowl, but at the same time I wish it was the Fiesta Bowl.  New Orleans is a bit far and quite expensive at this time of year to get to.  I live in LA and am now contemplating a road trip to go watch them.  Unfortunatly because of the location we probably won't get the turnout we'd like, but ah welz.  I can't wait to see what we can do against one of the Big Boys.  My hope is that we'll do what Boise State did last year and win. 

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I will be in a believer in Colt if he wins his bowl game.  I mean Hawaii's strength of schedule was dead last.  He played teams this year with a combined winning record of 53-92…..thats a joke. Put him in a real conference or against a decent defense every week and those records wouldn’t be his. Tebow and Mcfadden play against real teams every week, one of them deserves it.

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Yes our strength of schedule sucked but that's not really our fault.  At the start of the year we had only 11 games scheduled.  Then Michigan State chickened out and we were left with 10 and ended up having to book 2 division II-A teams and having to play only 12 games this season.  We are allowed 13 because of our location and any team that flies to the Islands to play is also allowed an additional game.  Up until May or June we were basically begging anyone who had a week open that we did to come play us and no one did.


It's telling that next years schedule we have non-conferance games against Florida, Oregon State, Cincinnati and Washington State.  It would have been nice if we had this schedule this year, but ah well.  Regardless, reports are now coming in that Brennan will be invited to New York for the Heisman award ceremony, so I'm extremely happy to see he got what he deserves.


BTW 9 of his 14 interceptions came in two games.  5 against Idaho when he was coming off an knee injury, and 4 against San Jose in a field that was more mud than grass.  However, what is most telling is how time after time he is able to step it up when the game is on the line.  4 times this season we were on the verge of losing.  3 of those times (Colt didn't play in one of the 4 games) he picked his game up to the next level and lead his team to victory.  True it was against a team of lesser quality, but considering that LSU twice was not able to win the game in tripple over time (and to me that's worse of a sin than losing) that says something.

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I will not be upset if Colt wins it and he definetly deserves an invite.  I look forward to what Hawaii does next season against better teams and we can really judge him as a QB. 


LSU's two overtime loses (Arkansas and Kentucky) were delivered by respectable teams.... not to mention that McFadden plays for Arkansas (a top Heisman candidate).  I agree it does show character that Colt could bring his team back from the verge of defeat.  However there is a reason that LSU was chosen to go to the National Championship with two losses over the perfect season of Hawaii.


Colt is a great passing qb, but the problem is he doesnt even lead the nation in passing yards(4th),completions(6th), yards per game, qb rating(3rd), or passing touchdowns(3rd).  It is very impressive that he is in the top 5 for just about every category. The only problem is Tim tebow. Tebow is ahead of colt in Qb rating, total scoring, touchdowns, and complection %. Thats on top of the fact that tebow plays in a very tough SEC makes it tough for colt.


I think Hawaii needs to focus on beating Georgia to show the world they are real.  The Heisman isn't as important as that to their program.


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