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Description of Staff jobs, and what each type involves

1. Contribute on staff board, and help out with site stuff - DL w/help of other staff where posible by delegation
2. Technical daily runing of the division :

  • RP Group Leader :
    Is responsible for mainplot line RPs with assistance of the AGL's, and any major inter Group RP's, monthly reports, Talents and special item approvals, NSW approvals, site updates, and general oversight and planning for the Group


  • OOC Operations Executive - for checking the OOC boards for bad language as well as promoting activity
  • Liasson & RP Executive - for all RP related things, Bio checking, RP planning
  • Marketing and Recruitment Executive - market the RP Group and recruit new members


3. User availability and help - All staff are here to listen and help the users, be it needing to let off steam about something being frustrating, help with brainstorming by listening to ideas or help with planning RP's if the members are stuck. Be helpful in finding answers or setting up contact with other internal and non internal Staff when the members are unsure who the right Staff are to contact, or if there are things that need to be brought up for discussion among several Staff.



Main Character (MC) NSW Players and Writers


A MC player is a person chosen to be responsible for playing a character and make decisions for that character (within the limits of RP Group rules, and Staff decisions). If you want to RP with a Main character that has a player, you may either contact that player directly to plan, or you may contact the Staff on our Staff email, and we will connect the two of you.


For MC with writers there is another system, if you have an idea for a RP with such a chosen, you send said plan directly to cots[at]dragonmount[dot]com.


The staff will process the RP and once stamped and aproved, they will asign one of the writers to go in and do the jobb.



Chosen with players - and their players

Asmodean - Quibby

The Slayer - The Don


Chosen with writers group's - slots filled* (aproved writers)

Be'lal 1/3 (Wolfsbane)

Cyndane - 0/3 (Temp writer asigned on need base)

Graendal 1/3(Tigara)

Moghedien 2/3 (Jehaine, Tigara)

Osan'gar 0/3 (Temp writer asigned on need base)

Sammael - 0/3 (Wolfsbane)

Semirhage 2/3(Liitha, Eqwina)

V'alduri 2/3(Ben_T, Eqwina)


* if the slots aint filled you may contact us if you are interested in coming on the writers group, also even if they are you may still file us interest or aplication that are to be upheld in the case of one of the writers leaving.


Char Limits vs Req's


3 chars per div

Credits only counts if you follow through on main chars, ie you cant just make 3 chars in a section and only activly RP the tird with full credit, and such "cheat" your way past the req's. If you stop RPing a char then the other ones will fall down on the credit ladder (so if you stop RPing your first char before reaching full rank in a section, then your second char effectivly become your first)



1. start as Intiate

2. start as lesser DF but has to choose a carer or can start at ws 6 if #1 has at least ws 6

3. start as a DF but has to choose a career and do On the Shadows Side or can start with a ws 8 if #1 or #2 has at least ws 8



1. starts as acolyte

2. starts at adept but has to write the adept test as well

3. starts as dreadlords but has to do the adept + dreadlord test as well


SS Gld

Second and third fades can skip the first level of training. Since Trollocs and darkhounds do not train, this will not happen for them!


CotS Ruled or Play Teritory


Arafel -> Sammael in Shienar has played the two countries out against eachother, in a new alliance with Semirhage who had to flee Murandy, they togheter rouse a campaign to take both countries, with the war in Kandor aiming their goal.


Cairhien ->

---> Fairhaven : a small town, a days ride north on the road to the Jangai Pass. Here lays a shadow run ranch, with 6 PC and several NPC personalties on it.

More can be read here


Fortress -> Home of the Dreadlords can be found in the Blight


Kandor -> 200 men is raiding Kandor under the lead of Dagan al'Kar, but under attack of the White Tower and Warders to help free the country. The shadow evacuates in favor of taking Arafel and openly show their control of Shienar


Murandy -> Semirhage is medeling into things here in the aim of gaining control of the king, untill the king was killed by Asmodean trying to assasinate Semirhage under their wedding, both chosen leaving the capitol and wedding in turmoilt.

--->a few days out of Lugard : here lays a small holding with a few farms, a small wood, and a manor house. This technicaly belongs to acolyte Marak, who can claim it when he has finalized his training.


Seanchan -> Graendal and Asmodean has an alliance and is hiding out here meddeling in things.


Seafolk -> 'Plans in brewing..info update later'


Shienar -> Sammael rules here


Tarabon -> Hiding place of Be'lal


White Tower -> Home of the Black Ajah


The Dreamworld -> here you can meet any of the chosen thoug some walks it more oftenly then others. Also the following Dreadlord/ladies are all dreamwalkers : Nyssa, M'bela, Ayrik

  • 1 year later...

Shadowhall - main staff board

The Fortress - general board for dreadlords

DL Req, Dreadlord Staff Board

Darkfriends Guild - general board for darkfriends

Shadowspawn Guild, DF Reqs, Darkfriend Staff

Pit of Doom - board for main character NSW

The Uncommon Room :

Here all are welcome, this is the place to generaly chit chat, lay evil RP plans and have fun... Or Spam

Special Reports - board for main nsw's, special item owners or lenders, and talent holders

  • 6 months later...

1. The Faith Lies in a Trap

Purpose: cover the missing time gap in Osan'gar's past due his falling between the shelves.


After repeated failures in his on-goings, and the betrayal of the Mae'shadar who served him as his right hand, Osan'gar decide that the way to power is to enforce it. Between believing that Demandred has been too lenient with the Dreadlords (as in - when a Mae'shadar can come to believe he can put himself up against a Chosen), and knowing that though he is not the strongest, any one channeler will fail against a circle of 13, he decides to approach Aginor.


Between them a secret alliance is formed, while he infiltrates the fortress to gain ground-level knowledge of the on-goings. This also leads him to appear unthreatening to his new ally… until Aginor disappears (infiltrates BT). Osan'gar takes the opportunity, and in Aginor's absence, betrays him, and takes control himself over the Fortress.


It's not many weeks after this that Val is released. She arrives with Cyndane and shields Osan'gar in a display of power. After he succumbs, she settles into the Fortress as her high seat. Running the Fortress through the present Mae'shadars, she declares peace among the council in and out of the Fortress. The message is relayed to the present members of the council, and messages are  dispersed to reach the rest within reasonable time, all members who do not serve a living Chosen receive the message to report before her so she can get oversight of on-goings and hand out missions where necessary.



2. Guardians of the Gate

Osan'gar and Cyndane are  sent to bring Sammael and Semirhage back to the Fortress. Here they are informed of the Nae'blis status, and to continue their quest in the Borderlands serving as governors and guardians over the countries to be called ‘The Gate to the Blight’.


3. Meddlers of Randland

Next in is Slayer (spy and assassin), Be'lal and Moghedien, who are fetched in by the messengers. They are given the quest to ensure that the mainland forcers keep trying to fight off the Seanchan.


4. Dupes of Seanchan

Graendal and Asmodean's turn on the carpet – they are charged with continuing their work within the Seanchan, and to direct their focus, if possible, on the coastline from the location of their landing up to Saldaea.


The aim to try to get a new (battle) front going, such as the Arafel and Shienar one, only between Seanchan and the rest of the remaining people in the hope that the confusion caused will turn out to work as an opener eventually like it did in ‘The Gate to the Blight’.



5.A New Era Begins

All the Chosen were charged in their meetings with the task of letting their Mae’shadars know and spread the word that the Council is now at absolute peace, and is approachable by all of the Dreads.  This information is then made public within the Dreadlord circles with the intent of passing the word to all (be it by whisper or screaming it from the rooftops) that the Shadow’s Peace is now upon anyone who seeks it out.  If anyone wishes to swear to the Great Lord, they may approach ‘The Gate’ and seek out a cleric to have their name taken as a new Child of the Shadow.  On top of that, any channeler who comes there will be taken into the warmth of the Dark and taught what they need to protect themselves from the minions of the Light.


This is all done under the pseudonym of ‘Mistress of the Dark’ so as to keep the Light from knowing who the controlling force in the Shadow is – the less the Light knows, the weaker they will be when it comes to fighting back.


OOCly, finally I make my members aware that while these missions and acts are now assumed carried out in main plotline, that you can underline that the plans are only plans, it is not a given that they will come into fruition, they are only the plans the Shadow work along for the time being.


  • 6 months later...
  • Taymist changed the title to CotS Further Info Section
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