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Accepted's/Manshima's Quarters


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Guest Seryanne

heee! i am like a feint (i was going to say dummy, but that's not very complimentary to myself!), distracting people since early 2004! :D


*contemplates throwing custard balloons, but decided that the combination of bad aim and the large amount of Aes Sedai around would make it a bad idea*


*juggles custard balloons*


oh dear, this was a bad idea, i just KNOW it.


Uhh no

Laur in your post

You neveer specified that they hit me, you said


"sends another group of tomatoes before Rai can stop them"

You sent them at me, but you never said they hit, AAAND I didt stop them, the wall behind me did :D

Ok, all Accepteds, there is an important lesson there, ;looks for little mistakes like that and use it

Maybe I could use the darkness yes??


Oh, Rai :roll:


EDIT:*sends another group of tomatoes before Rai can stop them and they HIT him*


I wonder how many edits I'll have to make.


Sery, good job! ;)


Ah yes.....those details can get you every time, lol! And just because I get distracted doesn't mean I don't have good peripheral vision.....;)



More technicalities Laur

They hit me true, but you never said if they broke over me

So Ill say they didnt AND that they just bounced off me with no effect


Countdown to darkness has begun

2 remaining, everytime Laur attacks, it decreases by one :twisted:


*laughs* Didn't we eventually have to move outside? I do believe we did......cause wasn't there something about ice falling from the sky......hmmm, lol! Maybe we did destroy the quarters in that process......and now look at us. Strange how things can turn out, isn't it? lol!

Guest Seryanne

*gets distraced by the discussion of details*


*looks up*




Being a bit of a gleewoman, Seryanne can juggle 8 custard balloons at once. When she forgets about them, there's a general rain of custardy balloons down onto everyone in the room.


Sorry everyone! :D


*licks custard from her hand*




I dont want to drive you insane


I like you too much to do that :lol:

*channels himself clean with the OP*

Now Sery, what did I say about not interfering?

Guest Seryanne

I think i must have missed that bit Rai! :D


But I think YOU missed a bit just behind your ear, lol


lol! I think many of us have! ;) Hmm...*idly wonders what bombs her Warder may have* I think I have few pillow bombs around here somewhere....probably a syrup bomb as well....and anything else I felt like thinking up! :lol:


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