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Green Ajah Initiation { Halvie Sedai}


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Posted: 29 Jun 2005 11:53 pm


Ooc: Deepest apologies for the delay on this one. I'd like to add for the sake of clarity that anybody raised after Halvie on the timeline, that is Eadon, Tinnulim and Karissa, strictly may not post. Much love, but the timeline would scream.


: : : : Of all the recruits who had passed under her tutelage, and they numbered many, Halvie concerned her most by a fair margin. She had liked some better, others less; been angered by some and proud of a few; but this species of watchful distrust rang foreign to her. Her meagre strength had been bettered on many occasions. However, never before in her memory had she met a woman who was so skilled so young in the same fields she had made her own. It gave her the eerie sense of looking in a mirror and seeing her initiate self, only more confident, more powerful, and all round better. This was not a comfortable thought.


: : : : None of this showed on her serene face when Sirayn tapped at the unmarked door and summoned forth her recruit. In the space of the hour since she had been turned out of the Captain General’s office, rejected, her dreams shattered; the young woman had drawn about her an unnerving air of cold competence. Sirayn studied her in silence for some moments and thought once more that if she was to keep Halvie in line and under control for any length of time it would require every scrap of wit she possessed. One advantage she held might be telling … that for all her undoubted talent, Halvie still wanted to learn certain ways from her that she ordinarily would not teach. That instruction she might yet hold back as a threat or a bribe. Only time would tell.


: : : : “I’m about to introduce you to your future sisters. It’s for ceremonial purposes only. Be polite and try not to say anything outrageous.†She couldn’t imagine Halvie needed that warning, but she had seen some interesting confrontations in her time. “Ready?†Upon confirmation she turned away from the plain door and, passing by several quarters either empty or whose occupants were presently away, approached another door and tapped crisply. It yawned open and Sirayn composed her expression into one of fitting gravity. “Sister, this is Halvie Sedai. She is bound to the Battle Ajah, yet not a part of it.†Keeping a wary eye on Halvie she waited for some response.


Sirayn Sedai

Sister of the Battle Ajah


Posted: 01 Jul 2005 02:14 pm


OOC: Ok so according to the timeline Halvie is a generation younger than Tia so I’m going to say this is after Undercover Shadowspawn and Tia and Andular’s trip to Ebou Dar. If that doesn’t jibe right please poke me!


Tiassale had just returned from a breathtaking ride through the countryside on her mare, Ayende. With flushed cheeks and bright eyes she smiled and nodded at passing Sisters as she made her way to her quarters within the Green Halls. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Sirayn leading a young woman down the hallway, pausing at each door. Light! How could I forget today was Halvie’s initiation? She glanced down at herself, mud splattered boots and the hem of her riding dress wet to the knees. Not quite the image she’d wished to present to their newest Recruit.


Swiftly she opened the door to her rooms and slammed in behind her with a flow of Air. In the bedroom she rifled through the contents of her dresser and finally found a cleaner divided skirt. She glanced longingly at the silk dresses hanging nearby as she donned it and wiped her shoes clean with Saidar. But the tight, fancily embroidered dresses were impractical for her daily life in the Tower. And besides, they made a much bigger impact when worn sporadically and for the right reasons.


Similarly she passed her jewellery box and mirror without so much as a glance. Though a pretty enough young woman she had no time for fretting or primping. At least not usually, unless it was to attempt to tame her wild curls into some semblance of order. A knock at the door told her it was too late for anything more.


Crossing the room she swung the door wide and smiled. Halvie Faury had been one of her first students when she was herself, newly Raised to the Shawl and Tiassale felt a special affection for her. Halvie’s earnestness and hard work in her class had helped Tiassale feel more confident in her position, and the young woman truly felt like a younger Sister.


“Sirayn, it’s good to see you again. Halvie, I do apologize for being absent during your Oaths and your first petition. I only returned from Ebou Dar late last evening. Welcome to the Green Halls.†Squeezing both the woman’s hands warmly she went on, “You must come for dinner when you’re settled in. I know you’ll be working hard these next few weeks but a bit of relaxation may do you good.â€


Tiassale Morobin

Green Sister

Bonded to Andular Rojvas


Posted: 24 Aug 2005 02:29 am


~’*’~ The lady in black stood tall & erect facing the unfolding scene of bustling activity where many others mingled and conversed freely, from afar. Occasionally she would avert her eyes somewhat slyly back to the near bare room, towards the solid closed door. Her hands were clasped behind and her body would stiffen when a particularly harsh thought entered her mind. For those unlike her this was the dawn of a new beginning, not the dusk she saw stretching out into limitless horizons. They couldn’t have known the fear she now felt so keenly, the trepidation and reckless… enthusiasm.


~’*’~ The cold seeped in unbidden – oh, even nature mocked her. Seconds trickled by, turning to minutes over & over until the harsh knock came. And still she had not made a decision. Nothing except a single-minded determination to not break, to remain impassive & indifferent to the world. Pathetic, aye; inconsequential, never. Given half an inch she’d blast the woman into bloody cinders, but taking another half second to rationalize and it would be deemed folly. No, she’d bid her time well and for all the misfortunes that now fell on her in heaps, she still carried some form of dignity. She towered over the woman, after all. That had to count for something. But Light forbid she fall in public, like she nearly had. Light, it was all a trial. A bloody, murderous trial.


~’*’~ Harsh echoes littered her path towards her first confrontation, and it was as though she floated in an abyss, so cold did she feel. Not through physical receptors, but rather the chill that could reach into the spirit, the soul. Something akin to her being severed from truly interacting with the Tower because… she was better, melded to take part in the grander schemes of life. Soon enough, anyway. She held a crystal clean slate and what of the black sins too many sisters had already chalked up? What of Sirayn, whose demeanour had so captivated her in her brief ingenuous age, enthralled her even? Halvie’s very own supporter during crueller times though the Green herself remained unaware; she’d been careful after all.


~’*’~ She bit down an acerbic remark towards Tiassale and instead, preoccupied herself with examining the other woman in her present world. Ebou Dar, last evening? she thought curiously, and willed herself to look into the pair of eyes that stared straight at her, in front, and smiled shyly. “Naturally I shall accept, good sister. Anything for a chance to know one another better.†Nodding courteously towards Tiassale, Halvie bowed her head a fraction more, caught the undivided attention of those stormy grey eyes, and gave Sirayn a teasing wink.

The coin spins now; where it stops no one knows.


Halvie Faury

Rejected Green


11 Sep 2005 01:08 am


: : : : A brief, rare smile touched her mouth at the welcome sight of Tiassale Morobin and she cast her eyes down rather than respond. She was unaccustomed to wanting to see anyone and it made her uncomfortable. Particularly this sister for, while they were currently on agreeable enough terms, much history lay behind them which was less than pleasant. Their acquaintance using the shared link of a woman who had once been so special to both of them; who now lay mouldering in the ground while they, once shadows cast by her flame, laboured on … the hard times after her death when accusations, grief and loss divided them both. She had known for so long that Tiassale, whom she had loved as a daughter, rightly blamed her that it was difficult to remember that they were on the same side now.


: : : : Dismissing those thoughts in the quiet while the two women talked Sirayn cut a glance sideways to her companion. From the young woman’s serenity one would never guess that such scheming thoughts went on behind the cool green gaze; scarcely an inch out of whites and already Halvie had a better command of composure than many among her sisters. It was nothing short of masterly. She resolved to keep her eyes on Halvie and note what other mannerisms the new recruit might have picked up from her peers. The smile which Halvie offered so innocently to the older sister rang hollow with her; she knew how the woman thought better than to be taken in by that. Narrowing her eyes, she studied the fair face seeking to discern its secrets … then stilled as Halvie winked at her.


: : : : Startlement flared and distrust wound its creeping tendrils through her thoughts. Some sort of code? A threat? A warning? She disliked not knowing. Frowning, she asked herself what else Halvie might have in store for her, weighed risk and game. All of a sudden this so called game seemed a lot darker. She shot the recruit a look of cold condemnation; that stare presented one with the definite impression of being shown before a judge for sentencing. “Thank you, Tiassale Sedai.†Drawing composure about her she tipped a courteous nod to the woman and beckoned Halvie onward. At her most forbidding, a chill silence froze out any attempt at conversation as she listened intently for any sound. The door closed behind them. Thus released Sirayn stopped, turned, and snapped: “What are you playing at?â€


: : : : Her tone betrayed too well that she was rattled. The slightest shift in Halvie’s gaze proved that the recruit had picked up on that change too well. Even as she registered the advantage she had gifted so cleanly to the other side … steps echoed through the hall as another sister entered it; shooting them a dark glance she bit off the questions that hovered on her tongue and jerked her head toward the nearest door. “We will discuss this later, Halvie Sedai.†None too well hidden, anger painted her tones. She turned and without waiting to see if Halvie followed headed onward; taking this respite to order her thoughts once more perhaps not to be caught out again. The next door bore a different stamp in the making of the sword carved upon it and its paints and colours. She tapped twice and waited until the door opened before speaking the ritual words. “Sister, this is Halvie Sedai. She is bound to the Battle Ajah, yet not a part of it.†This time she would not be startled.


Sirayn Sedai

Sister of the Battle Ajah


Posted: 17 Sep 2005 07:23 am


ooc- I am assuming that this would be when Sirayn and Jade were still best friends and not fighting all the time, so I will go with that! *G*


IC- Jaydena sighed and looked around her rooms; she should have cleaned them earlier or at least called the cleaning staff to do it. For some absurd reason she had not done so and now there was at least an inch of dust on everything. She had been so busy with her duties lately that she had neglected her precious room. Being a novice and having next to nothing still was clear in her mind, being an Accepted hadn't been much better but she had survived it and been given this wonderful room. With that her lips twisted, she couldn't lie to herself as much as she wanted to, she hadn't been given anything, she had paid for it in blood, sweat, and tears. Days where she had come back to her new rooms, bare of any decoration, and wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. She had been denied of the right to enter her ajah until she was worthy, she had hated every moment of it but it had tempered her like a blade in the bilges. Today she had had to deny another woman the right to become a green; it was the worst duty she had taken on when she was chosen as sitter. Of course she had wanted the job and her ajah had chosen her but sometimes it still wore on her, at times it felt like a set of chain mail made of the heaviest steel. Turning back to her room she looked at the daggers and swords throughout the room, she had started collecting them as an Accepted and the collection had grown.


She had been given daggers and swords by her friends, by her sisters, by kings and queens; she could look at each one and remember exactly who had given it to her. Of course she could also look in her journals and find the exact spots where they were given. Walking gracefully she picked up one with a green jade handle, roses ran up the hilt and were actually carved into the blade. Just tiny roses with thorns running up the metal. A matching sheath with accents of jade and rose graced the spot on her shelf behind the sword, resting up against her books, another passion of hers. Around her room, were paintings done by herself and other artists, on one wall was a painting off a famous battle sister fighting a fist of trollocs with nothing but serenity on her face. Another wall contained a soft seascape she had picked up on another trip from a man selling on the street. She had paintings and art pieces from urchins and from ladies intent on being something by a lady or just thinking paiting was a lady like pursuit. Time was running short and here she stood buried in old memories! She looked around her and then embraced the source; she picked the dust off with a swirl of air and pushed it out the open window. Using close to the same weave she flew the pillows to the windows and thumped them clear of dust.


A polishing weave she had used more than she liked to remember as a novice was used on her swords and the vases and such sitting around the room. She scrubbed the table with air and water and then looked around again. It would have to do and her company was bound to be here any minute. With that she walked back into her bedroom and repeated the same process. Soon she had a fairly clean room and she was back in the living area. The room was as clean as it was going to get so she decided to work on some more paperwork. However before she even had a chance to sit down at her desk, the knock she had been expected sounded at her sword inlaid door. With quick strides she reached the door and pulled it open, in front of her stood Sirayn Sedai and the newest recruit, Halvie Sedai. Sirayn spoke the customary words, “Sister, this is Halvie Sedai. She is bound to the Battle Ajah, yet not a part of it.†Jade nodded and regarded the woman in front of her; the woman looked more than a little angry and Jade couldn't help but remember the scene in the office of the Captain General. Adopting full serenity until she was blanketed in ice she spoke, "I would say welcome to the rank of Aes Sedai, but at this moment you don't look like you want to hear anything of the kind. All I will say is that if you study hard and prove yourself to your instructors than all the sooner you will be raised to the shawl." She nodded and waited to see if Sirayn or the girl had anything to say....


Posted: 24 Oct 2005 02:17 am

~’*’~ Her eyes widened a fraction in astonishment; too stunned to immediately comprehend the implications of events such as were happening at that very moment. Emotions witnessed in public Halvie had never anticipated from Sirayn, her ideal of Aes Sedai serenity & indifference. The beginnings of a friendly grin died on her lips the moment their eyes locked in contact, and to her dismay, some small tendrils of fear & diffidence continued to gain strength in her. Her resolve to stay impassive wavered a little more as Halvie steeled herself for a confrontation that would surely arrive soon enough. That was certain from Sirayn’s remarks, albeit expressed somewhat curtly.


~’*’~ Halvie clenched her fists out of frustration behind her back, disliking the hostile feelings shared between both of them. She caught herself just before she began regretting again having not attempted the bridge the gap between her and the sister before. Perhaps in a friendlier atmosphere she might’ve found it substantially easier to learn what she wanted from Sirayn. Halvie shook her head slightly to clear the confusing thoughts. There was little time as it was to waste feeling abashed & allow the sister an upper hand again.


~’*’~ Out of habit, Halvie eyed the diminutive figure walking ahead of her warily, wondering just how easily she could crack open a sister that’d already been well tempered by bloody battles & murky Tower politics. She held the advantage of being younger, however much that was being contested in her current situation. But she had to remember that the Greens had done so to instil respect & the importance of subjugating to higher authority into their newest recruits. Well, she could offer them that in spades, easily when required. Halvie shook her head again, this time out of impatience. Too many plans yet to be laid, let alone carried out. Just before the door was pulled open, Halvie recalled enough to adopt a façade that carried the anger of a rejected child suited to her current situation; a move some might call deception.


~’*’~ Fury & shame rushed into her with renewed intensity the moment Jaydena began to speak, in a cold, harsh voice she’d never deserved. Halvie barely recognised the lady Green, had never been one to pull pranks on the sitter to merit being greeted so callously. Oh, she would acknowledge the fact that her lower rankings were asking for watered-down veneration willingly but this could very well border on the edge of cruelty. Halvie offered a weaker smile in return to the sitter, realising that the brilliant mechanisms of the Green Ajah itself were not to be overlooked. The trial was roughly a simple act of continuous snubbing that created waves of psychological effects on the victim; an ingenious step. Briefly, Halvie wondered whose brainchild it was, more so she would understand better the person whose achievements she would one day overshadow.


~’*’~ “Your words,†she began calculatingly, “Are a gift that I do not deserve. But rest assured you shall not regret my entry into the Green Ajah, Jaydena Sedai.†Her eyes began to shine with a hidden light. No, regret would be the last thing on their minds.


Halvie Sedai

Rejected Green Aspirant


Posted: 24 Oct 2005 01:17 pm


Long years have never dulled tradition, hundred, two hundred? How long had this one been around. She couldn't remember just how long it had been since she had raised girls to the Green as Captain General. Most who held the title were inclined never to return to the Tower, as if their job was done. A few did the last couple. Lanfir now held the Amyrlin Seat, it was good to see a Green holding such a postion. In this time it was prudent that the Battle Ajah be Ready. From what she'd heard from Jade, it seemed to the old Green that this wasn't happening.


I stand ready, how many times had the words been uttered in this hall. Mandi could scarely guess, but as the years went by she said it over and over, yet she was one that meant it, she owed that Light that much. Stepping into the hall, sapphire eyes cool and collected, shawl looping on her slender elbows. It was the formal one that hung nearly to the floor, she had worn creme today, setting off her coppery skin.


The old Green stood towards the back of the room, watching in silence. For some reason she felt as if she didn't belong here anymore. She'd been gone too long, was too far out of the loop, yet still she was here, to give this girl her proper send off. Standing tall, as most Domani do the woman watched, in silence waiting for the ceremony to begin. Seeing both Jade and Sirayn here, returned her to the days that she had accepted them into the Green. Sira had not been happy when Mandi had turned her down, none of them had been. But it made them stronger, in the Green Ajah no one could be weak.


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:58 pm


The serene, arresting beauty, the regal bearing and the carefully tempered manner, all were as well learnt to her as the face which looked back from her own mirror every morning … if significantly easier on the eyes. Being confronted by the Banner Captain in all her splendour brought out a tumultuous mix of feelings: regret, loss and resentment; bitterness and dark envy toward the woman who had stolen everything she wanted; the same creeping sense of longing, small and plain and ill favoured as she was, nothing beside Jaydena. It reminded her bitterly why she did not stand as an equal here but merely as an obedient servant to be controlled and directed. All these were some excellent reasons to avoid these quarters in future.


None of this she let show even a hint through her composure. Had she ever told the whole of what was on her mind when she was around this shining example of sisterhood? Not, she thought, and fortunate with it … for Jaydena already had enough to laugh about in her cups when she had drunk a little too much and had her satisfaction from other people’s stolen Gaidin. She could just imagine how they would mock her together. Resentment had taken her wits and rather than speak and show a trace of her feelings she remained silent, kept her secrets close.


Her apprentice she kept under a stern grey gaze while the young woman spoke; marking as she did so the subtle note of cunning behind the words, the slightest of warnings, for any who chose to heed it. Burn her if she would be worried over a green student barely out of banded skirts. If the child ever got the courage to come after her directly Halvie would find that a wolf lay in waiting: old and graying, perhaps, but vicious fast, and backed by friends the likes of which she could never match. And that contest would be done on her terms, on her territory … and she would see if this pup could not be taught some respect than to be so insolent in front of half a hundred watchers.


“Your time is, as always, appreciated Banner Captain.†She let only a trace of irony colour her tone and the slight lift of her brow; her secret jest against the mockery of life. “I expect that our recruit here will have cause to reflect upon your words before long.†And perhaps that was true, even for one so young and arrogant as Halvie, for even those gifted among them had moments of doubt and darkness; or maybe she too would discover a life of solitude, its benefits and drawbacks, even as her initiation leader had done before her. “Now if you will excuse us …†cutting a brief and guarded glance toward Halvie, who at least had remained civil on the surface, “we must move on.â€


The silence echoed empty round them while they crossed the white corridor toward a different door. Half a hundred comments she might have made came to her tongue, but she stilled them all, guarded against showing the least hint to Halvie of the direction in which her thoughts lay. At the next door she tapped briefly, a cool look toward Halvie warning her of the consequences of any moment of creativity on her part, and reeled off the ritual words: “Sister, this is Halvie Sedai. She is bound to the Battle Ajah, yet not a part of it.â€


Sirayn Sedai

Sister of the Battle Ajah


Posted: 02 Feb 2006 11:34 am


The knock on her door startled the green-clad woman into poking a knot on the branch in front of her, and she immediately winced. Nothing good ever came from accidents with her subjects, and sure enough, putrid yellow liquid poured out and immediately started to eat away at the wood of the desk she was sitting at. With a loud curse, Kaylan embraced the source, Water and Air cleaning off the once-pristine polished surface, now inlaid with a pattern that she was at least thankful had not ended up on her skin. The pen that she'd been holding, though, had suffered a far worse fate - the nib entirely gone, and half of the shaft with it. Someone was always disturbing her during her research, it had been that way for years, and seemed unlikely to change any time in the near future.


She realised as she was grumbling what it was that had made her end up in this situation, and with a dark expression on her face strode over to the door, flinging it open with Air as she approached it. Flinging long blonde locks behind her shoulders, Kaylan fixed the pair of women in front of her with a hard stare. Sirayn was standing with what was obviously a new recruit, but the older Green let the woman say the ceremonial words anyway. It would not do to interrupt the ceremony, no matter how Kaylan felt about it all. Sirayn was to teach this one, no doubt, if she was leading her around like a stray puppy for the introductions, but the older Sister well remembered how Sirayn had acted at her own initiation - like a spoiled child who never deserved the ring, let alone the shawl.


"Yes, yes, another bright eyed girl wanting to be a part of the Battle Ajah, I can see that." Green eyes swept over both of them, a reminder to Sirayn that she remembered well, but her gaze landed on Halvie and took her measure. It was whim more than anything else that determined how Kaylan behaved on these occasions, and the stub of a pen that she was still grasping was a reminder that she didn't appreciate being disturbed. Especially not for half trained girls who presumed that they could be soldiers.


"Do you know what it means to be a part of the Battle Ajah, Halvie Sedai?" There was only a hint of amusement in the honourific, she had earned the Shawl, after all, and had given no reason to assume that she'd followed in Sirayn's footsteps in terms of her behaviour. Not allowing the woman to answer, Kaylan continued. "Do you know what it is to fight with all of your strength, to smell the stench of those dying around you, the ones that you killed, and the ones that you could not save? Do you have any comprehension of what it means to stand ready? We all say the words, I stand ready, but none of us can truly understand them just from standing secure within these halls, secure in our traditions and assuming ourselves better than the men who die fighting for our ideals while we sit by and watch." She realised that she was about to launch into a tirade, her irritation directed at entirely the wrong person, but none of the girls who petitioned the Green could understand, none of them could know. She had not known, and she wished that she had. Blinking to clear away the memories that were replaying in her mind, the Battles fought and won, the price she and her Warders had paid over the years, Kaylan focused her attention once more on the new recruit.


"Welcome to the halls of the Green Ajah, Halvie. My door is always open if you wish to discuss anything over tea." They seldom did, Kaylan had earned herself a reputation for a bad temper and a collection that ranged from the interesting to the downright dangerous, but those that did... The Green had spent over a century researching and fighting the Shadow, and while she had a temper, it was true, those that she held close would never want for help.


~Kaylan Sedai

Battle Ajah


Posted: 03 Mar 2006 05:10 pm


~’*’~ With eyes meekly cast earthward, the disparagement from the other older sister came as a large surprise. So startled was she that Halvie found herself half staring at the Aes Sedai before the gratuitous words came to a halt, as silence resumed and the attention momentarily stolen reverted back upon her. Kaylan could not know of the profound effects those words had on her, it was not possible. She stood before a formidable personage to be sure; whose astounding arrogance was the underbelly of most aging war veterans. It even amused her to a certain extent when she analysed the words so bluntly uttered, no doubt to petrify but succeeding in only making her smile in response. Lovely flowing words that gave life to the dreams she once held during stormy nights, promises tightly laced with danger that had her gravitating towards.


~’*’~ “I am not ready,†she whispered softly, eyes glazing over at the memories that continuously haunted her unguarded moments. “Only ready to learn, if you would care to teach.†Her voice hardened into steel, features twisting slightly to show some misleadingly conflicting emotions. Halvie could barely restrain the anger that came with the following words, learning together with the others present just how fragile her hold was over feelings decades old were. “But it seems that some would refuse to pass on their knowledge, and we all wonder why. “ The ambience evolved into something oddly menacing then, shivers creeping down one smooth arm and she with considerable effort, unclenched her fists. She had just stepped over some set boundaries.


~’*’~ “Why?†The word was echoed bitterly though she took care that little else was given away to the two sharp observers. Disdain & some form of cold hostility still emitted but she restrained herself from retaliating more than required. Halvie shifted her weight slightly for equilibrium and lifted her gaze from the tiled floors to linger fractionally at Kaylan, before resting upon a pair of flint grey eyes. “Inappropriate perhaps, or something else?†A curious supposition came to mind and her thumping heart came close to skipping a beat at the likelihood. So many hours spent in meditation whilst she turned the issue inside out, ever wondering how relationships could have been better handled to deter such disastrous… results. Suspicion had been sown in the hearts of many due to her severe lack of discretion and now she struggled to overturn those impressions; a failing battle. In a rare moment born purely of frustration & impetuosity, she hurled one final, feeble contumely. “You fear, do you not?â€


Halvie Sedai

Rejected Green Aspirant


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:03 pm


"I am not ready."


The words that came were unexpected, and Kaylan's eyes opened wide. Not many would say such words, even with the idea firmly ingrained by the Captain General and Sitters upon a petition for the Green Shawl. "Only ready to learn, if you would care to teach." Halvie's face changed, looking beyond the old Green to another place or time, and the words delivered with clenched fists made no sense to Kaylan. "But it seems that some would refuse to pass on their knowledge, and we all wonder why."


She'd never involved herself in politics, even less in the lives of new initiates to the Tower, so whatever it was that Halvie was speaking of was not familiar to Kaylan. Her Warders, her research and her travels were the only things that she paid attention to, it was a rare Sister who could hold her attention long enough for Kaylan to want to learn all the gossip about them. Oh, she heard it, it was part of having Eyes and Ears in Tar Valon, but she wasn't overly interested in guesses and rumours of some perceived breach of conduct. The amount of reports that she saw about her own behaviour did nothing but amuse her, some of the things she was rumoured to have done went further than her imagination had ever previously stretched. And yet, sometimes it was good for inspiration along with a laugh. Keep them guessing and entertained with frivolous behaviour and most people would underestimate you, even those skilled in the Great Game. It was a game she tired of.


"Why?" The new Aes Sedai's words brought her out of her thoughts, and Kaylan merely raised an eyebrow as she listened to the woman talk. "Inappropriate perhaps, or something else?" Ready to bark out an answer, Kaylan was left with her mouth open at Halvie's last words. "You fear, do you not?" She did not pause to think about her answer.


"Of course I fear. Fear is a constant companion to one who walks this path. You would be stupid not to fear." Her mind rattled through all of her own fears, but she did not speak them. Fear for loved ones, for the world itself, fear of such a horrid inadequacy that utter failure was the only possible result, fear of death and missing it all, that this whole life and those sacrificed in protection of it meant naught... "Not all knowledge should be shared. There are some things best left unknown." Her research on Shadowspawn... even if she could figure out how they were made, and she had inklings here and there, she'd never record it. To leave that somewhere for the wrong person to find and use; or even for a person with good intentions to discover in some distant future without a proper memory of the horrors... "Yes, there are some things best kept secret." The Age of Legends had been a time without war, she'd been told, but the books recording such things had remained, and war had indeed broken out. Knowledge was not always a good thing.


"But I will teach you what you need to know, if you wish it." Blonde hair with strands of white coming in spoke a testament to the life she had lived, and her eyes met the newest Aes Sedai to tie herself to the Green Ajah with interest. She did not know anything of Halvie beyond her name and status, and Kaylan's curiosity was kindled by her behaviour. "Yes, I will teach you, if you will learn."



OId biddy Greenie

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~'*'~ Curious, how easily the true meaning of words could be misinterpreted by another. It served as a severe reminder as to how much power these utterances held and Halvie took a moment longer to meditate on the words that were to be shared. The last sentence had hardly been meant for Kaylan but it would serve no purpose to correct the august veteran, certainly not when she saw the person as one who held the keys to her advancing through the rigid ranks within the Tower. The invitation offered she would grasp will both hands willingly if somewhat tentatively, for she had yet to formulate an appropriate plan to manipulated a peer of such high seniority & distinction. Still, that the Green had even proposed such a possibility spoke volumes, for she was well aware of the many affairs these pompous Aes Sedai had to deal with on a daily basis. For Kaylan to have offer her a slot in her timetable was a wicked opportunity she would never let escape. But first, her eagerness would have to be closeted.


~'*'~ "I will strive to learn, Kaylan Sedai. You will not be disappointed," Halvie vowed softly, her voice wavering ever so slightly as she allowed herself to speculate where such a promise would lead her to. Such a foolish move; there was no need to trumpet her trepidation being in such illustrious company more than necessary. A courteous nod was once more directed towards the elder Aes Sedai as they began to move away from the door, down the hallway towards yet more Greens. She wondered how long the trial would last, but feared to know. Fatigue was already beginning to cloud her judgements and the sheer effort of maintaining an indifferent façade was taking its toll. It would be so easy to give in to grief and frustration, too easy to scream abuse and beg them to re-evaluate her petition, to create uproar, just about anything, if only they would accept her now. Even though deep within she already knew it would not occur, but her mind could not accept it. Still refused to.


~'*'~ A door behind them swung shut. There was neither a soul in sight nor a hint of movement save theirs now. "How many left, Sirayn?" she queried casually, sating a sudden need to break the icy silence between them. "They are not much different, are they? They're all the same. Why the need to greet them all? Tradition?" She babbled, though it could not be helped. So much tension was building and she felt compressed, constrained, limited. There was no need to further emphasise her rejection. Far better for all that she was released to return to her quarters, to weep sorrowfully, alone.


Halvie Sedai

Rejected Petitioner for the Green


Ooc: An opening for you, Sirayn, on a silver platter. I beg of you to take it. :wink:

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