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Homecoming, and a Task at Hand (Attn: Jasen Pontean and Maegan Ryanne Sedai)


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Kopair slowly rode through Tar Valon toward the White Tower, his horse Rascal slowly plodding through the crowds of the street. He'd been gone for a year, but it felt like just yesterday since he was here last. He absently ran his hand of the hilt of his katana as he remembered working with Aran to learn of The Spring and harnessing it in his mission to master the sword.  And of course Liitha, his mentor from the time. He couldn't forget her.  He hoped she was still around, though considering he'd left with no warning, perhaps meeting her again wouldn't be very pleasant.


For what was probably the hundreth time since riding over the bridge into the city Kopair almost found himself turning back. He had no idea what the Tower did to trainees who left without notice, but he knew it wouldn't be pleasant. He just hoped the Mistress of Trainees would have some understanding for the situation. When the news came he couldn't have ignored it. It meant his sister's life after all. Small excuse perhaps in the eyes of the Tower, but big enough for him to put his life on hold for a year while he chased after rumors of the bandits that had attacked his home and kidnapped most of his family. And now he found himself returning to the Tower empty handed, having reached a dead end in his search and no closer to discovering the truth of if any of them still lived.


Finally he found himself drawing reign in front of the entrance to the Tower Yard. Guards were standing outside of the gates and a few of them looked at him where he waited across the square. He couldn't tell if any of them recognized him, though with his bald head and goatee he tended to stand out a little when he was here last.  Eventually though he realized that he could wait no longer. If he wanted to learn what he needed to protect others, he needed to go back to his training. Heeling Rascal forward he drew up in front of the guards at the gate and saluted.


"My name is Kopair Rialyn, and I am a trainee here," he said as he began to ride forward into the yard, waiting to see if he'd be challenged.


Sure enough a gruff looking Lieutenant stopped him by stepping in his path. "Hold on now," he said, with a snap to his voice. "Just because you say you're a trainee here doesn't mean you can just pass into the yard. If you're a visitor you'll need to go 'round to the main entrance. But if you're a trainee, then I've never seen you before, so you'll have to wait here while I get someone to verify your identity."


With a nod to a nearby guard to keep on eye on Kopair, the Lieutentant strode off into the guard house, leaving Kopair to wait outside the gate.


OOC: Devon, I figure this ould be a good place for Jasen to step in. Feel free to take it up however you want. I'm ready for some fun. :)  Maegan Sedai can step in after Kopair gets his first task from Jasen.

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Jasen watched as the smoke poured lazily out his mouth and drifted with the wind out the window and into nothingness. It felt good to just sit back and relax for a short bit. Tea was brewing in a pot over the small fire, and he didn't have another shift for two days. Nothing could ruin this day, he thought to himself. The door to the guard house opened and his fellow lieutenant Padric stomped in. With one look on his face Jasen knew that his idle thought had come to soon. It was disgust that was so apparent on Padric's face, nor was it anger, or confusion, or any other emotion that would normally spark worry in a guardhouse. No, the look was the look of annoyance at a problem you couldn't solve and needed someone else's help for. And that someone could only mean Jasen. Setting the legs of the chair down on the floor, Jasen took the pipe in his hand and listened to Padric's dilemma.


"So a young man I have never seen before just walked up claiming he was a trainee here," began Padric, as he fell into the seat across from Jasen. "I've never seen the lad before in my life, so I could never tell you if his story was true, or else if he's spinning out lies like a cheap merchant. I do know this though, his clothes are travel stained, and he looks to have been through a bit of a journey. You've been here longer then I have Jasen, I was wondering if you could handle this for me?" Looking out the window, Jasen saw that it was around noon. He could take care of this little problem in a minute or so, just look at the boy and say to leave, and then he could be off for his rest. Tapping out his pipe, Jasen looked at Padric and nodded. "Yeah, I think I can take care of this for you Paddy, but if you think for one second I'm going to cover for your watch, you have another thing coming." Padric smiled and nodded as well. "You know I'd never do that, we're mates." Shifting his chair back, Jasen stood up and threw his red cloak back over his shoulders. " All right, show me to this boy."


It truly wasn't warm enough to require the cloaks the soldiers wore, but each member of the tower guard was proud to have the red cloaks on their shoulders and white flames on their backs. Jasen walked out to the gate opening and the other soldiers there. They stood straight and tall, protecting the entrance against any foe to come before them, man and shadow spawn alike. Their was no enemy however, as far as Jasen could see, just a young man standing with a horse, just like he had been told. Motioning the soldiers aside, he put on a stern face and walked forward. "All right boy, I hear you are claiming to be a trainee. Thats all very well and good, but give us one reason to believe you. Lieutenant Padric here thinks we should throw you right off this island, but I'm a little kinder.  I'm going to give you until I count to sixty to explain who you are and why I should believe your anything more then some brigand trying to take us for fools so you can rob us blind one night. Well, spit it out!" The boy jumped and words started to pour out of his mouth like wine from a bottle.


Lt. Jasen Pontean


ooc. Jasen's not to harsh normally, but when he's on duty he's as load and demanding as any officer. So, it's your turn now!

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Kopair stood outside the gate, Rascal's reins in hand, waiting for the Lieutenant to come back.  He'd studied with plenty of people during his short time in the Yard. They couldn't all have left the Tower, so there had to be someone around who would recognize him.


After a few minutes the man came back out of the guard house, this time accompanied by another guard showing the rank of Lieutenant. Kopair slowly began to straighten to attention at the man's approach, then jumped as he began to bark at Kopair.


"All right boy, I hear you are claiming to be a trainee. Thats all very well and good, but give us one reason to believe you. Lieutenant Padric here thinks we should throw you right off this island, but I'm a little kinder.  I'm going to give you until I count to sixty to explain who you are and why I should believe your anything more then some brigand trying to take us for fools so you can rob us blind one night. Well, spit it out!"


Kopair stumbled over his words at first, startled at being addressed so harshly, but finally managed to get out the information.


"My name is Kopair Rialyn and a year ago I was here as a student in the Yard," answered Kopair, trying not to let his annoyance show in his voice, but trying to keep a respectful tone. "My mentor was Liitha who helped me learn as much about myself as about this sword. And then Aran began my training in The Spring, learning to channel my emotions into my sword. I know things and people that no thief would know. I've come to return to my training sir, and that's what I mean to do."

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OOC: I thought I pop by. I don't think I have RPed with either of you, but I assumed Leawen knows both... I hope my post is not interfering with anything planned but not mentioned on the off site thread. If it does, let me know and I will edit it or delete it.  :)





Leawen had been out training with his mentor. The yards offered much room to train, but some things were better done out in the landscape surrounding the island of the witches. One of the things better done in the wild was tracking. Today they had assumed he had been separated from his mentor and had to follow the man just with the help of the tracks the other’s horse had left. One time, when the man had crossed a river, he had nearly lost the path, but other than that it had been simple. Maybe Leawen could not read, but he did know how to track. In fact, he knew to track so well, that he had delayed intentionally. He was not a hunter, and if he showed too much skill he was worried he would rise suspicious questions. 


Still, returning to Tar Valon earlier than expected, his mentor had asked him to deliver a message in the town before attending the yards. Having completed that he was just reaching the gates reserved for initiates - his attention was diverted by a slim, raven haired woman with dark, glowing eyes, that seemed to move like a cat hunting, her hips moving with each stap most pleasing - when Jason’s voice startled him. It took Leawen a moment to work out the man had not addressed him, but another young man waiting at the gates.


Breathing out in relieve, he nearly cursed for being so jumpy. There had been no reason to get intimidated. But then Jason’s voice could have a ring to make someone with a conscious as bad as Leawen feel like he had been caught. On the other hand, this very man had scolded him a few times in the past for not strictly adhering to the curfew and sometimes returning in the middle of the night from a day off. Leawen had found a kind of arrangement with the man, but it was not friendship, and he knew too well, that if he went one step too far, Jason would not be welcoming any more. Therefore, he did his best to keep this man on his good side.


Riding past into the yards, the guards had seen him leave the grounds earlier on and he had drunk some ale with some of them, even if he did not remember their names, his eyes stopped on the other mounted man. His face was familiar… Then a name returned to his mind. Kopair! Drawing the rains, Leawen stopped his mount just on the inside of the gates.


He had not listened to the other’s words, but from the last words Kopair spoke, Leawen could work out what this discussion was about: “I know things and people that no thief would know. I've come to return to my training sir, and that's what I mean to do."


A wolfish grin appeared on Leawen’s face. It was amusing to think of Kopair as a thief. “Master Jason, I happen to know this man. I can confirm that he used to be a trainee.” And looking at the man, taking in his travel stained clothes he added: “Sometimes I feel I still remember the bruises he has left on my skin.” Stirring his horse to the man’s side he shook the others hand. At first he had wanted to say something like welcome back, but seeing the expression on Jason’s face he was not all that sure, that this was fully decided again, and he had the sudden feeling, Jason could feel about such a statement like Leawen stepping on his feet. So in stead he just said: “It is good to see you are alive.”


Suddenly he remembered that Kopair had disappeared rather suddenly. There had been the rumour of something happening to his family. Had the other run without permission? Suddenly Leawen was not sure if getting involved with him had been such a good idea. People’s faults had the bad habit of reflecting onto others poking their noses into affairs that were not theirs.   


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Jasen was surprised to see a trainee jump in front of him and begin talking. He hadn't noticed the youth when he first had come out, which meant the young man had run over to the gate to add his weight to this Kopair's case. Taking another look at the sky, Jasen sighed. Having to deal with another trainee on top of this run away was going to eat up even more of his time. Like any soldier, Jasen didn't really care if he had to do some unpleasant task when he was on duty. Well, that was not really true, any soldier would rather have an uneventful watch and leave all the problems to his comrades, but that was rarely the case. But this was his relaxation time, and he was going to make these two young ones pay for taking it up.


"Well, Kopair, if it really is the case that you were a trainee here, you will be welcomed back, if you have a good enough excuse for leaving. I'm good friends with Liitha, and we'll see if she can remember ever having you as a trainee. As for you Leawen, you are a trainee and you should know better then to barge into Tower Guard business," Fingering the gold knots of rank on his cloak, Jasen fixed Leawen with an even harder stare then before and continued. "Not only did you interrupt a Guardsman, you interrupted an officer. You Leawen, need to learn to be more then some mud footed farmhand if you ever want to make it in this outfit." Motioning to the other red cloaked men and women to move back to their posts, Jasen turned a cool eye to both of the young men in front of him. They stopped fidgeting and looked upwards, back straight, at the ready.  Chuckling to himself, Jasen marveled at how powerful a tool a look could be when disciplining people. Turning on his heels, Jasen barked out that the two men were to follow him and remain quiet. He didn't have to look back to know that they were right on his tail.


He marched the young men out of the yards and towards one of the White Towers smaller stables. Having guardsmen here was not an everyday occurrence, and the servants stared as the strange party walked down the paved paths. A Lieutenant, a dirty young man with a horse, and a trainee, the latter two with grim looks on their faces, all walking within three paces of one another. As they approached the stable, Jasen went up to the head groom. "All of your boys can take a break. I have a young man here who has been around the world a little bit, and reckons he can do a much better job at mucking out this stable then any number of you lads." A grin broke out on the stable hands faces. A free day was rare, and taking a nap in the shade was far more fun then shoveling horse manure. Looking at Kopair, Jasen issued his instructions. "Since you seem to like horses so much that you'd go gallivanting off when you should be training, I thought you might like to help these poor horses out and give them a clean place to live. You are to stay here and clean out these stalls until the Queen of Andor herself would lay on the ground here and think it equal to any bed in her palace. In the meantime, I am going to find Liitha, who I am sure would like to have a few words with you, and the Mistress of Trainees, so she knows that you have returned safe to us. How safe you will be once you get into her hands, I have not a clue. Well jump to it!" The young man nodded and sprinted to get a pitchfork and began furiously cleaning. Turning to Leawen, Jasen eyed him up and down. On any other day, he would have let the boy off with a stern talking to, but he was in a foul mood today. "Sticking up for Kopair back there was a decent thing for you to do. Stupid given the circumstances, but decent. Since you like looking after Kopair so much, I'm going to have you stay here and watch him, making sure he does his work and doesn't leave his post again. While your watching you will hold these." Jasen pointed nudged two buckets full of water with his tow. "You aren't to set these down for anything, except to defend your life or that of another. Do you understand?" The young man nodded vigorously. "Good, get to it." The young men grabbed the buckets and began his vigil. Turning to go, Jasen called out over his shoulder "If either of you two aren't here when I get back I'm going to make you wish your mother never batted her eyes at your papa." Muttering to himself, Jasen stalked off, wishing he had never gotten himself tangled up in this mess.


Lt. Jasen Pontean


ooc. hope thats good for ya to get start on your task!

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Kopair walked through the yard following the Guard Lieutenant, with Leawen walking at his side. It'd been good to see a familiar face but he already regretted the fact. He hadn't wanted for anyone else to get caught up in the mess he'd made for himself. He really didn't like the way this Lieutenant was treating him, but at the same time he knew it was the least of what he deserved. So when he was set the task of cleaning out the stables he jumped to the task with a will, trying to lose himself in the work. after all, he'd grown up on a farm. This was something he was used to.


He missed the final exchange between the Lieutenant and Leawen, trying to make it obvious that he wanted nothing but to obey orders, so he was surprised when a few minutes later he glanced up and saw Leawen standing to the side, a water bucket held up to each side, seeming to have taken root at that spot.


"Leawen, it was good of you to help me back there," said Kopair, pausing to lean on his pitchfork. "But this isn't your fault, it's mine. I never intended for anyone else to get involved in this.  If that Lieutenant tries to cause trouble for you, let me know and I'll take the blame, but you don't need to stand there like that. This is my punishment, not yours.  Go ahead and go back about your business, and if all goes well I'll catch up with you later in the barracks."


Jerking his head in the direction of the barracks, Kopair grabbed the pitchfork in hand once more and fell back to work.


OOC: This would be a good time for Maegan to step in. Just pick the best time for you. :)

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He was a fool. He rarely let his tongue get himself into this type of trouble, but clearly had done so today. Normally woman could get him into all kinds of trouble, but then he was willing to suffer through those punishments in case someone thought he needed to be educated about girls and how to treat them. But then, with women there was a reward that seemed to dwarf the punishments. But what reward was there for helping this trainee? Feeling good that he had stepped up for someone else? Laughable.


Picking up the buckets of water he stood there like a fool. Well, he now mimicked the fool he had acted before. It was a good lesson for him to mind his own business. And of course, things could have ended a lot worse. He could stand next to that poor fellow and shovel horse dung himself. He liked horses. But he liked riding on them, and not clean up what they left behind.


Kopair’s offer nearly made him smile. The boy had to be an even greater fool to think Jason would see anything other than a trainee that did not follow his orders. But then something else occurred to him. Maybe Kopair was trying to send him away in the hope he could use his disappearance to get into Jason’s good books again? It would not have been the first time, Leawen had his kindness repaid with lies and uncalled for aggression.


No, he would watch this boy as he had been told to. Maybe he would do something wrong and he could report it. Jason might be pleased again after that. Not that he would go running like a little girl once the other had done something minor wrong. But Kopair had run away. Who knew? Maybe he would try something silly?


Using the buckets of water to train his arm’s muscles, he stood there and watched how the other cleaned the stables. Watching another work was almost as amusing as slacking, and women usually liked well shaped arms. He could stand this. Could Kopair? .


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: Sorry about the delay boys. :)


It was never a very good idea to send a Novice into Tar Valon to pick up an Aes Sedai's purchases and expect them to be back within the proper time frame and to not complain about their load. Especially when most of Maegan Ryanne's purchases weighed more then half their weight in paper or other goods that were sent to her from Cairhien. Therefore, her conclusion was to obtain one or two bodies to carry out her simple instructions that would not have the desire to stay out later or to waste time meandering through the shops. And those bodies were best Trainee's.


Striking out, Maegan knew that the best way to get results is to find one or two in a more unwanting situation than the one that she was offering. The Stables were often the best. But Showers were always a must before heading into Tar Valon. She would not have one run an errand for her if he.. or she, misrepresented her by appearing less than what the Tower required of them.


Turning into the Stable, she paused as the ever expected aroma of the Stables hit her small nose, causing it to wrinkle a little. Flipping her brown curls over her shoulder she nodded to the two boys that had paused in their chores. She smiled at them, clasping her hands in front of her.


"I am Maegan Sedai, and I require some assistance for a small task." She looked to both of them, her smile unfaultering. "Two of you should do fine, what are your names?"




Maegan Ryanne Sedai


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Kopair was slaving away in the stables, losing himself in the steady work. He'd gotten enarly halfway through the stalls and was proud of himself with how fast he was working. He imagined how his father would feel if he saw him now, working so hard at a chore that he'd always done his best to avoid at home. Suppressing the feeling of loss that still haunted him at thougts of his family, especially his father who was the only one he could bury, he glanced over at where Leawen still stood holding the buckets of water. He had to admit, he admired him for sticking with it.


Pausing for a second to ease his back Kopair gave a start as a Sister walked up to them, a smile upon her face.


""I am Maegan Sedai, and I require some assistance for a small task. Two of you should do fine, what are your names?"


Kopair sighed on the inside, being sure not to let the emotion show, and stood respectfully in front of the Sister, hands clasped behind his back."


My name is Kopair, Aes Sedei. And he's Leawen," said Kopair, nodding to the other man. "I would be happy to serve you Aes Sedei, but I don't believe I can. Guard Lietenant Jasen set me this task as a punishment and told me I could not leave it unfinished for anything."


Kopair looked at Leawen for some support. He knew that he was here ultimately to become either a Warder or a Tower Guard, which ultimately meant placing himself under Aes Sedei command. He wanted to do as the Sister asked because he was afraid of offending anyone so soon upon his arrival back to training, but now he found himself stuck with having to chose and being damned either way.

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Guest Arie Ronshor


Her smile faultered for a fraction of a moment as she looked to the boys, both taller than her Cairhien demeanor. But they seemed sullen and shameful for thier predicement.


"Punishment. That does prose a problem to me." She thought for a moment, trying to weigh out exactly how she would do this. What she needed wasn't entirely time sensetive, but to have two boys do her chore before their punisher were to return would certainly speed things up to her. After all, their chore will still be here when they get back so it harmed nothing.


"However," She gave her hand a slight dismisaal wave, "I can not wait for too long for my items. I am sure that your captor will be willing to indulge my needs as you two seem to have little else to do but muck out stalls."


"In Tar Valon there is a building called "Al'Biehre's Books". Within is a man that goes by the name of "Harard". You are to only talk to him. When you meet him inform him that you are there to pick up a package that is to be given to Maegan Sedai, Me." She held up a finger, she had the boys attention, "When he asks how the weather is, you are to speak these words, exactly. No more, no less. "The sun is warm, but no birds appear to be singing." Take the package and bring it to the Red Halls within the Tower. You may ask any to the whereabouts this is. When you have completed this, you can return here."


Her smile warmed, but not quite reacher her dark brown eyes. They never did. "If you have any problems, or have been found away from your punishment, have your captor find me to verify your story. Understood?"


She waited for the boys agreement before leaving. "Do not forget to wash before you leave. You will not be able to enter the bookstore smelling like soiled stalls."




Maegan Ryanne Sedai


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Kopair watched as the Aes Sedei smiled one last time and left the stables. He couldn't help but shake his head ruefully. Never even a moment of hesitation on her part that they'd do exactly as she asked. But then, he imagined most Aes Sedei probably expected precisely that. And she was a Red. That was something to think about. Reds never seemed to have much use for men from what he'd seen, but he'd also heard rumors. Perhaps she was one of the different ones.


Regardless of the mystery surrounding the Red's motives, Kopair now found himself in a sticky situation. On the one hand, he had Jasen's wrath, and on the other, the wrath of an Aes Sedei. And considering the strange instructions regarding this task it sounded like it might be rather important, meaning failing could bring the wrath of the Red Ajah as well, not the kind of attention any man would want. Such thoughts did not make for an easy mind.


Making up his mind, Kopair leaned his shovel against the wall and walked over to Leawen. "Listen, I know you were set here to watch me and make sure I did Jasen's task and nothing else. However this task the Sister set isn't something you have to do. I'm going to go do it, because I think it's something I need to do. Take this as an opportunity to stop with the buckets, go tell Jasen I've left, and then go on about your day." Picking up his coat and saddlebags from where they lay discarded nearby Kopair headed towards the Trainee barracks to wash up. "And thank you again for helping me," Kopair called over his shoulder. "I won't forget it."


Hurrying to the barracks Kopair tossed his things in a corner and quickly rinsed off with water from a barrel outside. Pulling on some clean clothes from his bags he set off at a jog, out of the Tower grounds and into the city. After  a few stops for directions Kopair soon found himself outside of the store he was searching for. The building was of course magnificent, sculpted by the Ogier as was every other building in the city, and to Kopair's eye greatly resembled a fish leaping from the water. As he walked in his mind couldn't help but wonder how Jasen would react when Leawen brought him the news that Kopair had left his task unfinished.


OOC: I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow, and some other stuff to do tonight, so won't be around much the next couple of days. So if you guys want to have fun here for a couple of posts and plan something bad for Kopair, have fun. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kopair entered the shop and immediately spotted a large man with a bushy beard in the back of the shop who looked to be the owner. Walking up to him Kopair looked around to see if ther was anyone else nearby. Seeing nobody he cleared his throat before speaking.


"Are you Harard?" asked Kopair of the man.


"I am," he replied, looking up from a ledger to study Kopair. "And who are you that asks for me? How can I help you?"


"Sir, my name is Kopair and I come on an errand from the White Tower. Maegan Sedai sent me to pick up a package for her."


"Studying Kopair intently for a moment, staring into his eyes, he finally gave a short nod and moved toward a doorway into a back room. AS he walked away he called back over his shoulder in an overly casual voice. "I'll just have to go into the back and get it.  Tell me lad, how fares the weather today?"


Kopair made a show of staring out the window for a moment before responding, as if pondering his answer. "The sun is warm, but no birds appear to be singing."  The man made no response to this, simply vanished into the back, and Kopair couldn't help but wonder if he'd made a mistake somehow.  Finally though the man returned with a large parcel he seemed to be straining to carry.


"Here you go lad," he said as he set the package down. Reaching into a pocket he pulled out a small handkerchief and mopped his brow before continuing. "This should be everything"


Kopair thanked the man and then straining under the weight of the package he moved out of the shop and headed back to the Tower. Soon he arrived back, and after getting some directions he found himself staggering slightly under the weight but finally outside of Maegan Sedai's door. Handling the parcel awkwardly he managed to give a knock on her door and waited eagerly to the end of this chore.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

ooc: Making this quick cause bed is calling.. :P




The rap on the door was hurried, But Maegan, as always, moved without rush to answer. She knew what was expected and she hoped that her instructions were simple enough for the troublemaker to follow. He seemed smart enough at the initial meeting that Maegan had no fears that he would follow the task that she had set for him. The door opened to confirm her first impression.


"Excellent. Just set the box on the table over there and you may return to your previous task." She watched as he did as he was told. "Good. You may go. Thank you for your services." Ushering him out of the room with a smile, She looked forward to what this package had brought her, and she didnt' need a nosy trainee hanging over her shoulder.




Maegan Ryanne

Aes Sedai



(you know.. seeing a version of my name as a character is a little wierd... )


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Kopair stumbled slightly as the closing door caught the heel of his boot. Shaking his head he made his way out of the Tower and back to the Yard.  When he arrived back he was glad to see that Leawen was gone when he got back. Now the rest of the punishment would be on him alone, and not cost anyone else. He had to admit, he was surprised he hadn't run into the Lieutenant again. He wasn't afraid of the consequences though, and had no plan to hide.


Arriving back at the stables, Kopair pulled off his coat once more, tossed it aside, grabbed the pitchfork, and once more went back to work. He was nearly done as it was, even with his trip into the city. The years growing up on his father's farm had taught him the most efficient way to clean a stable.


Losing himself in the work once more he couldn't help but ponder the situation he was going to be facing. He knew that soon enough he was going to have to face more then just chores for his running away. Soon enough the Mistress of Trainees would want to see him. From what he'd heard there'd been a new Mistress of Trainees appointed while he was gone, and he knew nothing about what she was like. He'd also heard that Liitha was no longer on the roles as a Mentor, which meant that if Kopair was allowed back to his training, he'd have to get a new Mentor.  But he hoped he could at least see Liitha once more some day, to apologize for vanishing, and explain why he'd done it.

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Liitha stretched out after the laps she had made, being back in the yard was well still sort off odd, but she was slowly settling back in again. She did spend some time to herself each day as she had been so used to in this past year, but also reacquainted herself with old friends and colleagues.


She heard steps behind her and turned her head. Jasen, she smiled then got up as he got closer and she could see the look on his face. As he spoke her frown grew deeper, and soon she had agreed she would be heading down to the stables, while Jasen went to alert Thera the new Mistress of Trainees, new to her anyway as the woman had been put in office in her absent the last year.


Her steady steps carried her down towards the stable, her swords once again strapped back onto her back in a cross. Her hands reaching back and slipping the hair into a knot made out of the hair itself as she had no leather strips available to tie it back with. As she neared the stables she took a deep breath of the smell of horseflesh that she loved so much, her eyes wandering over the beautiful animals that was grassing outside in the sun.


She saw the doors to the stable stood open and slipped inside, blinking a couple times to adjust her eyes. She heard the sound of a hayfork going on, with the timing Jasen had given her on when he had come by the boy and how long he had been looking for her, her old mentee should be more or less done by now. Liitha followed the sound of the hay beeing shoveled, she found Kopair somewhere in the back section of the stable still with several boxes to clean out.


Another frown grew on her brow as she waited for the boy to notice her, from what she could see, he unlike her hadnt changed much.

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Kopair worked hard, trying to make up for lost time, but knew he had no chance to finish the job before someone came along expecting him to be finished. Sure enough a short time later he heard soft footsteps walking along the stables toward him. Finishing the stall he was on, Kopair leaned the pitchfork against the wall and turned to see who had arrived.


His eyes immediately fell upon a woman he never thought to see already, but had hoped he would get to see again. She looked different, more mature, with longer hair and the red streak gone. He had to admit that the changes became her.


"Liitha..." he said in surprise.  Suddenly he remembered where he was and who Liitha was. Shaking his head he stood up straight and looked her in the eyes. "I'm glad to see you again Liitha. I was hoping to get the chance to see you again now that I was back.  I wanted to apologize for leaving the way I did. I wanted you to know what had happened."

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Liitha nodded, he would have plenty time to explain, as well as trying to justify taking off without a mention of why, and now just showing up back here.


"You can explain as we walk, Jasen went to alert the Mistress of Trainees that we will be arriving shortly at her office. Come along.." She turned and started walking in the other direction, "..now you can start with how a farm boy as you in this time hasn't finished up this stable. It is a poor effort you are doing upon your return, much must have become forgotten for you in your absent."


Kopair grabbed his things, shrugged on his coat, and belted on his sword belt as he followed Liitha from the stable.


"I had a... conflict of interest you could say. First of all, Laewen was being punished simply for trying to come to my aid, and refused to ignore the punishment though it wasn't deserved. So I had to find a way to free him of that. And just as I was trying to figure that out, an Aes Sedai arrived with a task she needed me to do. I know that Jasen said I was not to leave until I was done, but ultimately we're all here to place ourselves under the authority of the Sisters. And in leaving on her task if freed Laewen to be done with his punishment. So I left on the Sister's errand in the city, and so had time away from the stables."

Liitha sighed inwardly, this was a continous problem, the trainees wasnt strictly sworn to the white tower yet. However it was not something new that the Aes Sedai would send them on errands when it suited them, which caused situations like this.


"You'll have to finish that stable after we are done tonight, and we will talk more of this tomorow." At the very least he would learn to know to not ask how high when asked to jump, that would render him incapable of his job, he had to be able to think for himself and trust his instincts over those of someone less battle trained. The Aes Sedai might know a lot but learning it all ment there was one thing they never became, and that was weapon masters, the greens where bether then most in general, but even they knew the use of a good warder.


In battle there wasnt time to wait for orders or instructions, nor was it if you had bether oversight always the best to obey orders. It would do you litle good to have obeyed if your Aes Sedai ended up slayed on the ground over it. "And now for the remaining walk why dont you give me a quick sum up of what you been up to this year, there will be plenty time for the full story once we get to Thera's office thoug." She just wanted to have some clue what she was about to face.


Kopair nodded as Liitha told him he'd have to finish the chore. He didn't have any intention of abandoning the task. That wouldn't be right.  He sighed slightly as the moment had finally arrived to tell his story.


"A quick sum? Alright, I'll try to be brief. A day came when I received a message I couldn't ignore. That my sister was still alive and held for ransom. The message held proofs I couldn't ignore. I set out at once, as I had a deadline to meet. Sadly, to make a long story short, I was taken advantage of. And wether my sister, or any of the others, are still alive I do not know. But after chasing rumor for a year I decided that what I needed now was to return to my commitments and continue my study."

Liitha watched the officer building turn up in front of them, almost there. "I see, and not once in this mindset of yours did it occur to you to show this to me or someone else and ask for help. Your training to become a Tower Guard, to serve the Aes Sedai of the White Tower, and you don't stop a moment to think about what resource that means are available to you, nor that there would be people here much better able to solve the task then a unskilled untrained boy." She turned and faced him as they came to stop outside the building, looked at him and shook her head before turning and entering the for office waiting while the secretary alerted of their arrival.


Kopair stopped with Liitha and listened with growing shame at her lecture. He knew she was right. He'd been a complete and utter fool.  He didn't know how he'd make this up to Liitha, or the tower, but he knew he'd try. Turning on his heels he followed her into the building, ready to finally find out his fate here in the Yard.

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Her encounters the night before had left her with a bad taste in her mouth and a file for a tongue. Thera’s fuse was short and her temper was fierce; that was on her best of days and today could not be counted among those.


Words from her past spoke clearly in her mind as she dressed for her day. ”Duty waits for no man” It was a simple turn of phrase but it had never felt more true. Thera let her severe curls hang loose and she did not bother with a cloak. Today would be spent mostly in her office, going over progress reports of all the trainees and attempting to memorize all of their names.



It was well into midway when something interesting crossed her desk. She’d seen the report containing all of the trainings that had vanished but she had paid it little mind. A search was hardly ever sent out to return them, and most never returned. The names were recorded purely for purposes of record keeping.


Digging deep beneath the piles of papers on her desk she found the old list and scanned it until she saw his name. It appeared Kopair had been gone a year, and now he’d returned…strange. Too many feared the wrath of the White Tower to ever come back of their own free will.


Thera heard the outer doors to the building open and she shrugged quickly back into her coat. Settling back into her chair she once again began reading. When the knock she had expected came Thera barked enter; not looking up from her desk.


Litha enter with a strapping young man in toe, Thera had to try to resist the urge to wrinkle her nose at the smell of manure that accompanied him. “Thank you Litha, I think I can handle him from here” Litha made a slight bow, really a tilt of her head and departed. Thera kicked back in her chair and studied the young man over steepled fingers. “You may not know me, but I am Thera Trakelyn, the Tower’s new Mistress of Trainee’s…and yours is a story I would very much like to hear”


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Kopair entered the office and for a moment had a flash of memory and say the day he'd walked in and met the former holder of this office when he first arrived in the Yard. The look on the woman's face as she gazed at him made him sure that he was not going to enjoy this experience. But it was worth the cost.  Watching Liitha leave, he almost asked her to stay, but decided it was for the best to not try and get on the wrong side of Thera.


Staring straight ahead, meeting her gave levelly, Kopair stood arrow straight with his hands clasped behind his back as he began. "My story? Yes ma'am.  Over a year ago I came to the Yard because my home in Andor had been raided by brigands from across the river. My father died in my arms as I arrived too late to help. My mother, my sister, and my love were gone, taken by brigands. I knew not where they were taken, or if any of them were even still alive." Kopair paused at this point, feeling the memories of that night begin to overwhelm him, and using the techniques taught to him by Aran so long ago, he let the Spring wash over him, and he was able to continue.


"All I knew is that the stories my mother told me as I grew up said I could come here, to the White Tower, and become part of that force for good in this world. That I could learn to protect others so that nobody else I loved would be taken from me.  After starting my training there came a time where a man came to me here in the yard, with a message for me. He knew not what the message contained, but was promised payment for delivering it. Giving him some coin, I opened the package and found a letter saying that my sister was being held hostage, and that if I ever wanted to see her alie I was to bring a ransom to a small farm in an isolated area of Northern Tear. Included with the letter was a lock of what seemed to be my sister's hair, tied to the the ring our parents had bought her for her birthday the year before she was taken." Kopair absent mindedly touched his coat pocket, as if reassuring himself something was still there.


"I arrived, with no money but intending to find some way to free her. Instead I found an abandoned farm and no sign of anyone having lived there for a very long time. I asked questions at a nearby village, and from there started a chase that lasted for many months, with my target always somewhere else by the time I arrived at my next destination. Whoever the person was that sent me the package, I learned he was traveling alone. But he'd had the ring, he had to have some news of her. I will not lie though. Once I had the information, I intended to kill him for what he did to me.  Eventually though I gave it up for lost. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch up. And I began to think of what I'd left behind here, and all that I still needed to learn.  I decided to come back."


"I understand I did wrong, and I do not deny it. I will take whatever punishment you ask of me.  I only ask that, once done with the punishment, I'm allowed to return to my training."

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All the boys and girls who came to these yards were looking for different things. Some had visions of being warders, others just to learn one end of the sword from another, no matter their purpose every man, and woman, boy and girl who came to those yards were her responsibility.


Courage was hoped for in trainee’s and discipline demanded, but what about honor and obligation? As his story unfolded Thera pondered that question in her mind. Kopair’s actions had been noble in there own right, but noble or not he could not go unpunished.


Standing to take wine from the tray in the corner gave her a few more moments to think. When she turned around she had come to a decision. For good or bad the choice was her’s and she would stand by her decision.


“Kopair,” Her voice was grim, but her eyes lacked their usual fire. No matter how often she had to hand down punishment she could make herself enjoy it,..much. “It is good to know you have honor, and a sense of obligation. But you understand that you had an obligation to us as well?” Thera did not need to see his nod to know he understood. She could feel his regret. “IF and I do stress if, If I allow you to continue your training what is to say you will not do this again? You obviously know one end of the sword from another, I see no reason not to turn you loose. When Aes Sedai bond a warder they have to know beyond any doubt that he or she will be there and I for one cannot say I have that faith in you.”


OOC. Did you get my PM?

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OOC: I did, and replied. I've been at work all day though, and it's been busy, so it took me a while to respond.




Kopair stared at Thera for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts. His story for why he came to the Yard in the first place was known known only to a few, and his reasoning for why he wanted to stay would probably only be obvious to Liitha, and Aran who had taught him of the Spring so had helped Kopair with dealing with the issues. To put those reasons into words that made sense to others was always difficult.


"Why?" he finally replied. "It has nothing to do with learning the sword, or at least, not in whole. My father died, and my family were taken from me. Nobody was there to protect them, and I know now that even if I had been there I'd have more likely died with my father then have been of any help. But the Aes Sedai, and those at the White Tower as a whole, are sworn to serve the Light, fight the Shadow, and protect the world from evil. If there were more people like that around in the world, then perhaps the bandits that attacked my home never would have existed, or if they had, there might have been those around that could hunt them down and return my family."


"How many others?" he asked, his voice growing angry slightly. "How many lives destroyed because the forces for good in this world are outnumbered and spread too thin? To be a Warder...  To be able to be out there, helping to make sure that the fight against the Shadow is continued...  I know how important that is. And I know now that the way I handled things was wrong. I should have gone to Liitha and told her what happened. Perhaps she and others could have helped me, instead of me just running off on my own. That's a mistake I never intend to make again."

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Thera could not help but feel respect for the young man, as she listened to his story unfold. In his shoes her choice would have been much the same. It was the struggles of the world and its corrupt ways that had first led Thera to venture to the Tower; she was searching for a place where she could do some good.


She was having issues thinking of a proper punishment; few men came back and submitted them selves so willingly to the Towers justice. Thera began to think she had been wrong, Kopair would do an Aes Sedai proud. One day he would make fine warder. With that thought she knew he decision had been made; she would allow him to stay.


“I hope that you will not make me regret the decision I am about to make” Her caramel eyes stared hard into his, in hopes of making her point completely clear. “ I will allow you to continue your training, but do not thing you will not be closely watched. Noble as it may have been I cannot allow your..misdeed to go unpunished. I think you fully understand the consequences of your actions and I am putting my faith into you” Standing to take advantage of her full height she went to stare the young man in the eye. “I have been lenient here today, something that rarely happens do not make me wish I had not. Small missteps that may be over looked in others will not be accepted in you, you are to be the very model and image of a man striving to attain the rank of Tower Guard and someday a Warder. As your punishment..”


Thera trailed off, still staring him hard in the eye. She knew that her punishment should entail more, but yet, her respect for what he had done and her compassion kept Kopair from feeling her full wrath. “You will run 100 laps around the yard, from start to finish beginning when we are through here, after that I require you to begin your day with the same; and end it as well. If you have time free I expect it to be spent running laps or in my presence. You will have training and your usual chores and I expect your laps to interfere with none of it. You will do these laps until I say different”


Laps should be an easy thing for a man at his stage of training, but she hoped the repetitive nature of it would have some effect. Thera turned her back on the young man and motioned him to go; she hoped he would not make her regret her kindness.


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Kopair thanked Thera and left her office with a salute. He felt as if he had narrowly escaped with his life. Walking out of the office Kopair blinked in the sunlight and took in the Yard. He was home at last.


With a smile of relief he took to running laps. He knew the next few weeks or months were going to be weary ones, but at least he would still be able to be here.  He wasn't sure what the future was going to bring, but he was optimistic. He was going to be a Warder. He just knew it.

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