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A Whole New World (ATTN: James and/or MoN)

Jagen Sedai

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Celestine was trying her best to watch where she stepped in the street to avoid bumping into anyone at the same time she tried admiring all the fanciful buildings around her. The White Tower gleamed brightly in the sun, the most tall and beautiful structure she had ever seen and larger than she had ever imagined anything could be, even after all the stories she read.


And the people of Tar Valon! They seemed to be from all over the world. Celestine found herself stopping and staring at all the different people--men with beards but a bare upper lip was dark tanned skin, and another man who was so dark Celestine was reminded of a sweet chocolate, and a woman wearing such a scandalous dress she was surprised the men around her weren't leering--it was so form fitting! And the silks and cotton dresses she saw weer of so many different styles and colors she wished she could have sat to study them all. However, the Aes Sedai lady with her, Lillian, kept her moving. She regretted she couldn't even stop to see where all the smells were coming from--perfumes and various types of food and other things she couldn't even identify. She was already growing home sick and recalled the day Lillian and the other Sister had tested her and the other girls of Yvel for the ability to channel.


Celestine forced her hands to stop grabbing at her skirt, but her mood was going between anxiousness and boredom. She was watching as the girls ahead of her in the Common Room of her father's inn sat in front of one the Aes Sedai, testing them to see if they could learn to channel. The other Aes Sedai was busy talking through an interpreter about the condition of some of the people in the town. Of the thousand or so residents, over a hundred had been born deaf. Most were related in some form or another.


Celestine herself was more interested in the adventure of simply leaving her town to see other places than actually going to the White Tower, a place she vaguely heard of and didn't really understand at all. She knew how to read and write but had never read more than perhaps one book on Aes Sedai. She had been fascinated by the demonstrations the women gave and although she wanted to be able to do the same, she was still more driven by the possibility of leaving and traveling to see so many places she had read about.


Movement to her right caught her attention as on of her friends, Sarini, started signing to her. Will you be disappointed if you aren't chosen?


Celestine held up her hands and signed back, I don't know. I want to be but if I am not I can always travel by myself. So she hoped, but they would see.

After the next girl, one who thanked the Aes Sedai, bowing, lips moving, she sat on the chair herself facing this woman whose age she had been trying to guess since she saw her. Celestine's hazel eyes held hers only a moment before lowering somewhat. She swept a hand nervously through her dark brown hair, which was somewhat wavy and long.


It was hard telling someone that had wanted to be tested that she didn't have the ability, ending a person's dreams.  Waiting and watching as the next girl took a seat before her, Lillian smiled as the girl caught her eyes for a moment before the girl looked down.  Asking for her name, the lack of response made Lillian frown before she realized why an answer hadn't been forthcoming.


Looking about, Lillian spoke.  "Is there anyone here that could translate for me?"  One of the girls stepping forward, Lillian smiled at her as she asked.  "What is your name?"




"Thank you Sarini, I need you to translate for me so this girl understands what I am saying.  If you would?"


Watching as Sarini got the girl's attention, Lillian smiled reassuringly at the young girl as she spoke.  "I am going to create a light in a few moments, when I do I need you to focus on this light intently.  Nothing else exists but the light until you are told to stop, if you have the gift of channeling within you, we will discover it in this fashion.  Are you ready?"


Waiting a moment before she got a nod, Lillian focused on the air between them and a soft blue light sprang into existence. It was a matter of time now, if the girl had the ability then they would discover it soon enough.


Celestine's gaze went between Sarini's hand gesturing and the Aes Sedai's face, a calm smile on her face as she watched the explanation. She nodded and signed something to which Sarini turned and said, "Her name is Celestine Erebruz. She says thank you."


Celestine watched as the ball of light sprung up between them. She sat back more in her chair as if shying away from it. She wanted to be careful around things she didn't understand. But watching that ball of light just floating, it really was easy to concentrate on it--this was what the One Power looked like after all, the driving force of the universe!--and to have it before her not a foot away she really did forget about everything else in the room. Though her mind wandered to other possibilities she kept forcing her attention back and clearing away her thoughts. If she could do this. . . Stop and concentrate, she thought to herself, and finally she seemed to calm and focus, because this was important. Knowing she had to do something helped her concentration to stay where it had too. After a while though, she got a strange feeling, something she couldn't describe, it seemed vague and only lasted a moment, but the ball of light before her seemed to brighten for a moment. Then the feeling went away as Celestine's gaze snapped up to the Aes Sedai's face, frowning in curiosity.


The moment that Lillian felt it, her smile renewed itself as she saw the look of confusion on Celestine's face.  Letting the light wink out, Lillian turned to Sarini as she spoke.  "Your friend is a rare girl indeed.  She is capable of channeling, her test is positive.  Would you please give her my congratulations?  She will be coming with myself and my companion to Tar Valon, where she will be enrolled in the White Tower."


Sarini grinned widely, excitedly, as she started gesturing. Celestine's eyes widened as the girls' fingers flashed different movements and her arms motioned, and then she clapped her own hands excitedly and gave a faintly audible laugh. She turned and repeated a gesture of placing her fingers on her chin and bringing them down, then she stood and bowed deeply.


It was a hard thing to believe she could do what the Aes Sedai could--or rather, learn it--but already her mind was flitting to the hundreds of different places she wanted to travel to and explore. She would learn to channel and set off into the world. And she'd come back to help her town too, of course.


Celestine turned to her friend and 'told' her to quickly get tested as well. She herself took a seat in the chair Sarini had been using and she placed herself in the other. Her own mind kept wandering again. She really was leaving... but it would be hard. Waht if she couldn't communicate with anyone? But she would have Sarini she was sure. They'd talk and she would help her.


However after a while, perhaps fifteen minutes or so, her hopes were dashed as the Aes Sedai let the ball fade, and from what Celestine read on her face, it was evident Sarini didn't pass. She quickly gave her own condolences, but Sarini seemed too saddened to notice. She murmured a soft, "Thank you," to the woman.


It was difficult to refuse girls, but if they did not have the ability then there was nothing to be done about it.  She was particularly sorry about Sarini, her and Celestine seemed to be close from the way they stood together.  Perhaps there was something to be worked out, but that would have to wait until a later time until she had a chance to think.  "Sarini, could you please take Celestine to her home so she may speak to her parents about this?  After the testing is completed here, I will be over there then to speak to them."


Once outside Celestine gave a weak smile. But Sarini only smiled back and signed, It's alright, really. And we have to go see your parents. So they made their way to Celestine's house and sat down with her mother, father and uncle to discuss what happened. Her mother wept. Her father expressed he didn't think it would be a good idea to leave, but they knew when the White Tower wanted someone, that someone would have to go.


She suddenly caught sight of Lillian looking at her again. She hadn't realized she stopped, staring this time at a bird that was tricolored blue, yellow and red. She vowed to get one of those, before moving on with the sister, pass the tall doors and into the Tower...




Whoever reads this first (James or MoN), please post :D


Celestine Portrait:


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  • 4 weeks later...

It was good to be home.


Leading her horse through Tar Valon always helped Lillian relax before she reached the White Tower.  While she loved to travel throughout the world, to do good works where she could and explore, this was a place that she always felt welcome.  Its streets were filled with people, cultures, fashions and so many more differences that there was little in the way of homogenous traits, yet at the same time those very differences were the similarity that helped bind the city together.  Cosmopolitan in nearly every way, it was a place that one could be proud to call home.


The effect the surroundings were having on Celestine wasn't lost on Lillian, indeed she made a study of the girl as they passed through the streets.  The girl was curious of her surroundings, never having seen the like before much like nearly every other girl that was brought to Tar Valon.  Even the ones from the major cities of the Westlands could not boast the same diversity that was found within this city and they were to some degree awed.


If Lillian had the time, she would have loved to perhaps spend a few hours showing her around, but that wasn't something she could do.  The Mistress of Novices would want to see this girl immediately, and she had her own reports to make and people to see.  A shame, but perhaps there would be time later to catch up with the girl and show her around.  Perhaps wishful thinking with her schedule, but time would tell on that one.


For now, she just needed to get the girl to the Tower, though perhaps she could dawdle just a little to give her time...



"Come in!"


Darienna almost dropped her pipe when she saw it was Lillian.  Laughing as she got to her feet, she caught the younger sister in a warm embrace, it had been a long time since she'd seen the woman.  Perhaps it had been seven months now?  No word like usual as well, but that wasn't unusual with Lillian and with the travelling she did it was rare she had a chance to send word.  She still worried a little, even after Lillian had time and time again turned up after extensive absences.


Breaking from the embrace with a smile, Darienna shook her head at Lillian.  "A little warning would have been nice.  How have you been?  You look a little thin, and if yo-"  Pausing as she saw movement, Darienna stepped to one side to find there was a young girl standing behind Lillian.  Dark hair and a slim figure, her clothes marked her as someone from outside the Tower.


"You've brought me a new Novice?"


"I tested her in Yvel and she proved true and has potential.  There is a problem though, she is deaf."


Looking sharply at Lillian, Darienna mulled the problem over before nodding.  Smiling at the girl, Darienna gestured for the girl to follow her and to take a seat before Darienna took her own behind the desk.  Grabbing a piece of paper and a quill, she began writing even as Lillian joined the girl by taking the seat beside her.  It didn't take her long, years of paperwork had made her quill hand quick and steady, and she slid the paper across the table to the girl before she replaced the quill in the inkpot and slid that over in turn so the girl could use it.


The paper read.


Welcome to the White Tower, I am Darienna Sedai, the Mistress of Novices.  I am in charge of the training of all those who enroll here, since Lillian Sedai tells me you've already been tested we can skip that.  There are several things I need to know about you so I can add the information to the Novice roll.


What is your name?


How old are you?


Where are you from?

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ooc: sorry for my own delays, work has been keeping me very busy and exhausted lately o.0



Celestine carefully took hold of the paper as she began to read. She was always careful handling papers and books, knowing how precious they were. As she read she committed Darienna's name to memory, slowly moving her lips and speaking softly her name, though it was a bit mispronounced. It was important for her to be able to speak their names, to get their attention if she was speaking loud enough for them to hear. Though she hoped her lip-reading skills were good enough to pick up any other communication if she didn't have paper handy.


She raised her hazel gaze to the desk and grabbed the quill, writing with a graceful hand the answers to the questions.


Celestine Erebruz, 16, Yvel. She wondered if the Aes Sedai lady had ever heard of Yvel. It wasn't quite a major stop along travel routes but perhaps was famous for its large deaf population, and for being the home of many paper makers.

She carefully turned the paper around and pushed it back toward her, dipping the quill back in the jar and bowing her head. She began to feel nervous already. Everything suddenly seemed to be moving very fast even though it actually was not. Or perhaps she had just come to realize how far she had come in so short a time and where she was now... it made her feel more consciously homesick. Her hands were already kneading her dress skirt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watching as the young girl wrote with what appeared to be a practised hand, Darienna looked up at Lillian who was returning her studying stare.  What sort of girl had Lillian brought her?  She might not have been able to hear, but she certainly knew her way around a quill.  It was one thing for people to be able to read, but experience had taught Darienna that fine quill work was not nearly as common as basic reading literacy.  It would at least save time, lessons that would have been spent ensuring that her quill work was both proficient and legible could be skipped, her efforts directed elsewhere.  With her disability, she might very well end up needing the headstart depending on how well she adapted.


Looking to the girl as she finished turned the piece of paper about and pushed it towards her, Darienna scanned it quickly.  Her name, her age, her place of origin, all of these things were simple yet fundamentally useful facts.  Well, except Yvel, Darienna didn't recognise the name of the village, or town, causing her to look up at Lillian even as she noted that Celestine was looking down at her dress.  "Where is Yvel?"


Lillian smiled.  "Small town, Cairhienin border town.  They make paper there, that would be why her way with a quill surprised you."


Laughing, Darienna raised an eyebrow at Lillian.  "Reading my mind now?"


The smile of the white sister widened.  "Have to get my own back.  At anyrate, about half the town is deaf, the other half can talk.  They have a sign language to make up for it."


Narrowing her eyes, Darienna looked throughtful.  "I don't suppose you learned it?"


Lillian leaned back slightly as she shook her head.  "A few words and phrases, I'm by no means a master though.  Celestine has been teaching me a bit but to be honest, I'm not going to make a good mentor for her."


This didn't happen often, Darienna was surprised by her younger sister.  "You keep reading my mind, except for thinking you wouldn't make a good mentor."


Shrugging, Lillian said.  "I think someone else would do better."


Darienna leaned back in her chair in turn.  "Who?"


Lillian looked almost mischievous as she answered.  "Someone who knows what its like to have an unfortunate difficulty.  Perhaps a Red who shares the same national background?"


Considering the proposal, Darienna nodded.  "I'm sold, go and get her.  I'll stay here and talk with Celestine and help settle her in, she's a bit nervous."


"I noticed."  Watching as Lillian stood and reached over to squeeze Celestine's shoulder reassuringly, Darienna smiled as Lillian left the room.  If she wasn't careful, Lillian would end up with her job, well, except for the fact that Darienna loved it too much.  Standing as Lillian left, Darienna walked around the table and took the seat that Lillian had vacated.  Reaching over for the piece of paper, she brought it closer so both of them could read it and took the quill so she could communicate further with the new Novice.


You are now a Novice of the White Tower.  Lillian Sedai has gone to find one of the sisters that I have decided is to act as your mentor.  She will show you around the White Tower, be someone you can turn to if you need help.  Likewise, if you ever need to talk, if you ever have any worry or trouble, you may come to me and I will help.


I know that you are nervous, its not easy leaving your home behind for the unknown.  But know that every single other Novice, Accepted and Aes Sedai here has experienced what you are now, you aren't alone.  But I do want to ask a favour.  Lillian Sedai tells me that at your home, you use a sign language with your hands and fingers to communicate.  Over the months, I would like you to teach me this language, if not some time everyday then most days until we aren't reliant on paper.  Would you do this for me?  And how well can you lipread?


Handing the quill to Celestine, Darienna smiled and mirrored Lillian's gesture of squeezing the girl's shoulder reassuringly.  It was a long way to have come, but Celestine would find her home here if she wanted it, the same as everyone else that had become Aes Sedai.



Darienna Ceradin

Mistress of Novices

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Standing outside Maegan's door, Lillian couldn't help but wonder how the woman was going to take the thought of mentoring another student. No doubt she would feel she was entirely too busy, but Lillian didn't particularly mind. For one, Maegan was good with new students, she didn't try and overawe them like some of the other sisters did. Secondly, well, Lillian hadn't really thought that far ahead, but she knew that Maegan would be a better mentor for the girl than her because Maegan spent more time in the tower than Lillian. Knocking on the door quite forcefully, Lillian called through the door. "Maegan, you in? I have something for you!"


It was rare for Maegan to indulge herself into a book in her spare time for a little light reading. Although none save those of the Brown Shawl would find the books Maegan had piled high on the tea setting in front of her light reading. To her, light reading consisted more of information gathering instead of problem solving. After reading up on various proposals and ruling courts, Maegan filled her pile of light reading with notes and articles of geography and courtly affairs. Had she known in her Novice days that she would be spending her time reading such things she would have looked at it in a different light when her mother and step-mother had both brought these subjects to her prior to the Tower.


But no. The political world had been rubbish for the academically inclined teenager and instead went on to debate various methods of physics with her father over the dinner table. It had infurated her mother to no end over the lack of a noble her daughter exhibited. Thankfully her step mother found it cute, although a little over her head.


Light, she missed them both.


Stirring only a little in her chair as she picked up the silver teacup and took a sip out of it, she over heard the knock on the door which barely cut through her as she set the book down in her lap. Channeling but a little, the door swung open to allow the White Sister into the Rose Quarters. A smile on Maegans face as she entered. "A pleasant surprise, my Sister. What is it that you have for me?"


Entering as she was invited, Lillian had a broad smile on her face as she shut the door and walked over to where Maegan was. Instead of taking a spare seat, she instead sat down on the arm of the chair that the red sister was seated on and gave her a hug. She'd been gone for eight months, it was good to see her. It was going to be just as sweet to inform Maegan that she had a new mentee and see the reaction that came from there. But first of all, she really needed to let Maegan go, well, in a moment or two. It had been a particularly long eight months after all without seeing anyone.


"Pleasant surprise indeed, amazing surprise. And I've got something special for you, exceptional even." Lillian ruffled Maegan's hair with a grin on her face. "Congratulations, you're a mentor! Brought a new girl back with me, and you're it. She's a really nice girl though, the pair of you will be good for each other. Really. Aren't you excited? Say you're excited."


Receiving hugs from the younger sister was always unsettling. Never really used to the physical attention, none but Lillian ever reacted in such a way. Her face winced a little as a few hairs were pulled as the woman tossled her hair. ::Sister, indeed. More by blood than by the Tower:: Maegan mused with a smile, adjusting her spectacles as Lillian finally pulled away. But not without Maegan warmly returning the embrace before the younger woman .. ::Not girl..:: retreated a little. However the enthusiasm barely even ruffled Maegan's perfectly calm demeanor.


"Surprise indeed." Maegan's face still calm, although her eyes glinted a little in the girls excitement. Most likely an overplayed facade in hopes to soften the new responsibility on her shoulders. "You return after being so far gone and the only gift you give me is more responsibility? A little cold, Lilli, don't you think?"


Laughing, Lillian shook her head at Maegan, she wasn't squirreling out of this one. Besides, Lillian had high hopes for Celestine, high hopes that could be realised with Maegan and it would do Maegan some good as well. She had a habit of being a hermit once she got lost in her work, another mentee would help keep her in touch. "Nice try, but I think you'll like her. She's polite, and furthermore I think you'll understand her better than most."


Lillian's mood sobered a little as she proceeded to explain herself. "She is deaf, can't hear a thing. You had to overcome your impaired sight and I've seen enough people with disabilities to know I have no idea what its like. You, on the otherhand, do. You're someone she'll be able to look to and be able to think 'she did it, so can I' and I think that'll be important for her, to have a role model like you." At that, the grin returned. "Plus you hide in your room too much, another mentee will get you stretching your legs. I know what you're like when you latch onto a new project, speaking of which, what are you doing now? Thats a lot of books."


Without regard to the page she was on ::752:: the book was placed on top of the others. "Just some light reading. Deaf, you say?" This caught Maegans interest far quicker than the pile of books on the table had only moments ago. She had worked with a little with a few younger students in the Academy that could not speak and would often use hand movements that would in turn speak for them. Some were completely mute, others could simply not hear. It was not completely uncommon, but yet rare. There was only scholar within the Academy itself that only spoke with his hands. He was brilliant with deciphering unreadable texts and languages. However, he also had a tendancy to use rather vulgar hand movements when no one was watching. "Has she not been to a yellow for Healing?"


"Deaf." Lillian nodded as she saw that Maegan was being hooked now. Now this was where Celestine's background was going to come in handy. "Her deafness is hereditary, there's nothing the Yellow Sisters can do as far as I know. You might be familiar with where she has come from, or at least heard of it. She's from Yvel, right on the Andor/Cairhien border. A significant amount of the population is naturally deaf, about a seventh of them. They have their own sign system for communication using their hands, and because so many of them are deaf the entire population learns the sign language. I also thought you would be a good choice for her because you'd pick up the language quickly. All the way back, I think I only picked up a few things like how to count from one to ten and simple phrases."


Maegan listened intently. She received much of her parchment and other literary tools from Yvel. "Yes yes, they have short forms for phrases, and various other movements that do not include the use of the hands but also the use of the eyes and general body language. Not to mention their own slang and phrases as no more the same there than in Cairhien or Tear." She looked to Lillian, but here eyes were not reallyt hat of curiosity, but more off concern. The girl would obviously have a very difficult time adjusting to the Tower, especially with so few that could pick up the speach of their hand. "Does she posses the ability to speak? Can she use her vocal chords?"


Well, it seemed like Maegan was going to be the girl's mentor now. If she'd had any real objections beforehand, Lillian could tell that they were no longer an issue. "She can speak, but because she can't hear its naturally difficult for her to pick up words. She seems to focus on names though so she can get the attention of people. She's in the Mistress of Novices office with Darienna who is talking to her. Darienna sent me to come and get you, if you'd come with me? She's just settling the girl down, she's fairly nervous and a bit overwhelmed at the moment."


"Hmmm.. " Maegan stretched in her seat than moved to stand. "Best not keep Darienna nor the girl waiting. It is good that she can speak. It will make it easier for her in the long run. Even the smallest token of ability with such a disability is departmental to her achieving what may otherwise be impossible." She paused slightly as she closed the door on her warded room. It was not a door like Muirenns, but it did keep those unwanted away from her quarters. There were many secrets hidden within that noe but those appointed to enter should see. "But we shall see, won't we. If we can not make her Aes Sedai we will at the very least have her able to function outside the Tower if the Wheel were to weave that as her path. But what has been woven already... " Frowning as they came upon the quarters that containted Darennia's office, "You never told me this girls name."







Maegan & Lillian

Sitter & Sister

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Celestine leaned rather intently over the table as the paper was pushed toward her, reading as fast as anyone who spent their lives buried in books. Celestine always read, especially love stories, or the stories about Birgitte or Longstrider. She hoped she could read more here and from she knew, the White Tower had the largest library in the world. A lot of Yvel's business was with the White Tower itself.


A smile crept onto her lips with a mischievous light coming to her eyes as she finished reading. She looked up to the Mistress of Novices, "I can lip read," she said carefully. To Darienna, her words were spoken softly, and even softer at the beginning or end of the word and she seemed to stress the middle. She was obviously unused to speaking much. "I would like to teach you my language." Pronunciation was a bit off but that expected; she could still be understood and that was what mattered.


Celestine kept up her smile but it faded quickly as she looked to the door, the movement of it catching at the corner of her eye. She looked as Lillian came back with an unfamiliar woman. Curious but waiting for the unknown information to come, she stayed sitting and staring at the new woman to take in what she could about her appearance and react accordingly.

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Smiling widely as she heard Celestine speak, Darienna was impressed that the girl had clearly made an effort to try and learn not only how to lip read, but also how to speak without having an ear to train her speech was something that Darienna liked.  It meant that she was willing to work at things that could not come easily, it was a trait that would serve the girl well in the Tower in both her studies as a student and in making her way in the world as an Aes Sedai.  Aes Sedai were never meant to be weak women, the weak did not have the strength to serve.


As she was about to say something, Darienna heard the door open and turned about to find that Lillian had returned with exactly who she was hoping to see.  Maegan was reclusive at times, but Darienna had a good excuse to meet with her often.  As a teacher of several classes, and with Darienna being Mistress of Curriculum as much as she was the Mistress of Novices, they dealt with one another frequently.  Maegan took advice when it was given, and furthermore she was willing to keep Darienna aware of the changes in her class so if someone approached Darienna, she could give them help if they needed it.


"Maegan, its good to see you.  I'm sure Lillian has already spoken to you about our new Novice, her name is Celestine and she will be in need of your attention.  Lillian, I'll meet you later on?"


Getting an answering nod, Darienna got to her feet as she made her way to the sideroom as Lillian departed, talking as she did so.  "I'm just going to fetch a few Novice dresses for the girl, already have a good idea of her measurements."  Inside, Darienna kept talking as she rooted about for the necessary dresses.  "Introduce yourself to her, use the paper and quill on my desk."


It didn't take long for Darienna to find what she was after, but when she did she immediately re-emerged from the sideroom with dresses hanging on one arm.  Handing them to Celestine, Darienna smiled at her warmly as she spoke.  "I will see you at dinner, you will stay with Maegan Sedai till then, yes?"  Getting a nod, Darienna turned to Maegan and smiled.  "Well, be sure to take her to her quarters, room eight would be good.  Now, I'm sorry to hurry you out, but the sooner Celestine is settled in the better."



Darienna Ceradin

Mistress of Novices

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: I'm SOOO sorry Jagen! I lost track of my threads and finally remembered I did still owe a post.. *bows*



::.. A rather fitting name:: Nodding to Darienna as she left the room, Maegan smiled back at Lillian before she left. "Tea later, my dear? We have some catch up." Receiving a nod from Lillian, Maegan smiled and then turned her attention to the girl waiting in the chair. A little taller than most Cairhiens, they shared the same features. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a very intellegent look. ::It will server her well:: Setting the paper and quill on Darienna's Desk, Maegan took a seat across from Celestine. While speaking, Maegan moved her hands.


"Hi, Celestine." hand-speaking the greeting she remembered, "Welcome to the White Tower. My name is Maegan Sedai. You can call me Maegan." There was something in the girls eyes that Maegan recognized easily. Familiarity. "My hand-speak is very rusty, for forgive me my mistakes. How do you find the Tower?"




Maegan Ryanne

Sitter of the Red Ajah

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Celestine was looking at the white dresses she had been given. It was rather plain, she thought, but at least clean. She folded them up in her lap, her eyes catching the movements of the Aes Sedai's hands. Maegan. She commited that name to her memory while meeting her gaze, and carefully 'listened' to what she had to say. How did she find the Tower? She was confused by the question but began to answer.


I was brought here. At Maegan's look, she began to realize it was a hospitality question. She smiled quickly and raised her hands, trying to speak at the same time as clear as she could. "I... like it." She smiled more. "Will you show me around so I can learn better?"

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Carefully regarded the girl, Maegan was pleased that Celestine had followed her lead by not relying only on the hand movement but also speaking as well. Smiling warmly, She signed back while speaking, "It is hard not to like the Tower when you have just arrived. In time you will become tired of white and wish to leave, but until then you are under our care." There was a sense of humour on Maegans lips. Her voice would have displayed the same effects had the girl the hearing to catch her tone. But the girl could not be underestimated. For one sense that was not working, the other made up for in volumes. For she herself had poor hearing yet phenomenal hearing. An interesting twist of fate that she should mentor one that used the opposite senses than herself.


"Yes, I will show you around the Tower. Pay good mind as I do not care to repeat myself, but please tell me if I am too fast. I hope to have you learned well enough to no longer need the use of your hands to .." What was the hand gesture again? ".speak for you. Light willing."


Maegan motioned for Celestine to stand. "Come with me, and I will show you to your quarters and then we shall tour the Tower. On the way, please tell me of your family. Wonderful stories of them, if you can." Pausing, "Without the use of your hands, please." Opening the door for Celestine to step out, Maegan walked beside the girl towards her new quarters.



Maegan Ryanne

Sitter of the Red Ajah

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Celestine felt slightly torn in her feelings as she began to follow Maegan. How could the woman tell her not to use her hands? That was second nature. She might has well request someone else to stop speaking and only use their hands! After all she couldn't tell how good she was actually speaking or how bad. And yet, she realized, she understood the logic of not relying on her hands. She had watched Maegan's lips move carefully, catching about three quarters of what she was saying. And that had come from a lifetime of practice. She let out a sigh, looking down at the plain dresses in her arms. Would this really be such a good idea after all? But I cannot turn back now.


"My family..." she began slowly. "My parents... they make paper. I live in a small house. I have a cat." She was confused as to what else to say. Celestine wasn't used to speaking about herself. The people she grew up with already knew all there was to know about her. The young girl tried thinking of something interesting. Then she realized Maegan's lips were moving. She frowned. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" she asked, motioning with her hands as she talked without realizing it. "I'm not very good at this," she said very softly.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: been trying to write to this, but i've lost my muse. :P I love Celestine, and how you play her. :)




They paused at the door to Celestine's new room, Maegan placed a hand on the girls shoulder in comfort as she smiled warmly and to give comfort. Signing, "Fear not, Celestine, but I understand. It is one thing to overcome what you were born to, and yet another to achieve beyond. The path a head of you is great, greater than most, with obstacles that none but yourself could even fathom. But understand this.."


Maegan smiled warmly into the girls eyes, facing her with a look a mother would give a daughter. There was a lot of time for the girl to learn.. "Nothing in this world is woven that can not be achieved. Those that fail to see this and to cheat it are of the Shadow, but only in true adversary do we find achievement, ..and enlightenment. One day, perhaps if you stay strong, you will achieve the Shawl. But you have to want it more than anything. If you only wish to survive, I will teach you how to survive. Anything you desire I can only do my best to help you achieve it, but you will need to do the work."


Opening the door to the girls room, "Come," She said, a hand on Celestine's back to guide her in. "But not not be daunted, as it can be done. You have your whole life ahead of you, years more than you may suspect. I myself am considered Young by Aes Sedai standards but have past my namesday over 150 times."





Maegan Ryanne


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Piecing together words and letters from her hands, Celestine had to hold onto every word the woman was signing because it was slower than what she was used to. It was probably like her speech, she figured--slow because it was not something she was used to. She strung together what the woman was saying, nodding slowly at what she was trying to say. She appreciated the encouragement but it made her feel like the road ahead would be very hard indeed. Was she ready, or not? Yet even Maegan Sedai said it was possible. She had not given up already simply because Celestine was deaf--she had experienced that kind of discrimination before. Sometimes people wouldn't bother to try to convey their words because she couldn't readily pick up on everything. She as encouraged by the woman's hospitality alone.


Making a mental note to thank the woman, she watched as the woman stated she was over a hundred-fifty. At first Celestine just blinked, thinking the woman had simply signed wrong. Maybe she meant fifty. She signed questioningly, "Fifty?" But then the Aes Sedai corrected her--it was indeed a hundred-fifty. Celestin's jaw dropped and she looked over the woman before her. Her hands moved in fast, sharp gestures, her expression clear disbelief, "I thought it was all story! No one can live so long!" Yet looking over Maegan she could not place a definitive age on her. She looked young at first--twenties or thirties. But then her eyes betrayed someone much older. It was rather disorienting for someone used to relying mainly on sight to encounter someone whose very appearance was deceiving. "That is amazing," she said and signed. But she cleared her head of that for now, still remembering to give her appreciation. "Maegan Sedai, thank you so much. For all for this. I will do my best." She even bowed as she would to a high noble, hoping it was a bow with neither too little or too much respect.


Excitement flowed through Celestine. And fear--but she was only afraid of disappointing someone who was clearly giving their time of day to help her. She knew Maegan Sedai must have been going out of her way for her. Already Celestine wanted to start learning something. She couldn't wait to put on the white dress, to be part of something larger than her own town--something as great and vast as the White Tower. They helped people and performed miracles--and for a moment Celestine's gaze went distant, as she thought, vaguely, maybe she could get rid of her deafness... yet, as quickly as the thought had come, it went away. That was not why she was here, and she was sure even Aes Sedai had their limits. As many stories as she read, surely not all of what was in them could be true. Her gaze went back to Maegan. The woman before her surely held all of this great power, to move the earth and skies. The way Maegan held herself spoke alone of the power she held. And here she was, helping Celestine, someone who had done little in her own life, living day-to-day in her silent, small world--and this great queen, this Aes Sedai, this all powerful woman before her whom perhaps could heal what she thought could not be healed, had taken her under her wing. All the realization hit her at once more than before, and before she knew it she was crying right there in the hallway.

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Guest Arie Ronshor


Surprised, Maegan had not expected the tears, or the girl collapsing into a whirlpool of them on the floor. At first, she blinked down at Celestine, unsure as what to do next. It was not often she comforted tears, and they were of the rare allowance to herself that they would flow to any degree. But in the Hallway!


Draping her arm around the girl in attempts to soothe and comfort the child, Maegan crooned in a low voice, knowing that even if she could not here, the body would still respond to the lower registers and vibrations of her voice. Nonsense words for all that they were, Maegan's focused stayed on the girl as those that passed gave them wide berth and tried to ignore the pair. Tears were not welcome in halls such as these. If it were but a show of weakness than perhaps there might have been some pity. There was not one that passed these halls that wished they could allow them to flow so freely. It was better to ignore than to pity.


Motioning her hand, and with her own voice, "Come." Escorting Celestine into her room, Maegan got her to the bed.


"What is wrong?" Maegan signed. She didn't speak the words. Sometimes silence was better.



Maegan Ryanne


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