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What is your character's relationship with the new Amyrlin?


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I am insanely ambitious and I would like to establish some kind of a connection with every single WT PC with Annais :)


Likely she wouldn't be heart friends with you all but she would have met all of you at least in passing. So what kind of a relationship would you like to have with her? Friends or foes or neutrally professional?


Annais is 145 years old so anyone in the same Age bracket (Shaneevae, Maegan, Aramina and Nyssa mainly) would have been N&A with her. Anyone in the next Age bracket would have been Accepted and newly Raised AS and likely taught her. Anyone younger she likely would have taught at some point.


Then there are relationships as Sisters. Annais traveled extensively and spent time in the Borderlands so she would know the current Green Sisters and naturally her fellow Grays and a selection of others. What kind of adventures could they have had together?

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Considering that Raeyn is such a Tower-bound sort in general and not a teaching sort, she probably wouldn't have more than a passing relationship.    More than likely I will have to say what Shan feels her relationship to Annais was to further decide what mine would've been, since Raeyn is motherly towards the younger Browns, and generally will listen to what they have to say about others.


That is, unless Annais would've had need for a cranky old Brown at sometime in her younger days, but otherwise - passing and probably neutral-to-disliking, depending on how much time Annais would've spent associating with Greens in a social sense.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

You would have the usual connections with Mae.. ;) Possibly more with Arie (of all people). I'll toss you her bio to see what you think. :P :)

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I think I would really like for Phaedra to be friends with Anais as she could be a great supporter of her as new Amyrlin. She is also a traveling Gray and has not too long ago returned to take up a seat as Sitter and Ajah Head. We could even see how Anais feels about Marce having stepped down and Phaedra taking up that position. (not everyone has to be happy about as Freja proved ;)) We could chat about it if you like. :D

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I think that Annais would have actually disagreed with Marce's policies. If there can be said to be two focuses within the Gray Ajah, they would be on Law and Peace and Marce IMO was more bent toward Law. She for example flipped a fit about an ancient Law being changed. Annais isn't very strongly pro or con about the law change itself but the way it was done (behind Red Ajah's back) and the reasons why Marce made Grays oppose it (because traditions should not be broken) she did not like.


So sadly I am going to have to be boring and have Phaedra and Annais get along well :) But I would love to chat with you. I'm not sure if I have you on my Skype and MSN so could you please give me your contact info here or PM it.

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I think Nyssa was just raised around the time Annais came to the tower, so she could have been a teacher to her. Faerzyne was well and properly old before Annais was even properly fullgrown, and Indira is about the same age as Darienna. She would've known Annais through Darienna, but not much beyond that.


It's up to you to decide whether Annie got along with Faerzyne or not ;)

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Has Faerzyne always been grumpy? If yes, I think that the relationship with Faerzyne would be neutral and professional. Annie would respect her but she wouldn't be someone she would first go to when she needs company.


Knowing Indira through Darienna sounds really good :)

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she's not so much grumpy as she is... eh... vague :p


she generally has/had a good relationship with novices and accepted, but I think she may be a little too confusing for her fellow sisters to warm to her much.


that, and she's an evil, evil woman ;)


so professional regard sounds good to me :)

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Hmmm well Jade would be quite a bit older than her and so not likely to have been taught by her, they could have a good relationship and hopefully will, it will be a bitter pill for Jade to swallow that the two Ammy's she put up didn't make it more than a few years, so she will have to get over that of course.  ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing you as Amyrlin is almost enough to get me to RP again ;)  If only I had time.  ~~~hugs~~~  How are you sweety?  Not sure if you remembered me as Reile or not?  Would like to give you back some of what you dished out to my Aureille ;)

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It is awesome to see you here, Heidi :) And of course I remember you as Reile. I pestered you horribly as an Accepted with all kind of stupid questions *laughs*


Even if you could post just once a week, you should still come back! And I would totally love to receive Harmony treatment ;)

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*edit* got her age updated from our nice nice AGL *s* Cema could have been a teacher, but spent much time on the roads, havent had it all maped down. As a green she likely been some part in the borderlands, in as long as it didnt effect her as a black...ie no problem killing spawn, but would likely find it conflicting of her interest to spend to much time hunting down DFs and the like. + not overly fond of murder, will do where nesicary without hesitation, but seek other methods where posible. Beeing a DF is more of a philosophy of life that she'll do what needed to reach the aims that is her due, but otherwise a green, loving to those she hold close, loyal to causes she belive in and all. Ambitious strange enough she havent taken to geting political in seeking out official offices in the tower, strong and individual in that she wont be herded along like another sheep but has her own opinion and will stick to those, and not astrange to scheeming and lobby'ing, pulling strings if needed to get what she wants.


And most of this all needs to be played out a whole lot more as she is another one of those chars that develops some each and every week in my head, without the development ever beeing written down into words.

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I so wish I could post once a week.  But I do not even have time to clean my own home.  Ah someday...  I just had to hire someone to clean my house.  I am actually embarassed by this, just so you know :(


Sorry to hijack your thread ;)  If it helps, I have been thinking how my past characters (though they probably are not acceptable in this newer DM RP) would react...  does that almost keep me in this thread? 


~wanders off~

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I totally remember you too :)  You could always write your character in around my age - 260+, I think I am.  You ::were:: Aes Sedai when I was a Novice... but I did get raised quickly... you could be pushing 290 if you wanted to?


Just thoughts; happy to see you around again!

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Curse you Aes Sedai and your ages! If Reile is 290 that puts Shoar at damn near 286 years of age! He's looking remarkable for a corpse! ;D


Well Auntie, as I said, last I heard control of your character was given to me. (Well I say 'given' but I think I used my Incarn powers to wrest control of it away as your Bondholder...) so I didn't technically kill your character off, just wrote you out of the RP somewhere in the Aiel Waste. SO unless that's been changed during one of the Breakings along the way...


BUT as you said, time is not something that comes easy so don't feel like you HAVE to come back. It's enough we get to talk to you again, I missed ya horribly! :D


Shoar Gaidin

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*snickers* There is an ancient (former) Green, Red and Brown in the Freelanders now. Who ALL have twin children. Such copycats we are. But Telcia was the first one to have the idea before the real AS baby boom started.


And Shoar doesn't have to be that old unless you insist that he knew Reile and Ryell since they were Accepted. If it is vital to your histories, then just ignore such pesky issues :)

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There was Tania before there was Telcia, it was Telcia who started the twin fad though :)


Though to be fair about the twins thing.  The propensity for women to spawn (heh) multiple children at once increases with age.  After the first hundred or so years, I assume it becomes viable :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*coughs* Actually, Arie was planned to have kids long before actually having them... but that's just a detail none would know...


And didn't Tel foretell of something like this? Anyone have the foretelling? I have no clue which RP this was in.. :S

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