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When do Black Sisters take their other oaths?

The Lost One

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I have been reading the boards quite a bit and it got me thinking about the Black Ajah and their dark oaths.  When do they take them?


I am assuming if a darkfriend accepted is raised, she still takes the normal 3 oaths then rushes to one of her other meetings, has the 3 oaths removed and takes new ones.  Or if an Aes Sedai becomes black later, they remove the 3 oaths at that time and she takes the dark oaths (or whatever we are calling them).


Why is this important?  I have seen many people defend sisters from being black because they took the 3 oaths.  But we could have seen each and every sister take the 3 oaths in the books, only to be missing when they ran to one of their other meetings and had them removed. 


Am my missing something?  Unless we specifically know a sister is not Black, even if they have taken the 3 oaths, they still could be Black Ajah, right?

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