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Time for School! (class request v1)


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Well, as many of you have probably heard, I'm the new teacher in charge of classes for your Rank Requirements. (May God have mercy on your souls *maniacal laugh*) Well, we have a new and improved list for you to choose from. The 14 classes should offer plenty of variety for your character development purposes.


This is how the classes will work. I hope to be running at least one class every two weeks(barring significant RL issues). After the first post of each new Class I will start a new thread like this asking what classes you want to take part in. Just reply here and let me know what you want to take next, and the class that has the most requests will be the one I teach. I will stop taking requests two days before the start date of the class, and begin working on the post.


This is not the only way to get the class you want, however. I am never opposed to teaching a class for individual characters, so if you've got your heart set on a class, feel free to PM me or IM me at any time. (Skype: thedreadpirateyi MSN: kylin_drp@hotmail.com) and I'll work the details with you. We don't want anyone feeling left out, I'm just working it this way for efficiency and to keep myself from getting bogged down with too many classes. (this is just a trial method, I may alter the system in the future if we run into problems.)


Now, with all that said, I look forward to tortur... *coughs* I mean teaching all you new recruits.


New Class List

- Obedience class

- Children of the Light Philosophy class

- History of the Children of the Light class

- Basic Calvary class

    - Mounted Combat class

    - Advanced Calvary Tactics

- Group survival class

- Military Tactics class

- Herb class

- Interrogation class

- Basic Stealth and Subterfuge class

- Espionage class

- Infiltration class

- Daes Daes Mar class

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