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Who's a lucky greenie? Why, me! (DM meetings coming up!!)


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Well Jade that depends on where you're flying from *g* For me it came to about $145 total, return to L.A. ;)


Rae Rae you know you love it!! ;)


I miss you too Rae - and Jade - that it totally ok. *winks*


Right now it may be just me coming. Evie is still really, really sick. Daddy may stay home with her so she doesn't have to fly. We will see. =( BUT - I will still be there - no matter what. (insert cheesy blingy smile ala orbit commercial)


Jade what you need is a flight that has a 3-4 hour lay over in Phoenix. Then we can visit for a little and it cost nothing!! Tis an idea at least. 


Me too Jade!! I really hope Evie feels better. And Dan deserves a little bit of vacation too at least. *crossing fingers*


Bah humbug, Taysie... been squabbing with your lot for so long that I might as well be one of you ::hangs head in shame::.


That does bemuse me though... I am friends with a significant chunk of the Ajah in spite of my constant rows with it... way to make a girl feel dirty ::winks::


And deffo sorry to hear that Evie isn't feeling well, Querida!  I wish I had been able to meet the little lady before fleeing the country.


somdeday rae - someday. =) As far as Evie - she is now on antibiotics (STILL had a fever yesterday - ear infection). BUT - she is remarkably better than she was just yesterday morning. Dear God. So we will see.


Oh and Rae if you are at DC - you will see her as she will be there! =)


Of course Dan and I are now getting sick. LOL - figures - eh?


Considering that I reside in the UK now, and my September trip for this year is to Phoenix?  No D*Con for me.. and probably never again.  I can't justify two trips to the States in one month, and I definetly can't justify one where my husband doesn't know anyone!


(He's shy, the sweet thing <3)


The UK is great thusfar!  Granted, not made it up to Scotland yet, but that's for later in the year (as we have some friends living in Glascow that insist we come up to visit).


It is sort of a reverse migration, but eh... I honestly like it better over here.  Sure, things cost a bit more, but it's generally safer, cleaner (unless you're in London... ugh), etc.  Plus, I'm very fortunate that my husband's family has their own business, so we don't have to worry about employment, whereas in the States we'd just be two kids with no degrees praying to get a job at like.. Radio Shack.  Plus, I'm a lot more adaptable than he is when it comes to being moved around, as he's lived here almost his whole life (minus a few years on the Isle of Man, where he was running away from his life).


So, stuffs.  If you do make it over here, let us know, 'cause I would love to see you guys again <3


I don't watch television, hon.  It's bad for you, and gives you poor self-confidence.  It also spawns further commercialistic tendencies, which are shit.  Plus, it completely immobilizes me.... stupid hypnotic idiot box.

Guest nephitess

I jelous!!  I have not met anyone yet, :( Maybe one day :D


Heh, give it a few years.  I had been a member here over two and a half years before I met anyone.  I made it to D*Con unrecognized, approached Kathana, Seggy, Matalina & co and said hi... then I explained who I was... and found a Kathana attached to me.  Seriously.  It was a very happy moment, and worth waiting the time for <3

Guest nephitess

SWEET...i will wait then....*waits* ;)


Then on the other hand there's me, a slightly more reckless hoover who met her first DMer about a year after joining ;) My gosh, I flew to a different hemisphere to do it too! My family were a little worried but they still let little 20 year old me go :)


In fact I met quite a few, thanks to Radzfest and a DM boyfriend *loL* OH and thanks to Querida buying me a lil plane ticket ;)


But yeah, I didn't wait too long lol.


Well I was going to visit but then a whole mess of stuff happened... Loooooot of bad stuff noone ever knew about. *l* One day I plan on doing it tho! Wouldn't mind meeting people eventually. >_>

Guest nephitess

I'm going to wait untill an opportunity presents itself, or if i get to know some people really well, then i'll go meet them. I would love to meet some DMers!! :)


It's always a crapload of fun, in my experience nephitess ;) I highly recommend it!


Even people I've since come to dislike, I liked at the time I met them *g* And that is of course only one person out of the 50+ I've met. Not bad! ;)


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