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Goodkind meets Robert Jordan.


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First off, this is my first post on Dragonmount...I've been over on Theoryland for over 4 years (same username) but I've never registered here before now.


Overall, Goodkind is just a cheap RJ knockoff and his books (Wizards First Rule) tend to be pedantic at best.  Goodkind himself has this massively inflated opinion of the importances and quality of his writing and it is sickening to read him spout off about his moralistic "Ayn Rand" esque philosophys book after book after book.  RJ was by far the superior author.  Overall...a funny link though.

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I don't know what I enjoyed more:


"Her powerful dimple shone above the gathered masses and kept them in line"


or maybe:


"You will kneel…or be knelt on.”


possibly the best:


"You’re a Forchosen! Die, servant of the Greyish One!”


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