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Janine's Oath (Read ASAP)


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Ok ladies, we need to get Janine's stuff started, I am not sure how much of the process she will want to do, I am pming her after I post this. I posted on her oaths, basically you come into my office, we reject her and then one of us leads her to each door. http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,22121.0.html

That's the post, please post on it, if you need help or aren't sure please ask.

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Timeline wise, Aramina wouldn't have been a Sitter.  I can answer with Oriella though.... I can just have it that she's been a Sitter off and on in her career.  Or I can just mess with the timeline... not sure if it mattered to you which one I use.  I'd prefer to just use Oriella now since Ara has been raised ICly and it will cut out on confusion...  at least for me :P

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