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Asmodans Shield


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I was thinking about the Sheild that Lanfear placed on Asmodan. The one that allowed him to trickle channel the power. Could using this type of shield be a means of rehabilitating freed damane? At this point almsot all freed damane lash out wildly with the power apon being given any type of individual contol of the OP. With this type of shield in place they could safely have they're little temper tantrum of the power and afterwords slowly learn to enjoy they're freedom and that they truly can contol the OP themselves. With this sheild in place they could practically be reduced to novice strenth and be taught along side of novices and progress with them and truly learn to weave the OP. What do you think?


I was thinking about the Sheild that Lanfear placed on Asmodan. The one that allowed him to trickle channel the power. Could using this type of shield be a means of rehabilitating freed damane? At this point almsot all freed damane lash out wildly with the power apon being given any type of individual contol of the OP. With this type of shield in place they could safely have they're little temper tantrum of the power and afterwords slowly learn to enjoy they're freedom and that they truly can contol the OP themselves. With this sheild in place they could practically be reduced to novice strenth and be taught along side of novices and progress with them and truly learn to weave the OP. What do you think?


I think the Oath Rod would work better.


"I swear not to use the One Power as a weapon when my collar is removed and not to have a temper tantrum also."    or something like that.    There are probably better words but you get my drift.    I think the the Shield weave was very complicated so why do it the hard way.  The OR is easy and you can add a few other things to insure that they "study hard" to learn a new way of life.


A few things why I think that that wouldn't be a good idea. First Taking oaths on the Oath rod is something that only full fledged Aes Sedai are allowed to do. They would probaly see it as something akin to hand cuffing children and telling them to go play. Also there are too many loop hole in that oath. They could still break things amd cause problems that couldn't be construed as being weapons. Plus I find it cruel tht they would force someone to take the oaths. Aes sedai take their's by choice. I still think that it would be much more humane to temporialy make them too weak to cause any harm and gradually allow them to be stronger as they're nature permits.

Guest silver89

Plus I find it cruel tht they would force someone to take the oaths. Aes sedai take their's by choice. I still think that it would be much more humane to temporialy make them too weak to cause any harm and gradually allow them to be stronger as they're nature permits.


I agree forcing someone to take the oaths would be just like forcing them to wear an a'dam. This would make them no better than the Seanchan. The damane would just be trading one slave-master for another.


If no one could make the diminishing shield work they would just have to spare 2 to 3 Aes'sedai to control their students until they could be trusted to use their power safely.


I fail to see that only full Aes Sedai have the 'privilege'  of swearing oaths on the OR. Egwene and Co. have already shattered enough traditions. One more won't hurt in my opinion. But yes, forcing someone to swear would be just like using an a'dam.


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