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Cuendillar and Traveling


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This is a question about how the wheel of time world works with Cuendillar and traveling.

Let’s say you made an iron door frame and turned it into Cuendillar. Then you opened a gateway and put the door frame in the gateway and let the weave maintaining the gateway dissipate.


Would the door frame be cut in half or would the gateway be held open forever?


What do you think?



You know, I have always wondered something along these lines as well, but with a small difference. Why in the AOL did the AS not tie gateways open between the major cities?


There wern't any DF in the AoL. It was a utopiean socity.


Now, I could be wrong, but I don't think it is possible to tie off a Travling weave. Not sure about that, though.



And it would be esier to have several AS who just open up gateways to whereever the non-channler needs it to be. Some form of super efficiant Public Transit, or the like.




There wern't any DF in the AoL. It was a utopiean socity.


Well, at least until the bore was drilled into the DO's prison, thereafter there were an increasing number of Darkfriend's. 


On the subject at hand, all eaves even tied ones tend to dissipate over time. Also, remember male channelers open gateways bi making a whole in reality, female's by folding reality.  There may be detrimental effects to the pattern if too many of these holes and folded space gateways were opened at the same time(jusy a guess but it seems logical from what we knoe of the pattern.


Ignavus, true, but Asmo notes that only Lewis Therin and a few others could hold open a gateway like that. Doesn't say anything about tieing off a weave, just that instance.



When playing his little trick on the Shaido with the nar'baha, Sammael opens several gateways using Saidin and ties them off, knowing that they will unravel eventually on their own, further adding to the chaos and confusion into which he's thrown the Shaido. 


I assume a sufficiently strong channeler could knot the web so that it stays open indefinitely (for a given value of indefinitely, of course), in much the same way Moghedien ties the shield on Liandrin or the “trickle-shield” Lanfear ties on Asmodean.  I think it has as much to do with the complexity of the knot as the strength of the channeler.


I don't think this is the same thing Rand did when he held open Aviendha's gateway.  That was a seperate weave he used to hold her closing weave open.  Kind of like throwing crowbar into the door of a closing elevator. 


I’m fairly certain Rand has been described as tying off gateways or specifically, not tying them off.  Maybe during the battle in Illian with Sammael, I don’t remember.



I see no reason why it would be impossible to tie a Gateway weave - of course it would probably be inadvisable on any large scale because of damage to the Pattern. Blocking a Gateway is something very different. As to the cuendillar in the Gateway, it would come down to whether Gateways can cut heartstone (I doubt they can, presumably someone would have tried at some point, and if it could it could well lose it's reputation for indestructability), and whether a closing Gateway would displace itself in order to dislodge something it couldn't cut. And your guess on that is as good as mine.


On the subject of tied weaves, I leave it to the master's own words:

Week 7 Question: I would like to ask about knotting a weave. Does a channeler determine how long it will last when she knots it or is it dependent on her strength? If a channeler who knotted a weave died, would the weave dissipate immediately?


Robert Jordan Answers: The length of time the knot lasts is the choice of whoever makes the knot. It is not strength dependent. And the knot would continue in existence if the channeler died, at least if the channeler had not set it to unravel in a certain time. Remember, tying off a weave is a way to keep the weave in existence without having to actually channel to maintain it, so once it is tied off, there is really no need for the channeler to continue living for the weave to be maintained.

So weaves only untie over time if you set them to, otherwise they last indefinately.


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