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I'm Approved!!! Now what?


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Hey...my bio was approved!!! Yay ;D ! Now what happens? Will I get an email or PM or something? Can I just go start playing? Can I run through the tower creating havoc and mayhem...um...I mean...exploring and learning?


Xilanin Corender

Approved (That's a first)

Son of ???

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You can start RPing now.  You will get a mentor assigned to you when Eqwina has a moment to do so, but you are free to start.  Look at out training requirements: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=17


I would also suggest looking at the class section, paths and disciplines listed on the site.



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Is there anything I should know before starting...like, who did I sign up with and how was I sent to get roommates. I just don't want to mess up.  :o


Should I ask others to join in or just wait to see if they do?



Son of ???

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It is great to see that you are so excited!!! Like Mat said I will send you your information when I get a chance. (which I did a moment ago)


A great place to start is with meeting your mentor or just start a post arriving in the yards. List it as an Open RP and I am SURE lots of people with run to greet you! Let me know if you have any other questions.



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roomies got no offical system you have to basicaly agree with someone else yourself that you will be roomies, unless you want your roomies to  be NNPC (non player chars), but the baracks is built with 4 beds to each room *s*


I am half pondering bringing in a char from a site i quit in which case i'll likely to be looking for someone to room up with just as its more fun...but not descided wheter to do it or not yet...if you want i can let you know when i descided

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