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Some photos! (quite a few actually)


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Recently (while travelling), I got a digital camera. I broke it soon thereafter, and so I bought a second digital camera. So far I have not broken the second one. Phew. But anyway, here are some recent results of my playtime with the camera:


A lamp on the wall of my rich rellies' house in Los Angeles:



A ferris wheel at the Perth Royal Show:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Ferriswheel03.jpg[/img]


That molten strip in the distance is the ocean:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/LefroyRoad01.jpg[/img]


The bed I slept on in Jafael's living room:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Jafaelslivingroom.jpg[/img]


My mum's front yard:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Mumfrontyard.jpg[/img]


Me and some mates on the library girls' night out, Saturday:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Librarygirls02.jpg[/img]


Life through a hole in the bus stop:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/LefroyRoad03.jpg[/img]


My future lllllover Billy Corgan at one of the Smashing Pumpkins shows:

width=640 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/SmashingPumpkinsTucson02.jpg[/img]


I love this pic - it was at the Royal Show. I like how they said "Sorry" in quotations, as if they're not really sorry, they're just being sarcastic. Ya know?

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Sorryequineinfluenza.jpg[/img]



width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Singaporeclouds02.jpg[/img]



width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Singaporeclouds04.jpg[/img]


My little car teddy, silhouetted against my shattered window. Mum's picket fence in the background:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Shatteredwindowandteddy.jpg[/img]


A shiny building in San Diego:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/SanDiegoshinybuilding01.jpg[/img]


Schwinnng once again:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Tigerclouds02.jpg[/img]


On the way down to Tucson:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Tucsonclouds05.jpg[/img]


At the Tucson Electric Park - how could I have not known a thunder storm was coming??

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Tucsonclouds01.jpg[/img]


My reflection on the surface of my new guitar:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Trishaguitarreflection.jpg[/img]


On the train by the ocean:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Beachsidebridge.jpg[/img]


My new bed and new bedspread:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Bed01.jpg[/img]


A Christmas ornament I made for Querida Sedai years ago and never got around to sending her (I'm terrible):

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/ChristmasornamentforJen.jpg[/img]


Me with half my hair brushed and the other half not :)

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Trishahalfhair02.jpg[/img]


Looking out a bus window:

width=640 height=479http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Buswindowovercast03.jpg[/img]


My new best friend after 22 hours of waiting to check in at the Singapore Budget Terminal:

width=359 height=480http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/of_the_far_seas/Digital%20Camera%202007/Beerbookandinternetahhh.jpg[/img]


And that's it for now :)


Well, thunderstorms can creep up on you here in Arizona, but that was your warning, the sky turning gray. *grin*


Yeah, what the heck happened to your car?


A passing bastard smashed it just for fun! They didn't even bother to unlock the door and have a rummage around. They probably thought it wouldn't be worth it (and mostly they were right...though my CD player would've fetched them some cash).

Guest nephitess

Cool Pics!! sorry about your car...*hugs* PUNKS!


Yes, it was a shame - I was miffed. ;) But I didn't cry! Yay me. *lol*


Anyway it was a while ago so the pain has muted :P

Guest nephitess

LOL...well thats good! so how ya doing? anything interesting going on with you?


Hmmmmmmmmmmm..... let's see. I'm fighting off tiredness by errr, posting here, and merging duplicate authority records (that second bit is library speak for ya *g*). And daydreaming of lunch time. Or more to the point, home time.


And I am also thinking about my NaNo story, which features all manner of animals and a capital city called Marsupopolis. And an evil feline called Claw.


How about you??


Well, let's see - they're going extremely slowly. But I'm happy with that, as I'm still somewhat uncertain! Not about him - he's great - but about me. Ohhh dear. hehe


My family thinks I should jump in with both feet! ;)


ANd yeah it happened about a month and a half ago.


LOL your family should know you well enough to know your not gonna jump into it with both feet. I am glad it is working out so far, he seems worthy of you.  ;)

Guest nephitess

WOW...sounds like your busy...and i agree with what your doing regarding the man, go slow. *snugs* Good luck for sure though ;)


You're right Jade, they probably should ;p I'm totally overcautious in love!


Wish I'd been more cautious with the immense idiot I wasted a few years on ;) But alas, i'm human!


Thanks Nephi :)


Cool pics Taya .. love the beer at the airport *laughs* Really sorry about the car, doesn't it just stink when that happens? We had someone scrape keys right along one side of ours for no reason other than they felt like it, cost a ruddy fortune to sort.  :-X


You know hun I think we all have to have our guy that we look back on and shudder at home dumb and naive we were at the time. It puts our current relationships or those in the future into persepective for us.  :)


You probably have no idea how much I enjoyed that beer. Oh my gosh.


Taymist that really sucks about your car - that sort of thing is enough to make me hate humanity (if it can be called that), even if just for a moment :)


A friend of mine had his windscreen smashed a few weekends ago - not only that but his car was actually jumped on, so he has to replace his roof, bonnet etc. As if that wasn't enough, the people had defecated nearby! Ew?


Jade, you're right. Up until recently I was only mildly cringing - but now I am SHUDDERIN' away to think of how pathetic I've been. :D


But oh well, it happens!


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