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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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All of these GREAT spamming opportunities everywhere I look and the wife picks NOW...RIGHT NOW...for me to go be a decent husband in that "other" world!!!  (no, not that, you dirty minded people!!!)


Bye for now!


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yea...the Women's circle ought to meet to figure out a new face.  we know you're up to something when you give us that face.  And it usually involves our wallets.  Too bad for you there's nothing in mine!  Zing!

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Just like Tel'an'rhiod...whatever happens in Fiddlesticks carries over to when you log out!!!



Oh, NO!!!

I'm going to turn into a dirty old man in that "other" world!!!


(I've already always been an April Fool)


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I probably won't be in a very spammy mood for a while.


Just found out last night that my mom has cancer.


Family is still in shock.


Don't know how it will turn out.


Details are "gray" still.


Anyway, someday my mood will improve and "I SHALL RETURN".

* trying hard to smile *

* not working very well *






My mood is still not real good.

She's home from the hospital.

Her spirits are better than mine (she has no fear of death because of her strong religious beliefs).

Hasn't been to the cancer treatment center yet.

Today's prognosis is bleak (maybe up to 2 years max).

Hard thing to describe to anyone who has not lived through it.


I'll be back some day.

Just don't know when yet.

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"Good" news today.


She's decided to try the chemotherapy...could keep her going for up to a couple of years.  Says she'll stay with it as long as she can have a "quality" existence.


Makes me want to SPAM some threads!!!


Maybe not quite yet.


See "Time." in Wagons of the Tuatha'an...brand new today...fresh from the mind of GrandpaG (such as it is).

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Can't right now...wife wants a foot massage...she's jealous of my time spent outside her world...someday soon, I hope...I SHALL RETURN!!! (quickly...who is famous for saying that?  The winner gets...uuuhhmm...the winner can juggle my balls!!!  And, wear my hat!!!  But I want them both back when you're done...with no drool or wrinkles on them!!!  They're the tools of my trade...I have to take care of my tools!!!)  ;D


* logs off to rub the wife's aching feet *

* thinking that it feels good to smile *

* realizes it's been a while *

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...the winner can juggle my balls!!! <...> But I want them both back when you're done...with no drool or wrinkles on them!!!  They're the tools of my trade...I have to take care of my tools!!!)  ;D


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Nobody wants to wear my hat?


* reaches up his sleeve and produces some slightly chewed balls...see the Tuatha'an Travels thread in Wolfkin *

* wipes off the puppie drool *

Nobody wants to juggle my balls?



Well, then.

I guess I'll have to answer the quiz question myself.


It was General Douglas MacArthur.

U.S. General in charge of the American forces in the Phillipine Islands at the start of WWII.

When the Japanese thoroughly kicked his butt the hell out of there forced him into a strategic withdrawl, he promised the people of the Phillipines that he'd come back...thus, the famous quote "I SHALL RETURN".  The History Channel does a better job of telling the story.


Anyway, guess I'll just have to wear my own hat and juggle my balls myself!


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MacArthur was a twerp. Militarydom in WWII was all about Patton v. Rommel.


The History Channel painted him as being a self-centered egotist who was more interested in his own appearance than his job.  I'm sure that he must have been a fine leader to be placed in charge of the Phillipines (about as far from the Pentagon as you can get).  Since I never had supper with him and walked not even one step in his shoes, I should keep my opinions to myself.  Just reporting what I saw on TV...and they always tell the truth...right?  ::)

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Well, didn't they eventually give the Pacific over to Eisenhower anyway? My mother knows way more about WWII than me - it's her primary field of study (if you could call it so).


And it's not like that couldn't describe anyone running things in the Pentagon now.

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