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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I felt like they might have gone a little too far to prove the "evil" point with the Joker...he could have been a little less graphic and still had a similar affect (IMO).  Definitely a quality production.  I loved the expression on the bad guy's face when he saw the train headed for disaster...excellent acting job!!!

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If you wanted it to be like the old Adam West show, Joel Schumacher already made that movie.


I bought Dark Knight and put it in the dvd player and it said it couldn't play it  :( It works fine in my dvd-rom drive, but I don't want to watch it on my frigging computer!

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You might find this post...unusual...but, hey...it's Gwampy, right?


I met Harriet tonight.


That's right.


RJ's wife, Harriet.


* explains to the slow-witted readers that he had a dream *  ::)


I don't know why, but the wife and I were travelling...we never travel without a reason because I am a home body.


We were someplace west of here.


Maybe Minnesota?  Or North Dakota?


Now that I think of it, maybe we were at the Mayo clinic?


Anyway, we stopped for the night.


I don't know how, but somehow I learned that Harriet was staying at the same place and that she was secretly a GrandpaG fan...she actually appreciated by warped sense of humor and story telling.


Somehow, I ended up stumbling upon her room and of course made a total fool of myself.  She was trying to tell me that she enjoyed my GrandpaG buffoonery and I was acting like a groupie meeting a rock star back stage.  I even offered her my heart-shaped pillow from the open heart surgery as a souvenier (anybody know how to spell that?  I don't have a spell checker on my screen).  What should have been an enjoyable adult conversation soon became very clumsy and awkward.  We parted ways with both of us being embarrassed.  I think she was also somewhat disgusted that she was so happy with the cyberspace GrandpaG and so let down by the real life one.


I woke up feeling quite ashamed.  My one chance in life to meet and interact with a real celebrity and I blew it terribly.  That's par for the course with me, I guess.  As I lay there kicking myself (metaphorically, not physically) I think I semi-drifted back almost asleep.  I imagined that Harriet somehow gave me a second chance.  I contacted her somehow and invited her to my home and she accepted.  The wife went totally ballistic.  "How could you do that to me!!!  She's probably rich with servants and stuff!!!  What will I wear???  What will we have for a meal???  Darn you!!!  I gotta get busy cleaning the house!!!  Don't you DARE take her upstairs to your jam room!!!"  >:(  It must have slipped my mind that I had kinda mentioned to Harriet that our town has a fairly new and modern Motel 8 but that she was welcome to stay in our spare bedroom for free if she wanted to and that the wife wouldn't mind.  We'd have to pick up the toys first...that's a play room for the grandkids, too.


Anyway, the second meeting went MUCH better.  I was able to adequately apologize for the first meeting.  We had a modest meal together that we both enjoyed while the wife was constantly stewing and fretting and exclaiming how it wasn't good enough even though it was actually well prepared and nicely presented whatever it was (maybe burgers and fries?  don't remember now).  I did take her up to my jam room which she enjoyed immensely.  We played and sang some 1960's and 1970's songs for quite a while.  She turned out to be an amateur musician, too.  We became comfortable with each other's company.  I told her of the impact that RJ had had on my life which made her sad for a moment then happy.  I don't know if she spent the night or went to the motel.


Before she left, she somehow mentioned my novel.  I remember mentioning it in a thread sometime in passing.  She must have read that post.  She asked to take a look at it.  I was totally caught off guard but extremely flattered.  I knew that she helped RJ with the WoT series.  I didn't even know if I had a printed version available.  I found an old copy along with the original artwork in the bottom of my closet.  She admired my sketches and asked to take the printout for later reading.  The next day she called and said she had made arrangements for TOR to purchase the rights to the book if I was willing to sell them.  With money being tight from being off work, I was thrilled.  Then I woke up again and just had to share all of this with you guys.


Is that a wierd dream or what?



Now, maybe I can go back to sleep!  :)

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'Taint weird by my standards; all my dreams (the ones that don't involve being dragged to a watery grave by some reptilian horror, anyway) use cartoons and movies and books as their context. My skull is full of fictional people. Including all of you, you're none of you real.

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That's how you are able to adore us all the way you do.  If you had to interact with the "real world" us, we'd probably never talk.  If that makes sense, you just earned one free Fiddlesticks token.  Save up a thousand and they will earn you a magic wish.  ;D

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