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BT has a new AGL/DL


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Please congratulate Jocelyn who has been stewarding the BT while the previous DL was LOA. She has done awesome job and will continue to kick ass. And love, don't forget the most important rule of all. To keep things running smoothly, you need to keep me happy ;) All kind of favours are received starting from chocolate and foot massages.


Covai, cheers for looking after the BT during Dali's time and while you were DL. You did well, mate. Now you can focus fully back on your vile ways with sheep ;)

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Haha Arette, you know you are at the top of my to bribe list ;)


And since when did Covai turn into one of those vile Kiwis? I mean, Aussie guys don't need sheep with hot chicks like me around  8)




Covai already knows I'm not going to leave him in peace, and he already knows I think he did an awesome job when he was around. I will try to keep things running as smoothly as possible, starting with a Watchers plotting session as soon as I get a chance to chat online with Andrea ;)


Oh, and I will mention here that Arath is taking over from me as Assistant Division Leader. :)

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*watches the chaos with much amusement*


Yup ... just as I thought ... we're in hell. :p


Congrats Jocelyn ...... I know you will do a bang up job as will your new second. Hey Arath .... It's going to be funny watching you try to wander around her in the high heels when Jocelyn decides to put her powers to use.  ;)



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