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New Star Trek movie in the works....


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Guest Emperor

The project, to be written by Abrams and "M:i:III" screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, will center on the early days of seminal "Trek" characters James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, including their first meeting at Starfleet Academy and first outer space mission.


For those of you that don't know... Abrams is the creator of Lost and Alias.


It looks like they are kicking it old school style....

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Guest Segurant

I rather see the adventures of Jean Luc Picard during his Academy days. I want to know more about the Narsicans

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I'm trying to reserve judgement until I hear some plot details. The premise has potential to be a load of crap (Young Indiana Jones) or be really cool (Batman Begins). The deciding factor will have to be the plot. If this is just going to be another Trek movie off the assembly line, where some big bad ugly alien race (the ugly ones are usually bad) with a REALLY ominous forhead ridge has some big bad cool-looking ship with an uber weapon and Kirk and Spock and their...erm...shuttlecraft...just happen to be the only ship in the quadrant to save the day (!!!), it's probably gonna suck.


But I'm giving it the ultimate benefit of the doubt. Give me a fresh, unique, inventive story! (but please, for the love of Bob, don't turn this Kirk/Spock duet into Brokeback Nebula)

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Guest Emperor

Ive been saying that for years Maj.


Maybe in this movie, Kirk and Spock profess their love for each other. Hot!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

Ahhh more rumors...


Ben Aflect as Captain Kirk. Yep, that is what I just read:


"This isn't gospel, this isn't even confirmed....it's merely speculation on our behalf, but some pretty SOLID speculation from some solid sources...... Ben had to shoot back to L.A, briefly after our meeting, to talk to Paramount. One of the chaps here, who just worked with Ben on a movie called Man About Town, said Ben's been talking about playing Jack Ryan again in a new movie called "Red Rabbit". It's the follow-up to 'Sum of all fears'. He assumes that's what it's still about..



.. some others had heard that Ben has also been talking to Paramount about possibly playing a lead role in a new Star Trek film from J.J Abrams. Apparently Abrams is coming down to visit the set in a few weeks, to visit Michelle Monaghan, whom he directed in Mission : Impossible 3, so that might add some more fuel to the fire. If it comes off, he's apparently playing the hero. Don't know if that's Captain Kirk or some other nameless male protagonist...but that's the gist of it. So possible that Affleck's going to go onto doing a new Jack Ryan, and possibly a "Trek", after he finishes with this film. "

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Is nothing sacred??? I just don't see it. But I thought that of Next Generation and Battlestar Galactica too, so maybe it won't be so bad. But maybe Ben Affleck as Spock and then who as Kirk? Hmmmmmmm, maybe his little buddy Matt?

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Guest Segurant

I hope not. I don't want to see anything Ben does. I think he sucks. noticed how Matt Damon's career went up after he went away from Ben

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Guest Emperor

*blinks* You just want to see him rip his shirt off Kirk style. Now that I mention it, I wouldnt mind seeing.... *blinks again* What?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Emperor

More news on Captain Kirk casting:


Yahoo!'s The Insider reports that J.J. Abrams is very interested in casting Matt Damon as Captain Kirk in his upcoming STAR TREK Movie.


Marc S. Malkin of The Insider writes, "Will MATT DAMON get beamed up? Could happen. I'm told J.J. ABRAMS is very interested in casting the Oscar-winning Damon as a young Captain Kirk in the upcoming 'Star Trek' movie that he's directing and producing. He's so interested that he's apparently already sought support from the original Kirk, WILLIAM SHATNER. "Shatner gave his blessing," my source says. "J.J. got his approval." Damon first popped up in Trekkie circles as soon as the Abrams-'Star Trek' deal was announced. Rumor had it that the new movie would center on Kirk and Spock's early days at a space academy. "J.J. wants Damon as Capt. Kirk," my source reports. "He really loves the idea."

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Matt Damon as Kirk? I might have to watch that.


I still hold that I'd rather see Picard go through the Academy than Kirk. Dude was a party animal. He'd be banging hot alien chicks right and left, and getting into knife fights with Naciscans. Kirk would be all "I've got to study for the Kobyashi Maru."

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