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Golden Compass Early Reviews (small spoilers)


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I choose not to address that point SD. ;)


To solve any possible doubts about Pullman's motive, here are his own words. 

"I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief' date='" says Pullman. "Mr. Lewis would think I was doing the Devil's work."[/quote']As provided by http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A23371-2001Feb18?


This was in response to inquiries about his motivations for the series.  It's in the "It's no Narnia" section.

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Saw this yesterday. It was a silly little waste of a movie. I don't remember the book much, but the film wasn't well done enough to make any sort of point whatsoever. It was badly edited, and as my friend put it, "it felt like a little kid telling a story: dere's dis girl an' she has a pet an' she gets a compass, an' den dis monkey tries t' take de compass so she runs away an' den dere's dis bear an' some wichiz an' den she fin's her frend, and oh yeah de bears fight an' den de girl fin's her frend an' den oh yeah, de guy wit de flying boat comes an' she flies t' save her dad, an' den... an'... an' I forget de end."

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