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Hello all who remember


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Hey all,


Coran Thalier here. Just stopping in to say hey, Haven't been around in a LONG time but still miss the place and since I was over in the wolfies den, thought I drop a line here too!


*Drops line*



Former Gaidin to Jaydena


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Nope...I remember when Corin joined and thinking that would cause confusion  :P but that wasn't me. I have thought about hanging around for awhile...seeing as how Shoar came back...I even saw Reikan pop in for a moment (I was his Second Master at arms).


As for you Cairma...Are you takin care of my Lady Jade?! You'd better be good...She bites if you're not  ;D


What would I have to do to get back in. I am sure I would need to do something as I was WS 19 when I left (or 18...something like that).


Hey Mat...you out there? I know you are!!!  :D *knock knock* Will you let me back in?


Coran T


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Great, more oldbees, no doubt all as bond-crazy as Shoar here, frustrating the poor Commander of the Guard because they're all too thick-headed to realise that being bonded means you give up your coolness.




Just joking, of course :)


I think you can pick your old character up from WS 17, or pick up a new one from WS 8.


have fun :D


~Rosheen Tahn Sakhr, Bonded to Aramina Sedai (and still pretty cool at that :p)


~Brand Ryota, Commander of the guard.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Eh, your not the only one with repeted bond Breaking. Daemon had two Bond Breakings... One from his Aes Sedai being stilled and the other from her being killed. :P


Poor boy...



*whistles innocently*

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Alright boys and girls I am officially going active again. I have to talk to Jaydena to see how she wants to work out the bond we used to have, but once that is done, I will make a return post. I will see what I need to do from there.


Coran T

Path of Water


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I believe I remember you, and was thinking of you just the other day, Coran - I believe we trained together at some point or another... something about walking on logs and hiding clothing bit up trees or some such.


And Shoar - you could always make him go insane and evil; I think I need a replacement Warder with Mat having fled to the wilds (unless there's still a character of hers that is technically my replacement Bonded; I need to obviously spend more time on ICQ and figure this out :D)

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Who says you need to see Spawn to be a Darkfriend?


Dark friends can work with whom so ever they please, as long as they're worthy enough. You should definitely give turning and twisting the Shoar (assuming that's who we're talking about) and (making a not so old second lightfool :P)if you think it could help you develop your character. There are plenty of people around who'd be happy to help you with this, so just let me know/post on the SG board if you're interested in some shadowy converting. :D




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  Well Daemon's second Bondholder turned out to be a DF, as far as I remember, she send his other two warders against him, they were also DFs. The two DF warders got killed, and the Aes Sedai herself was found  dead the same day.


  Anyway, the idea is that you would not go and deprive Daemon of a old comrade now, would you? So join me in the club of oldbies who has turn a deaf ear and blind eye to Ashara's ( Vera's ) recruitment drives.

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