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American Gangster.... ummm go SEE IT


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Ummm... I think this is the best movie I have seen this year.  Sure it is a little long (100 minutes).  It also starts off a little slow.  But the movie builds upon itself.  The characters are full and are well developed.  Denzel plays the same character you have seen many times over using the patented moves we have seen from Denzel (the chest pump, the attitude) but these trademark moves work real well in this movie.  I can not say this film is better than The Departed, but Ridley Scott delivers something that is on the same level as this film.  I see Oscar potential all over this movie and suggest it for those that like a good crime drama. 

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Ummm... I never saw that.  Do you mean is it over the top action with little plot and delivering a baby when shooting people?  No no... there is actually acting involved as well as a coherent plotline. 


No, I meant is it as worthy of being such an awesome film like Shoot 'Em Up?

Also empy, I'm disapointed in you, missing out on the greatest action flick in the world and making fun of it for not having a coherent plot, when you haven't even seen it! /shame on you! :P

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It is on my netflix Sin. 


Excuses! You could totally go see it at one of those $1 theaters that are everywhere in the country. :P

When you watch it on netflix, you'll wish you saw it on the I-Max.  ;)

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I saw this tonight, and its an amazing movie. Good character building, a story worth following, action scenes that actually didn't hurt the brain to follow (except one little bit of shaky camera stuff while the guy was running).


All around probably the best movie I've seen so far this year.

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