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[TV] Cavemen ABC, Tuesday, 8 pm est


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There’s an early pilot for “Cavemen,” the new sitcom based on the memorable Geico Insurance commercials, that’s been floating around the Internet for months, but will never appear on ABC. It was circulated last week to critics. More than half of the TV critics polled by Broadcasting & Cable last month picked it as the worst new show of the fall season. Worse than “K-Ville,” “Big Shots,” “Private Practice” and “Carpoolers.”


The first episode airing tonight, which features new cast members and an entirely new plot, was not made available to TV critics.


Empy will not be tuning in as he sees little potential in this show.  Please post a review if you watch it. 


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I'll be watching this tonight, because it comes on before House/Eureka/Reaper. (WHYYYY DID THEY PUT THOSE ON AT THE SAME TIME?!?).

Seeing the preview/trailer, I'm looking forward to this show.  The only thing I don't like about it so far is they don't have the same cave-men from the geiko commercials. :P

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I categorically, morally, and on principle, object to this show. I will not be watching it.


IF, it is not the same cavemen as in the commercials, and IF I hear outrageously favorable reports, I may consider changing my views and giving a look. I find this unlikely.  :P

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I categorically, morally, and on principle, object to this show. I will not be watching it.


IF, it is not the same cavemen as in the commercials, and IF I hear outrageously favorable reports, I may consider changing my views and giving a look. I find this unlikely.  :P


Well, they aren't the same cavemen as in the commercials, so thats one of your three terms. :P

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Do you mean it's not the same actors playing the cavemen, or do you mean they are different altogether (looks, basic motivations, etc.)? I don't really care who plays them, I dislike them conceptually.


Its not the same actors from the commercial to the tv show.

The look is about the same, but there make up job is more shoddy/shobby/shabby?



What do you got against Cavemen?

Are you a... cavist?


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I'm not "cavist", lol, I just really object to the fact that a major network is so devoid of creative ideas/options that they are reduced to turning what was only a mildly amusing idea for a commercial into a real show. It's a stupid idea, and I think that the reasons they chose to make it a show are the same reasons it will be a bad show. They're relying on the perceived public adoration of the commercials, and not on real, well planned and written scripts.

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I'm still mildly stunned this ever made it past the night of drunken debauchery that spawned the idea. I say drunken debauchery because nobody could possibly be sober and still think making this show was a good idea. Sometimes the worst show of the season is so easy to spot it's pathetic. Kind of like that "Mullets" sitcom UPN hyped the hell out of for four months and never aired the second episode of after NOBODY watched the first one. The commercials ceased to be funny like a year ago. Actually, they weren't funny to begin with, but at least the first one was mildly amusing, and seemed to have something to do with selling car insurance.

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The advertisements claimed this is the show that will bring the 'sitcom back'.

This is not a sitcom, its nothing more then a melodramatic drama with some very blands humor.

I only saw about half of it, I spent the other 15 minutes watching tvguide channel.

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