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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Quick, rey...change back to the other avatar!!!

This one is too...NICE!!!

Unless, perhaps this is your deeply buried inner psyche trying to take over...kinda like LTT and Rand?

* tries to imagine a "new" reyler acting like Jelly *

Guess I'll get used to it in time, but there could never be another reyler like the one we have come to love and fear so deeply!  :)

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I've grown to understand that 99.9% of the people that I meet who appear to be "happy" are putting on false faces.


Myself, I am content to be content.


Change the things that I can without exerting unnecessary effort if they are really all that important and definitely need changing...otherwise, roll with the punches as they come and try not to let them have too much impact on my inner soul.


"Fifty years from now, I ain't gonna care one way or the other."

-- GrandpaG original.  (I'll either be dead or in a nursing home)  ;D


Not that I would ever discourage anyone from trying for happiness...just stay in focus and be sure that you are getting what you think you are...it's so easy to be fooled.


What kind of mood is the Gwampy in today?



Hope I didn't pee in your Easter basket.  :-[

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You've seen the queen's butt!!!  :o

How many times I've wondered.

It could be REALLY huge from spending countless hours spamming?

Or, maybe she's one of those girls who doesn't eat right so she's underweight?

Or maybe it's just right...not too big...not too little.


I mean, uuhhh....

Well, you know...

I loyal subject always wonders what the queen really looks like, and all.

After all, if you've never been inside the royal palace, you can't really tell all of your friends what she looks like, right?

But, really.

You've seen her butt?


(just kidding)


(after you get used to me, you'll know I'm full of it...and harmless)  :)

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Gwampy, it's only your fault if you work in AT&T's billing department. They said not to expect the first bill for a few months, and then cut me off for not paying a bill they never sent. Or at least, never sent to the right address. Hello Time Warner!

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Welcome back, dearie!!!  :)


I take back all the stuff I said...like the great Roger Miller once said, "You Can Be Happy If You're A Mind To".  ;D


This magical land just has not been the same without it's queen!  :(


It's so nice to have you spamming again!  :)


Shame on those bad phone company pukes!!!  >:(

Maybe I ought to find out who they are and Travel over to give them a little attitude adjustment...Gwampy style!!! >:D


* wonders if he could do the "biting ants" trick or the "stinging bees" *  ::)

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Some lazy, worthless slug is taking time off from work next week for some personal enjoyment of some kind which means me and another guy from the midnight shift will have to cover his workload.  So, the Gwampy is gonna be grumpy all next week.  Eat, sleep, work.  Not necessarily in that order.  Anyway, if you wonder why I'm not spamming the honeynoon thread, that's why.  I should be back as soon as I can haul my lazy butt out of bed next Saturday unless the wife has something more important for me to do.  >:(

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How about 10p-6a? Because during the three months I worked at Suckway, that was my primary scheduling. Sometimes I'd get 2p-10p instead, usually right after a 10p-6a, which, factoring in time spent on the bus both ways, meant like six hours of sleep in between shifts if I was lucky. I was so glad to turn my eyes away from that place.

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