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Welcome back Denethor :)


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It is good to see you again around these hoods. How are you doing and what drew you back? :)


Do you need any help with getting adjusted again? And which IMs do you use? Still ICQ? I am frequenting Skype these days as do many others so I warmly recommend getting it :)

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Hiya Arette, long time no see m'lady :)

I was just dropping by Dm for a short visit, or rather that was idea when this lil site drew me back as moths to a light.


Just came back from a year over in Japan so wanted to see what the ol crowd was up to, then the rest is history kinda. Currently Im right in the middle of reviving Denethor but Matalina has been of great help so Im pretty much Ok so far, thu I have a lot of rereading to do since things has changed a lot since last time.


As for IM, I added all my contact info below for you and any other old friend who want take get in touch with me again



Shienaran Warder

Formely lost and found in Tokyo

ICQ: 91977452

MSN: Denethor0@hotmail.com

Email: andreas.in.Japan@gmail.com

PS: Dont uses Denethor0@hotmail.com anymore

    Other then for my msn.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Welcome back to the fold. :)


Where were you in Japan? :) It's been a few years since i was there, but I loved it!


Jet? Nova? Aeon? :D

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Spent a year studying the Japanese language as well as Japanese culture at Waseda University main campus in Tokyo, which lies close to Takadanobaba station(JR line) for those who knows Tokyo. Planning on going back there to work as soon as I can get my degree as I especialy loved the food, what I wouldnt give to get a real Akimaru Ramen right now hehehe.



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It has been too long time indeed. I will add you to my MSN as I don't use ICQ at all anymore. I really should come to Sweden again to meet my god mother and you. It has been too long from that too.


And ooh, you were studying in Japan! :) That is really cool. Which degree are you working for now?

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Its indirect connected to my bachelor degree but it doesnt give me any degree back in Sweden. It did howerver teach me basic Japanese language skills and increased my knowledge concering their culture. That is more then enought for me since I want to come back to work there, which was the reason for me going there in the first place. It also made gave me plenty of friends over there, which will make living there a lot easier too as a foreigner.

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Osashiburi Ghaul, I remember you. Nice to see another of us oldies still around here, thu I didnt know Shoar returned as I only kept in touch with a few people from the back then. And I dont think a single one of them is still actively Rping anymore, like Kiel for example thu he still hangs around ICQ :).


ja mata-ne



Japanese mini dict  ;)

Osashiburi = Long time no see

ja mata-ne = C ya later

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Guest Arie Ronshor

sugoi! Anouther nihon speaker. ;) hajimemashitte


Yes, only so few of us still left, but we are still here which is what matters! :)



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*eyes Ghaul*  Think he would remember me? Since I am older than you are *impish grin* maybe I should side who I am and see if he can guess. lol well maybe not *grins*


Hi Denethor long time and before Ghaul ruins my fun  you might remember me as Akira Roan, or mabe Fireschild. Good to see you have come back *winks* we are still all crazy and loving it.



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