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Serenity 2.... *crosses fingers*


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*glares in the general direction of where he thinks Alan Tudyk might be*


Just for getting our hopes up... I will fong you, until your insides are out, your outsides are in, your entrails will become your extrails I will w-rip... all the p... ung. Pain, lots of pain.

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Well, this has been the pattern almost since Serenity was released.  They said if the movie did well anything could happen, not just sequels but a revival of the television series (which is what every fan really wanted).  It did okay, not terrible but not huge either.  Whedon then came out and said if DVD sales were big, they would get to make more movies.  DVD sales were big, no more movies.  Whedon then said if Blue Ray DVD sales were big, they would get to make more movies.  I heard Blu Ray sales were good, nothing.  Now he says if special edition DVD sales are big, they will get to make more movies.  Guess what?  You think maybe he's just trying to sell more DVD's? 


This whole situation is absurd.  Firefly was one of the best written shows ever put on television.  It had great effects, great characters, and an amazing premise.  I look at the crap that passes for SciFi TV these days and it just makes me angry.  Fox cancels it and then Whedon gets a second chance with the film, makes all these grand statements about how his marketing blitz is going to make the film a blockbuster and they'll be back on the air.  Well - I think before I saw the film I saw one television commercial.  Outside of specific marketing to fans I saw no real campaign to get this movie into the public eye.  When you consider some of the garbage that has opened at the #1 spot because of nothing but marketing you gotta wonder what happened.  Now Whedon is out there dropping periodic rumors to keep hope alive and keep his DVD sales up.  I've even heard that Whedon has had opportunities to keep the series alive but has passed because he wants another blank check for a sequel.  I can't confirm that but it would not surprise me in the least.  So yeah, I have my box set with it's what, 14 episodes?  And I have my Serenity DVD and I've accepted the fact that this is all I am ever going to get.


BTW - I have introduced Firefly to nearly a dozen of my friends over the past couple of years via my DVD's and every single one of them cannot believe the show was canceled...every one!  They all wonder how such an amazing series got canned.

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