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Small apology (Sparceness)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


During the passing of RJ and the down-time of these boards, I posted a small (will not be around much) on the old boards. I forgot to transfer this information once DM was up.

This has, unfortunately effected the RP's I'm in, and for that I'm sorry for the small lack of communication. I'm certainly around to answer questions and the like, and If i get around to posting it's mostly because the house guests (my dad and brother) have been away doing other things.


(Currently I'm sleeping on the living room couch and my dad is in my room, with my computer.. I've moved it out a few times, but it doesn't help with the writing muse too much.. :P)


This should continue until this Sunday and i should be in better RPing order come Monday. I'll be around, but i can't promise too much. :)




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Guest Arie Ronshor

... O_O




Now i'm thinking Raeyn would be the better choice. she's good with a whip. :D


(Dad and Bro left this morning :(.. Working tonight & tomorrow, but that never stopped me from posting.. )

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