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Rumour Nominations

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


Roleplayed a Ruomour? Whispered a fantastical reason as to why Sirayn Sedai left the Tower?


Post below along with the link to the Rumour and a reason as to why You should receive the "Skip" in your Raising.


(With the new Req changes, this means no Oaths or Arches are required. To which makes me sad as I love reading them..If there is the desire, i am also willing to grant a variation to this prize for those that still wish to write your Oaths, or Arches.)



Remember, Announcement of the Winner will be October 15th. So hurry and start talking! :)


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Guest Arie Ronshor

Hey, Guys! Nominations, or no one wins.. :P


And I have this nifty Ter'Angreal behind my back just waiting to be handed out.. :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'll try to catch you both in MSN or Chat tomorrow. :)



"Contest" has Ended. :) Thank you both for participating!

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