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*waves* I am back


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Well its been brought to my attention that I have been a real shmuck for disappearing with out a word and for not informing my friends of what has been going on with me. So here goes *grins*  


Around Feb was the last time I posted and I have to say that I am sorry for not letting every one know that I was going to poof for a while. My reason while a great one but that does not mean that I should not have posted to at least let some one know why I was not going to be posting.


Well now’s the time to spill the beans, Feb on was hard on me since I was increasingly getting bigger. *impish grin* Now my reason is one month old and sleeping on my lap at the moment. My daughter was born on Aug 15th and now that I do not have a large tummy or a foot poking in a painful place I was thinking I might have time while she sleeps to post and be around again.


So my Apologies to Daemon and James since you two were in threads with me. Some times it’s hard to remember who you have told and who you haven't when the list of those you need to tell is longer than your arm. *grins*


Hope to be posting soon



Aka Kalush/Zierna/Fireschild/Akira and lots more

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